Hong Kong Don (Interlude)
Hong Kong Don
专辑:《Hong Kong Don》

中国香港 北角马宝道 新港宴会庁

Ok and then?
He was just nobody in the Hong Kong cinema scene.
He was just somebody who just arrived in Hong Kong, and he trained at this gym and he got all these moves.
I was observing him, okay, and I can see he got the nice moves.
So one day I asked him, I said, “Donnie, have you gotten into a real fight, competition fight?”
He said, “No.”
And I said, “Why not?”
And he said, “Look, I intend to be a movie star. Is it worth me getting into a fight for, what is it, $5,000 and ruin my facade?”
Think about it. Think about it.
He said, “Is it worth getting into a fight? Winning how much money?”
That’s peanuts! And risk him getting a broken nose, maybe get an eye cut.
Because from the get go, very early on, he knew what he wanted.
Okay, I don't mind starting from the beginning, the bottom, playing a waiter in a movie, you know, third tier from Jackie Chan, you know, maybe carry his water or hot towel.
It doesn't matter. But it worked anyways, he got a vision.
And he’s self-determined which is what is exemplified by the fact that he's got the moves, but he also knew how to control, handle and hone all his talent.
Getting into a fight, as I said, and repeat, he’ll get his nose broken, he’ll get his eye cut. He’s gonna ruin his movie career.
Have you thought about it, think about it.
He got vision, he got plans, and he stuck to it. That's Donnie.
You talked to Donnie Yen 20 years ago?
Yeah, I told you, you’re not listening! We used to go to the same gym! Are you listening?
I know, I know, I know, I’m listening, I’m just fascinated.
And I even asked him this question. I had just repeated to you. Okay?
I'm just fascinated.
Why do I have to keep this from you?
I mean, you're the only person suited for me to come and tell you because it’ll inspire you.
Thank you, thank you for sharing this with me
As I said, it goes back to why I picked you
Because you've got vision, you've got self discipline, just like Donnie Yen 甄子丹.
Think about it. Makes sense to you?
Yes, thank you for sharing this with me.
That's why.
Now a lot of things make sense to me
See? Hahaha
Now a lot of things make more sense to me.
And I just had to tell you this story
I said, look, Haysen, you're on the right path
Just matter of sticking to it.
You just got to stick to it, just like Donnie Yen 甄子丹
It's helped me a lot, it’s really helped me a lot. Thank you.
You see what I'm saying? I repeat You've got vision, you've got self discipline.
That's all that matters.
How many kids that you know, even in their 30s, they don't have this.
They just, you know, they’re just like a little wisp in the wind, getting blown by trends and what have you, you see?
They want immediate gratification see that’s it.
You reminded me of Donnie Yen.
That means the world to hear from you. Really.
The guy is very self-disciplined.
He knows what he's doing. He knows what he's doing.
Thank you. Think about it. Think about what I said.
I will never forget. I will never forget the things you tell me. Really. I will never forget.
He's a good example.
And I will never forget the things you helped me with.
And also, wait a minute, not done yet. And the guy is a big hearted fellow. He got involved with charity, just like Jackie Chan, and also Jet Li.
You know Jet Li, of course, right? You know? Yes.
These are people that you can look up to.
Why? They're pretty much in the same business as you, except you sing, they act.
You know? So there you go. Be inspired by the right model.

混音 / 母带 : 郑景曦 Haysen Cheng @ IRIS/Chengdu
人声录音 / 剪辑 : 郑景曦 Haysen Cheng @ IRIS/Chengdu
SP : Universal Music Publishing
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