The J0KER: Chapter 0
The J0KƎR : Chapter 0
专辑:《The J0KƎR : Chapter 0》

作词 : J0KER
作曲 : J0KER
You wanna know how I got these scars? 你想知道我的这些伤疤是从哪来的吗
My father was.. a drinker..and a fiend 我的父亲,是个酒鬼,一个畜生
And one night, he goes off crazier than usual 一天,他比平常还要发疯
Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself 母亲拿了水果刀自我防卫
He doesn’t like 他不喜欢,一点都不喜欢
So, me watching, he takes the knife to her 我就这样看着,他拿着刀走向她
Laughing while he does it 边笑边做着
He turns to me and he says : Why So Serious? 他转过来,说:Why So Serious?
He comes at me with the knife, Why So Serious? 他走过来,说:Why So Serious?
He sticks the blade in my mouth 他把刀片插进我的嘴里
Let’s put a smile on that face 让我们为脸上添上微笑吧
And..Why So Serious? 所以,Why So Serious?
My name is Jack, I tried hard to be a comedian我的名字叫Jack,曾努力成为一名喜剧演员
Though, I became a bad comedian 但,我变成了一位糟透了的喜剧演员
My wife was pregnant, full of complaint 我的妻子怀孕了,满是抱怨
I was so stressed, I could barely stand 我压力太大了,几乎站不起来
I lost my everything 我失去了我的所有
Couldn’t pay for the rent for the broken house we were living in 不能支付我们住的破旧的房子的房租
But it’s not too bad right? 但这不算太糟吧
Still can make her laugh when telling jokes in the evening 我仍然可以用我的笑话让她笑
Till that day came 直到那一天来临
The most rational person can become a psycho who loves the pain 最理智的人也可以成为一个对疼痛上瘾的疯子
Till that day came 直到那一天来临
We are all gonna be crazy we are all gonna be the same 我们都会变成疯子我们都会变成一样的
My wife was gone, my child was gone 我的妻子死了,孩子没了
I dropped into a poisonous chemical pond 我掉进了一个有毒的化学品池
Now there’s nothing in my mind 现在我的大脑一片空白
oh there are jokes, how many? Tons 噢,有笑话,多少呢?成吨
There’s nothing going back 没有回头路了
I’ve changed the things forever 我改变了一切
There’s no weakness anymore 再也没有弱点了
I became the crazy joker 我变成了发疯的小丑
You wanna know how I got my scars? 你想知道我是怎么得到我的伤疤的吗
Let’s go back to the start 让我们回到以前
It’s a little bit too dark 这有一点点黑暗
I think there should be some stars 天上应该有些星星
Later I met a girl who I fell in love 后来我爱上了一个女孩
She g***led a lot and got in deep with the sharks 她喜欢赌然后负债累累
One day she got her face carved 一天他们把她毁容了
She tried to h*ng herself in a park 她试图在公园上吊
I cut the ropes brought her down 我割断了绳子放她下来
Tried my everything to fix her face 用尽了一切去治好她的脸
But you know, we ran out of money 但你知道, 我们用尽了最后一分钱
What could I do, be a clown? 我该怎么做,变成一个小丑?
So then I stuck a razor in my mouth 所以我把一块刀片塞进我的嘴里
And c*t my mouth open and I smiled 然后把我的嘴开,我笑了
I just want to see her smile again 我只想看着她再笑一次
But she couldn’t stand the sight of me! She shout! 但她不能忍受的我容貌,她大叫
She left me alone 她弃我而去
Now I ain’t got no home 现在我也没有一个家
Got no place to go anymore 无处可去
Just wanna see the whole world ex***de 只想看着整个世界爆炸
I dyed my hair green 我把头发染成绿色
Put make-up on my face 在脸上化了妆
When I looked in to the mirror 当我看到镜子里的
I saw this freak laughing, no this thing 这个怪物在笑,不,是这个东西
And I started to think 我开始思考
Who am I? Is this what god is paying? 我是谁,我就是上帝对我的回报?
I just couldn’t help laughing 我是在停不下来笑
Ahahahahahahahahaha 啊哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
Ding dong, joker is knocking 叮咚,小丑在敲门
Ding dong, devil is coming 叮咚,恶魔正在赶来
No one knows, that the world is changing 没人知道,这世界在改变
Everyone knows, that joker is laughing 但所有人知道,小丑在狂笑
Welcome to joker’s amus*ment park 欢迎来到小丑的游乐园
There is a golden palace and lots of toy cars 那里有个金色的宫殿和很多玩具车
If you ask me if there’s a carrousel 如果你问我有没有旋转木马
I would answer of course and two there are 我会回答:当然有,有俩!
You look nervous, is it because of the scars? 你看上去很紧张,是因为这些伤疤吗
Oh please don’t, they are just stars 哦请不要紧张,它们只是星星
Shining on my face when I’m smiling 在我笑的时候闪烁着
Just like a kind of unforgiven mark 就像某种不可饶恕的印记
I’m not a savior, not like Tony Stark 我不是救世主,我不像钢铁侠
I do look like a freak a ret**d 我确实看起来像个怪物
But if there’s no one else left in this park 但如果没人在这个游乐园的话
I would probably be the last guard 我就成了最后一个看守人
To save my last memory from this broken s****ty 来保护我最后的回忆不被这破碎的
God I’m losing it, but I didn’t feel anx**ty 上帝我要失去它了,但我一点都不焦虑
I just want to laugh, no 我只想笑,不
I just want to scream, yeah that’s the word, exactly 我只想狂笑,对,就是这个词
No more clown, I’m the joker 没有什么clown,我是joker
One more round, I’m still the winner 再来一局,我还是赢家
What are you going to do, huh? 你要做什么?嗯?
Oh, that’s boring, don’t be a cheater 啊,这太无聊了吧,别作弊啊
You think justice is your faith? 你觉得正义是你的信仰?
Oh I will spill venom on your face 我会把毒液喷在你脸上
Even if I lost my everything which I already had 即使我失去了我的所有,其实已经失去了
Harvey Dent is my last ace 双面人是我最后的王牌
You want me to let her go 你想让我放她走?
Right, she’s not my taste 好吧,她的确不合我的胃口
I would love to see you jump off the building 我会很享受看着你跳下楼去追她
Like a hare and tortoise chase 就像是龟兔赛跑
Let her go? 放开她
What poor choice of words? 瞧你这词选的
Oh sorry for my slippery hands 啊,不好意思我的手滑了
Let’s see if she worth 让我们来看看她值不值得
Oh there’s another joke 哦这还有个笑话
Two patient in a l***tic asyl*m found some hope 两个精神病人找到了一丝希望
that they can escape away from it 让他们逃出去
at midnight they woke 他们在半夜醒来
the first one jumped through the rooftop 第一个人跳过了房顶
the second one was afraid he couldn’t walk 第二个人害怕了他走不动
the first one said I got a flashlight you can walk on it 第一个人说我有个手电筒,你可以沿着光束走过来啊
the second one said don’t be a d*** 第二个人说,别骗我
you will turn it off halfway through 你会在半途中把灯光关掉!
what do you think I am? Crazy? 你觉得我咋了?疯了吗
Wu hi hahahahahahhaah 唔嗬哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
Excuse me 不好意思我先笑了
Ahahahahahahahahahahaha 啊哈哈哈哈哈啊哈哈哈
Ding dong, joker is knocking 叮咚,小丑在敲门
Ding dong, devil is coming 叮咚,恶魔正在赶来
No one knows, that the world is changing 没人知道,这世界在改变
Everyone knows, that joker is laughing 但所有人知道,小丑在狂笑
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