Hurry up, Eric You Fool!
Year of Fate
专辑:《Year of Fate》

作词 : 蔡维泽 Eric Tsai
作曲 : 蔡维泽 Eric Tsai
制作人 : 陆希文 Minstrel Lu

Some people say
We didn’t have very much back in those days

Means that plenty, plenty of unsafety
And all which leads to anxiety
Are all fake when we’re talking about feelings

More of a practical joke than a game
Unable to play well
Don’t know the criteria

They seem to judge it so hard
Go round and round
To be assured, care about, be assured, care about
Be assured of whether we are too greedy or not

If the commands are not conflicted
Once I submit, I must commit
The truth is I have been fed up with this
This kind of kidnapping called peace
I must do what I can
Chop chop, chop chop

Scene as usual
Same old, same old
Run the show

Welcome, my pals
Here comes my soul
What a fool

Hurry up, though I’m not ready
Not enough time to do the filing
Intentions, too many for me to see

But what I’m saying is true
But what I’m feeling is true

编曲 Arrangement: 郑光良 Light、陆希文 Minstrel Lu
录音师 Recording Engineer: 陆希文 Minstrel Lu
混音师 Mixing Engineer: 陆希文 Minstrel Lu
音频编辑 Editing: 陆希文 Minstrel Lu、野口西西 Ryuu
制作助理 Producer Assistant: 野口西西 Ryuu
录音室 Recording Studio: 55TEC Studio、LOOP MUSIC Production
母带后期处理工程师 Mastering Engineer: Adam Ayan @ Gateway Mastering
主唱 Vocal: 蔡维泽 Eric Tsai
吉他&合成器 Guitar & Synth: 郑光良 Light
贝斯&合成器 Bass & Moog: 李沂邦 Yi Bang
鼓&打击乐 Drums & Percussion: 徐维均 Wei Jun
Wurli / Mellotron / Organ / Moog / Synth / Random Guitars / Samples / Program: 陆希文 Minstrel Lu
Additional Production: 陆希文 Minstrel Lu、郑光良 Light
管乐编写 Horns Arrangement: 陆希文 Minstrel Lu、Ariel Shrumpet、郑光良 Light
小号 Trumpet: Ariel Shrumpet
萨克斯 Sax: Coby Dear
Vocal Arrangement & Production: 蔡维泽 Eric Tsai、陆希文 Minstrel Lu
Random Talking: 蔡维泽 Eric Tsai、郑光良 Light、李沂邦 Yi Bang、徐维均 Wei Jun、陆希文 Minstrel Lu
企划Planning: Minto Fang
监制Production Director: 辛志宇 Kevin Xin、黄楚雯 Huang Chuwen
音乐制作Produced: 哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
出品/母带版权公司 Production Company/OP: 哇唧唧哇娱乐(天津)有限公司 Wajijiwa Entertainment (Tianjin) Co., Ltd.
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更多>> 傻子与白痴的热门歌曲