
作词 : 徐进智
作曲 : 刘逸潇
假如时间在那一刻停止Look at the stars
也许后悔了Look at the stars
假如空气在那一刻凝固Look at the stars
也许忘掉了Look at the stars
但又好想拥有现在Look at the stars
生活不能做太多的奢望Look at the stars
因为最初的羡慕和欣赏Look at the stars
脆弱和恐惧的期盼Look at the stars
只得将爱恋和牵挂深藏Look at the stars
只因满腔的热血和忠诚Look at the stars

有一段路注定要这样走Look at the stars
即使没有梦幻般的自由Look at the stars
有一段路注定要勇敢前行Look at the stars
这就是不完美的幸福Look at the stars

假如时光在那一刻倒流Look at the stars
也许不走了Look at the stars
假如岁月在那一刻回转Look at the stars
也许不拼了Look at the stars
但又好想拥抱未来Look at the stars
路上也许没有茉莉的芬芳Look at the stars
只因远处的嘱托和目光Look at the stars
责任和使命的召唤Look at the stars
只得背上装满幸福的行囊Look at the stars
只因漂溢满山的花香Look at the stars

有一段路注定要这样走Look at the stars
即使没有梦幻般的自由Look at the stars
有一段路注定要勇敢前行Look at the stars
这就是不完美的幸福Look at the stars
guitar soloLook at the stars
在这坎坷的路上Look at the stars
追逐自己的梦想Look at the stars
在这平凡的路上Look at the stars
闪耀生命的光芒Look at the stars

有一段路注定要这样走Look at the stars
即使没有梦幻般的自由Look at the stars
有一段路注定要勇敢前行Look at the stars
这就是不完美的幸福Look at the stars
更多>> 刘一笑的热门歌曲