《【MashUp】泽野弘之X火影忍者X超能陆战队》Time has come to listen to the crying of their pippet souls
Words are strong, heart is dropped, scatter around and falls
誰も忘れた悲しみがfall out
偽名はただ凍る 希望のジレンマ(gravity-wall 口づけを)
息削ぎ落とす行動も抑える(gravity-wall 口づけを)
そう解っている答えなど捨ててしまえ(gravity-wall 口づけを)
Yeah get started breaking the row(I'm screaming something to you,Whatever something to me)
See how it spreads out. It's beyond full real-ization(崩れた答えを解けて 先だけが)
Yeah get started re-creating the world(I'm screaming something to you,Whatever something to me)
Take my hands till the end, feel this raw emotion(絡まってる話手もかける)
bring it on down rock rock rock(Now I don't know what I really want)
shake it up up tap top top(I still don't know how to escape from this beautiful trap)
cuz I know how to shout out my soul(I still don't know how to escape from this beautiful trap)
bring it on down rock rock rock(Now I don't know what I really want)
shake it up up tap top top(I still don't know how to escape from this beautiful trap)
cuz you know how to shout out your soul(I still don't know how to escape from this beautiful trap)
I've got a feeling. You must let me go(They say we are what we are)
I wanna keep my faith forever(But we don't have to be)
Words are alive, supporting us, connecting with the souls(I'm bad behavior but I do it in the best way)
I'm gonna fight them all to let you go(I'll be the watcher (watcher))
I wanna seek my way to answer(Of the eternal flame)
Words are alive, supporting us, connecting with the souls(I'll be the guard dog,of all your fever dreams)
You know what? We look up to the sky, count on it.((Ooooooo...)I am the sand in the bottom half)
And halos in the clouds light me up. Then I awake(Of the hourglass (glass, glass))
In the heat, get fired up. You'll call my name((Ooooooo...)I try to picture me without you ,but I can't)
Yeah get started breaking the row('Cause we could be Immortals, Immortals)
See how it spreads out. It's beyond full real-ization(Just not for long, for long)
Yeah get started re-creating the world(And live with me forever now,Pull the blackout curtains down)
Take my hands till the end, feel this raw emotion(Just not for long, for long)
bring it on down rock rock rock(we could be Immooooooo- Immortals)
shake it up up tap top top(Immooooooo- Immortals)
cuz I know how to shout out my soul(Immooooooo- Immortals)
bring it on down rock rock rock(Immooooooo- Immortals)
shake it up up tap top top(Immooooooo- Immortals)
cuz you know how to shout out your soul(Immooooooo- Immortals)
偽名はただ凍る 希望のジレンマ(遠くで聞こえる声をヒントに,一人また一人立ち上がる同志)
息削ぎ落とす行動も抑える(繰り返すだけの普段どおり,くつがえす 準備いいぜAre You Ready?)
そう解っている答えなど捨ててしまえ(体中振るわす振動に,激しく打ち鳴らせよStomping,絶えず突き動かすCall Me,変わらず揺るがぬつかむ Story,Come On!!)
Yeah get started breaking the row(Everybody Stand Up!あげろ今日一番の時間だ)
See how it spreads out. It's beyond full real-ization(目にも止まらぬスピードハンター,誰もが皆虜看板,Yeah!Come On!)
Yeah get started re-creating the world(Everybody Hands Up!待たしたなHero's Come Back)
Take my hands till the end, feel this raw emotion(頭上 数え指折るCount Down,いくぜ3-2-1 Make Some Noise!)
bring it on down rock rock rock(Everybody Stand Up!)
shake it up up tap top top(あげろ今日一番の時間だ)
cuz I know how to shout out my soul(目にも止まらぬスピードハンター,誰もが皆虜看板,Yeah!Come On!)
bring it on down rock rock rock(Everybody Hands Up!)
shake it up up tap top top(待たしたなHero's Come Back)
cuz you know how to shout out your soul(頭上 数え指折るCount Down,いくぜ3-2-1 Make Some Noise!)
Time has come to listen to the crying of their puppet souls