《墨》 作词 : Jaega
作曲 : Jaega
我是墨 人间过
This is Mwo, our culture’s core.
跨越蹉跎 纸笔间错落 如繁星烁烁
The mother tongue’s force, recorder of natural laws.
静如蓑 鸣传柝
The breeze of the shore, or the mountain’s roar.
一泼 一涨一枯中 山河自辽阔
Drop. Lift. Encore. Open up a new vol.
天圆转 地方挪
Summer and winter. Spring and fall.
马蹄滚滚 书卷过 城郭多少遗忘 沉朔漠
The horse passes the lost cities in the desert of north.
燕归来 花溅落
Flowers on top, after winter on floor.
这眼花缭乱的世界变了许多 我还是我
The globe been rotating, but I have changed no more.
龟甲和兽骨 仍残存碳素
The oracle preserves sketches on the bone.
挣脱了泥土 开始在长河中漫步
On a journey of history, leaving the soil, leaving my home.
Flushing the indentation, singing the ancient song.
Resilient as bamboos, from midnight to dawn.
轻抚 绢帛凝肌 随驼铃 到异域
Flow through the silk road, finding the exotic code,
渗入宣纸 作宫商角徵羽的遗迹
instilling ancestor’s melodies with my soul.
古老而神秘的符号 渗入大脑
The mysterious signs fantasize your brain,
篆刻进碑石 篆刻进时间的轨道
inscribed on the tablet and the spacetime train.
映着大漠和月 门前冷光无言
The dessert, the moon, the feather, the sword
尘封的兵车炮马 越过楚河汉界
War’s inscribed on the chess, flaming on the checkerboard.
旗帜更迭 年轮任我书写
All the changes of powers, all the fading laws.
在时光的抑扬顿挫中 随永逝东水 倾泻
flowing with me, the thrash to east, the Mwo.
From the armor and ancient river,
to electricity,
to industrial era,
to information age, a brand new page.
江潮 奔腾 虽滞于堤前
Used to hit the bay, but now stop on ocean.
却仍回响寰宇间 驻足在你枕边
But one day I’ll be back, never be forgotten.
我是墨 人间过
This is Mwo, our culture’s core.
跨越蹉跎 纸笔间错落 如繁星烁烁
The mother tongue’s force, recorder of natural law.
静如蓑 鸣传柝
The breeze of the shore, or the mountain’s roar.
一泼 一涨一枯中 山河自辽阔
Drop. Lift. Encore. Open up a new vol.
天圆转 地方挪
Summer and winter. Spring and fall.
马蹄滚滚 书卷过 城郭多少遗忘 沉朔漠
The horse passes the lost cities in the desert of north.
燕归来 花溅落
Flowers on top, after winter on floor.
这眼花缭乱的世界变了许多 我还是我
The globe been rotating, but I have changed no more.
我是舞者 用双足劈开虚无
I was a dancer who started the story with my feet.
也是歌者 日夜与筝弦竞窈窕
Also a singer, accompanying the ancient strings.
如今故人已西去 唯有太古星光 与我 同道 吟唱远古格调
But people are gone. There are only stars million light years away to be my harmony.
时而仰天啸 狂妄
A berserker that screams,
也常冥思 叫浮躁空气无法卷走我的沉稳
a meditator you’ve never seen. The wind most revolutionary can’t take my maturity.
A martial monk, not a greedy conqueror.
宁静中饱满 灵动中延伸
Staying in silence, but with growing consciousness.
点撇捺 提弯钩
Leaving aggressive strokes,
现棱角 一剑封喉
be careful, you could get choked.
也不忘横平竖直 界黑白 分明心中
But I also know to control the balance of justice and evil.
添彩 留白 阴阳包容
Between the darkness and brightness I create Ying-and-Yang harmony
心静如平水 顽强似一直松
Peaceful as water, tenacious as conifers.
I’m ancient valentine’s make-up.
I paint snowy river on paper.
醉客乘风归去 一幕幕升起沉落
My owner will never wake up, leaving the drama goes on.
千年的风 又怎能让我沉默
But the wind of thousand years has no way to conceal me.
当喧嚣散去 唯我与你对酌
When the noises gone before your eyes, there’s only me drinking tea.
我是墨 人间过
This is Mwo, our culture’s core.
跨越蹉跎 纸笔间错落 如繁星烁烁
The mother tongue’s force, recorder of natural law.
静如蓑 鸣传柝
The breeze of the shore, or the mountain’s roar.
一泼 一涨一枯中 山河自辽阔
Drop. Lift. Encore. Open up a new vol.
天圆转 地方挪
Summer and winter. Spring and fall.
马蹄滚滚 书卷过 城郭多少遗忘 沉朔漠
The horse passes the lost cities in the desert of north.
燕归来 花溅落
Flowers on top, after winter, on floor.
这眼花缭乱的世界变了许多 我还是我
The globe been rotating, but I have changed no more.
[Verse 3]
刀入三分的木板 我牵连筋肉的变换
The liquid smash into the board for 2 inches.
是手腕 的耿直 和婉转
The secret of power is water plus steel.
画龙点睛 逆转了暗淡
Additional drops on the eyes make a dragon come to life.
巨龙穿越海枯石烂 出现在彼岸
It reaches skyline, to our time, crossing your mind.
我在纸上 梅花上 我融在杜康
On the paper, on the plum blossom, in the drink of the poet.
随琴声飘扬 永不被遗忘
I’m with melody of Qin. Don’t tryna keep me low-key.
我激荡 在黄河和扬子江
Flowing in the River of Huang, and the Yangtze Jiang
in your blood, it goes around and around.
无论是花前月下 还是沙盘叱咤
Battlefield’s torchers burning flowers in the sky.
我点缀历史舞台 也是你心底独白
I’m history’s recorder and the monologue within your mind.
没错我不拘一态 但即使千年之后我也不会改变色彩
It’s true I’m amorphous, but after centuries my color won’t decay. I’m still what I defined.
深埋的城府中 惊鸿 狂放的钟
Under the calm surface, there’s a phoenix ringing the bell.
发聩振聋 撼破新生的空
Piercing the air, restoring the old tales.
你喜怒哀乐 我不为无常所动
Whatever happens, I sit like a stone.
任惊涛拍岸 亘古不换 我从容
Even though the world revolves, I stick to my tone.
我是墨 人间过
This is Mwo, our culture’s core.
跨越蹉跎 纸笔间错落 如繁星烁烁
The mother tongue’s force, recorder of natural law.
静如蓑 鸣传柝
The breeze of the shore, or the mountain’s roar.
一泼 一涨一枯中 山河自辽阔
Drop. Lift. Encore. Open up a new vol.
天圆转 地方挪
Summer and winter. Spring and fall.
马蹄滚滚 书卷过 城郭多少遗忘 沉朔漠
The horse passes the lost cities in the desert of north.
燕归来 花溅落
Flowers on top, after winter on floor.
这眼花缭乱的世界变了许多 我还是我
The globe been rotating, but I have changed no more.