《It's Going To Rain Tonight》 作词 Lyricist : 李宥希Yoshe
作曲 Composer : 李宥希Yoshe
编曲 Arrangement : 李宥希Yoshe/ericjuu
制作⼈ Producer : ericjuu
⾳乐制作助理 Production Assistant : 李宥希Yoshe
吉他 Guitars : 李宥希Yoshe
贝斯 Bass : 李宥希Yoshe
键盘/合成器 Keyboard/Synthesizer : ericjuu
⿎/打击乐 Drums/Percussion : Michael Farina
和声 Backing Vocal : 李宥希Yoshe/ericjuu
录⾳师 Recording Engineer : 李宥希Yoshe
录⾳⼯作室 Recording Studio : 看好⾳乐⼯作室 Handheld Music Studio
⿎录⾳师 Drum Recording Engineer : Mike Smith
⿎录⾳⼯作室 Drum Recording Studio : Phase One Studios
混⾳师 Mixing Engineer : Mike Smith
混⾳⼯作室Mixing Studio : Phase One Studios
母带后期处理⼯程师 Mastering Engineer : Mike Smith
母带后期处理录⾳室 Mastering Studio : Phase One Studios
视觉设计 Visual Design : HereThere Studio
版权代理 Copyright Agency : 霓雾娱乐 NOUVEAU ENTERTAINMENT
No, the rest is just history
It all ended the night when he told me nothing’s better than to live a normal life
A peaceful life
That makes you wonder
What time does the sun rise
And why a bird could fly up high
Yes, I bet he wasn’t too happy
But he’s never happy
You can see it in his eyes just like something’s missing in a quiet night
Every night
Makes you wonder
What is it keeps him tucked away
And what defines a normal life
I feel it in his words
I feel it in his touch
I feel it every time he’s blaming something else on my side
I feel it in his moves
I feel it in some fights
I feel it every time the tension between us starts to…
Yes, I bet he wasn’t too happy
But he’s never happy
You can see it in his eyes just like something’s missing in a quiet night
Every night
Makes you wonder
What is it keeps him tucked away
And what defines a normal life
I feel it in his words
I feel it in his touch
I feel it every time he’s blaming something else on my side
I feel it in his moves
I feel it in some fights
I feel it every time the tension between us starts to…