专辑:《EORROR 404》

作词 : 约书亚
作曲 : 约书亚

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ERROR 404(ERROR 404)
Can't See Me Like A Ghost 你就是看不着啊
Beats To The Cellin' See Me Workin' All The Fellas Better Keepin' Quiet 音箱开的震天响 看我工作的时候小老弟最好都安静点
Never Babble Your Trifles When U See Me Tossin' Up The Dice 看我摇骰子的时候最好别叨叨你的破事
U Can't See Me 你看不着
They See Me Like A Ghost 你就是看不到呀
My Body Is Zero Blow 我体温零度以下
Suckers Can't Get In My Zone 傻瓜可沾不了我的边
Don't Standin' Too Close 别站我太近
Gumok May Cuttin' Your Throat 我就找人把你喉给割了
I'm In The Cut With The Bible 我在同圣经挨不着边的地方
I Got Arrested By The Devils 被恶魔给绑了
I Don't Need Help I Say No No 边儿去
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ERROR 404(ERROR 404)
Can't See Me Like A Ghost 你就是看不着呀
Fuxk The Popo Last Sunday Met A Chick Somethin' Like CoCo 我不跟条子玩 上周认识个妹儿叫CoCo还是啥的
U Can't See Me 你看不着
They See Me Like A Ghost 你就是看不着呀
I Won't Missing Any Single Free Throws 我一个罚球也不会丢
Icy Boy Treat U Like A Snow Globe 你觉得我冷的跟个雪球似的
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