谈钞票伤感情 谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情
专辑:《谈钞票伤感情 谈感情又伤钞票又伤感情》

崇明岛勒海上海市区个北面 Chongming island is in the north of Shanghai
伊是中国个第三大岛 it is the third biggest island in China
岛浪向生态环境保持了老好 the environment is very good
乌小蟹到处乱爬 there are crabs crawling around
吃勿光个江鲜海鲜羊肉老白酒 and a lot of seafood, mutton and white spirit
据说现在岛浪有百把个百岁老人 it is said that more than a hundred centenarians live there
是中国数一数两个长寿岛 it is the one of the top longevity islands in China
我有朋友勒埃面上过班 a friend of mine works there
伊讲一个号头50块就可以租一套小公寓 she said that one can rent an apartment for 50 yuan a month
有一天房东还老勿好意思个帮伊讲 one day the landlord discuss with her embarrassedly
现在物价天天勒涨 “the price of everything is going up now
小朋友侬看搿房租阿好帮帮忙加到70块 do you mind if i increase the rent to 70 yuan”
所以朋友侬覅吓 so friends, don’t be afraid
就算有一天阿拉真个一无所有 even if one day you lose everything
阿拉还可以一道去崇明 we could still go to Chongming
侬看我就一点也勿吓 look at me, I’m not afraid at all
就算我真个一无所有 even if one day I lose everything
我还可以去崇明 I could still go to Chongming
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