《黑金之辑》 作词 : 杨彤 Amber
作曲 : 石井健太郎
编曲 : 石井健太郎
制作人 : 何官锭AL/音扬师工坊
I’ve been through the deepest dark side
Felt the love and the world leave me behind
Things changing gotta keep moving
I'd rather die to be somebody than ordinary
See the breaking heart released the bright light
And it leads me to become who I am now
The scar on my skin won’t feel pain anymore
All I lose is what I gain and learn for
Be my true self
Time for a new beginning now
Turn on
My heart
For a better future
The scar on my skin shows me what I am worth
All the memories are my driving force
Keep on chasing
what makes you feel alive
Turn on
My heart
For a better future
I’ve been through the deepest dark side
Felt the love and the world leave me behind
Things changing gotta keep moving
I'd rather die to be somebody than ordinary
See the breaking heart released the bright light
And it leads me to become who I am now
The scar on my skin won’t feel pain anymore
All I lose is what I gain and learn for
Be my true self
Time for a new beginning now
Turn on
My heart
For a better future
The scar on my skin shows me what I am worth
All the memories are my driving force
Keep on chasing
what makes you feel alive
Turn on
My heart
For a better future
See the breaking heart released the bright light
And it leads me to become who I am now
The scar on my skin won’t feel pain anymore
All I lose is what I gain and learn for
Be my true self
Time for a new beginning now
Turn on
My heart
For a better future
The scar on my skin shows me what I am worth
All the memories are my driving force
Keep on chasing
what makes you feel alive
Turn on
My heart
For a better future
配唱制作人 : 德田光希
配唱录音师 : 岩田祐资
配唱录音室 : LemonAid Studio
混音 : 赖世凯 NiceGuy
混音录音室 : INGO Studio
母带后期 : Wayson.H@奇洱文创
配唱制作联络 : 望月 七美/李敏婷(网易)
翻译 : 杨彤 Amber/赵宇阳(网易)
制作监制 : 杨洪旭(网易)/何官锭AL(网易)
制作统筹 : 石薇(网易)/陈柏翰RmoneyChen(网易)