G5 Hunsus
《Oblation to the Jeffery》 作词 : G5 Hunsus
作曲 : G5 Hunsus
Viral. - G5 Hunsus
When I was in seventeen, eighteen 当我十七 十八岁的时候
I used to become a musician 我是一名音乐家(在梦中)
I was so innocent 我当时太天真了
I even didn’t know a sense of fundamental decencies is parceled out unequally at birth 我甚至不知道人在一出生的时候就有贵贱之分
So I became a victim 于是我成了那个受害者
I was deeply hurt by the modern education and some teachers 我被现代教育和一些老师们深深的伤害了
My dream was so big and I didn’t see any chances 而我的梦想太大了 更没什么机会去实现
But I made a decision and I called myself Jeffery 但是我做了一个决定 称自己为杰弗里
It was like a symbol 这个名字就像是一个象征
When I felt the pain, I would hid in this name 当我受到伤害 我会藏在这个代号之下
I started to write some cynical songs and get some support 所以我开始写一些愤世嫉俗的歌曲并且得到一些关注
At that time, I didn’t know 在那个时候 我没想到
It’s just a beginning 这才刚刚是个开始
I almost became a little famous 我开始出了一点小名
And I release a mixtape called My&Mine Precious 然后我发行了一张精选集叫做《My&Mine Precious》
Then I graduated from the high school 然后我从高中毕业了
Perform on the stage, once, twice, many times 开始站在大学的舞台上表演一次 两次 很多次
I became arrogant and meanwhile some rumors appeared 我开始变得自大 与此同时一些谣言开始传出来
I’ve been on the front line for two years 我在风口浪尖待了两年了
And now I’m behind the scenes 现在的我成了一位幕后工作者
And I understand all the bright precious things fade so fast and they don't come back 我也开始明白 所有的光鲜亮丽都敌不过时间 并且一去不复返
There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired 这世界上只有被追求者和追求者 忙碌者和疲惫者
I was busy, now I’m tired 我过去是个忙碌者 现在的我也累了
My first album was called Holy Hunsus 我的第一张专辑叫作《Holy Hunsus》
It was very easy to understand 这个专辑名字很容易理解
I want fame, I don’t like peace 我想要名誉 我不甘于平静
I can do whatever I want 我能做我想要做的任何事情
Nobody told me what to do and there was no preconception of what to do 没人教过我 也没有先入的观点 我才能创作属于自己的音乐
I’ve been self-centred for a long time 我将自己封闭了很长一段时间
I write this album for the past 这一张专辑献给过去
The coward or cocky Jeffery is dead 曾经那个懦弱的 自以为是的杰弗里已经死了
And these songs was oblation 这些歌就像是供奉给他的一个祭品
I beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past 我们继续奋力向前划 逆水行舟 不停的倒退 回到往昔
I turn it down and be myself 我将这一切喧嚣抛之脑后 回归本心
An upright man, a sober man 一个正直的人 一个冷静的人
So I call it Oblation to the Jeffery 所以我称之为《杰弗里的祭品》