Da Tweekaz
It's something that I feel has been lost lately
I'm talking about repect on a basic level
Even if you just boil it down to common human decency
It's being lost
The golden rule still applies you still need to treat people the way that you wanna be treated
I see,each and everone of us
Not defined by our race or our creed
But each and everyone of us a new opportunity to find ourselves
Because what I'm talking about is the one rule that I know very deep down
We are all equal and deserve to be treated with respect
Because what I'm talking about is the one rule that I know very deep down
We are all equal and deserve to be treated with respect
What't gonna happen in 50 years
When the generations that follow us look back and see that their forefathers were too afraid
Because what I'm talking about is the one rule that I know very deep down
We are all equal and deserve to be treated with respect