作词 : DITO-Z
作曲 : DITO-Z
Sitting on the terrace drinking beverage slow 当这个世界变得冷漠的时候
While the world’s being cold 我坐在阳台喝着热饮试图温暖我的内心
All the situations are invisible 周遭的一切太匪夷所思
Got me wrinkled 使我也有了岁月的痕迹
Turtle 如果
Want to be one 我是一只乌龟就好了
Then protect myself 这样就能保护我自己了
Looking at the medal 看着昔日的荣耀
Isn’t still an easy road 我不禁感叹
I'll never know 这永远不是一条轻松的道路啊
Once I thought I was the one who'd be crucial 我曾以为我是这个世界的中心
That you also get told 我也这么给你说过
Time passed I realised that I was just brutal 最后却发现我只是那个最无理取闹的人
Try not to be so crumbled 尽力不让自己崩溃
Standing outside in the heavy snow 在大雪中我虔诚地
Devoutly get my hands closed 合上手祈祷着
Wish I would not be minimal 祈祷着不要变成得渺小
I have lit up a bonfire 我已经点燃了篝火
Dancing and writing flows 就让我们尽情舞蹈发挥灵感吧
Side by side in the last night 在最后的时候让我们紧紧靠在一起
I’ll never let you go 我永远不会让你离开
Cry alone 时常会黯然神伤
We’ll stop it till we find it’s wrong 但只要坚信这条路我就会走到黑
Be stuck in many riddles 那些所谓的童话故事只会迷惑你的双眼
The journey can't be canceled 一旦启程就千万不要停下
You are the soul of my novel 你是我坚持下去的关键
Holding the ticket and looking around 手里拿着车票不知所措地来回张望着
"I'm leaving my hometown" “离别的日子终究还是到了”
Stayed on the train stared outside for mouths 在车上也只能傻傻地望着窗外
No one knows me 没一个人会留意我
When you 但当你
Came to me and gave me a smiley face 满脸笑容地朝我走来
I was warmed 我的心顿时
By you 被你温暖了
This time I won't run away 心里暗自发誓这一次我绝不会再退缩
I have lit up a bonfire 我已经点燃了篝火
Dancing and writing flows 就让我们尽情舞蹈发挥灵感吧
Side by side in the last night 在最后的时候让我们紧紧靠在一起
I’ll never let you go 我永远不会让你离开
Cry alone 时常会黯然神伤
We’ll stop it till we find it’s wrong 但只要坚信这条路我就会走到黑
Be stuck in many riddles 那些所谓的童话故事只会迷惑你的双眼
The journey can't be canceled 一旦启程就千万不要停下
You are the soul of my novel 你是我坚持下去的关键
Sitting on the terrace drinking beverage slow 当这个世界变得冷漠的时候
While the world’s being cold 我坐在阳台喝着热饮试图温暖我的心
All the situations are invisible 周遭的一切太匪夷所思
Got me wrinkled 使我也有了岁月的痕迹
Turtle 如果
Want to be one 我是一只乌龟就好了
Then protect myself 这样就能保护我自己了
Looking at the medal 看着昔日的荣耀
Isn’t still an easy road 我不禁感叹
I'll never know 这永远不是一条轻松的道路啊
I have lit up a bonfire 我已经点燃了篝火
Dancing and writing flows 就让我们尽情舞蹈发挥灵感吧
Side by side in the last night 在最后的时候让我们紧紧靠在一起
I’ll never let you go 我永远不会让你离开
Cry alone 时常会黯然神伤
We’ll stop it till we find it’s wrong 但只要坚信这条路我就会走到黑
Be stuck in many riddles 那些所谓的童话故事只会迷惑你的双眼
The journey can't be canceled 一旦启程就千万不要停下
You are the soul of my novel 你是我坚持下去的关键啊
I don't wanna cry alone 我真的不想一人哭泣
We’ll stop it till we find it’s wrong 但只要坚信这条路我就会走到黑
Be stuck in many riddles 那些所谓的童话故事只会迷惑你的双眼
The journey can't be canceled 一旦启程就千万不要停下
You are the soul of my novel 你是我坚持下去的关键啊
更多>> DITO-Z的热门歌曲