《prologue》 作词 : Pogonip
作曲 : Pogonip
Light up 亮起灯火
Cause I know about that feeling 我知道那感觉
Saddest words impale my bone 悲伤至极的话语给我刺骨的疼痛
Presentiment without the gist 预感玄乎不定
Heavyness can vary by fireside 沉重感随着炉火变化
Off I break the rope 我切断了绳子的束缚
Living on the night I fight and let go of everything 靠着不顾一切的夜晚为生活
I never really believe you'd let me alone 从未想过你会丢下我一人
Empty, the building is so empty 这屋檐之下如此之空
The sorrow fills my heart 悔恨填满了我的心
I’m feeling I’m ok 但我觉得我还可以撑下去
I toss and turn but can not sleep 辗转反侧但无法入眠
in the endless night you're dreaming 无法在你梦到的夜里安然入睡
The ending 结局
I've fallen in this way 我将沉陷于此
I'm holding up 支撑着自己
I broke the vase 却打碎了花瓶
Around the knot you wrap my head 你缠绕我的脖颈系上绳结
Sitting down 坐下来
All I see 一切浮现在眼前
Now I’m drowning 我愈陷愈深
Presentiment without the gist 预感玄乎不定
Heavyness can vary by fireside 沉重感随着炉火变化
Light up the dark world 点亮世界吧
Light up the dark heart 点亮内心吧
Empty, the building is so empty 这屋檐之下如此之空
The sorrow fills my heart 悔恨填满了我的心
I’m feeling I’m ok 但我觉得我还可以撑下去
I toss and turn but can not sleep 辗转反侧但无法入眠
in the endless night you're dreaming无法在你梦到的夜里安然入眠
The ending 结局
I've fallen in this way 我将沉陷于此