《Narcissus》 作词 : 房一涵 Ashley Fang/Scarlet Li/Pippi
作曲 : 房一涵 Ashley Fang/Pippi
Look at your pretty eyes 瞧瞧你迷人的眼睛
Look at the way they shine 它们正在闪闪发光呢
I never thought one’s fingernails could also look so fine 原来人的指甲缝也可以这么漂亮
Your my king the legendary 你的地位至高无上
I bet you can’t believe you’re so divine 神圣得连你自己都不敢相信
If I should tell the truth 让我说句实话
You should go debut 你快去出道吧
The police would start to panic if you strut down fifth avenue 若你在第五大道上昂首阔步 警察们就该出动了
All flights to South Korea are full 飞往韩国的航班全被订满了
But ain’t no surgery makes them look like you 但再好的整容技术也抵不上你的美貌
Can I pick your brain 我想向你取取经
Have a taste of your fame? 尝尝名望的滋味
Don’t melt away with your reflection 请别与你的倒影同归于尽
The world gets high on your affection 全世界因你而痴狂
Dear Narcissus 亲爱的纳西索斯
Smile back at us 朝我们笑一笑吧
How could you leave me in such misfortune 你离开后 我是如此不幸
My life is needing your direction 我的生活待你指点
Dear Narcissus 亲爱的纳西索斯
I missed you much 我想你很久了
True love for yourself 你把真爱留给自己
Not anyone else 怎能分给别人呢
But I feel blessed just staring at your picture on my shelf 但我只要看看你的相片就已十分幸福
Oh I’d die in hell for you 我愿意为你赴汤蹈火
Though I’m still at the tail end of your queue 但我在你那里不配拥有姓名
Can I pick your brain 我想向你取取经
Have a taste of your fame? 尝尝名望的滋味
Don’t melt away with your reflection 请别与你的倒影同归于尽
The world gets high on your affection 全世界因你而痴狂
Dear Narcissus 亲爱的纳西索斯
Smile back at us 朝我们笑一笑吧
How could you leave me in such misfortune 你离开后 我是如此不幸
My life is needing your direction 我的生活待你指点
Dear Narcissus 亲爱的纳西索斯
I missed you much 我想你很久了
9 selfies for your birthday post 你生日时发了九图自拍
Writing the most elegant prose 配着最优美的文字
Don’t need lighthouse to guide the way 你才不需要灯塔指明
19 you write like Hemingway 19岁的你 文笔胜似海明威
My heart is in your palm 我的世界由你掌控
Your accomplishments just left me stunned 你的成就令我痴迷
Don’t melt away with your reflection 请别与你的倒影同归于尽
The world gets high on your affection 全世界因你而痴狂
Dear Narcissus 亲爱的纳西索斯
Smile back at us 朝我们笑一笑吧
How could you leave me in such misfortune 你离开后 我是如此不幸
My life is needing your direction 我的生活待你指点
Dear Narcissus 亲爱的纳西索斯
I missed you much 我想你很久了
Don’t melt away with your reflection 请别与你的倒影同归于尽
The world gets high on your affection 全世界因你而痴狂
Dear Narcissus 亲爱的纳西索斯
Smile back at us 朝我们笑一笑吧
How could you leave me in such misfortune 你离开了 我是如此不幸
My life is needing your direction 我的生活待你指点
Dear Narcissus 亲爱的纳西索斯
I missed you much 我想你很久了
演唱/制作/录音/混音:Ashley Fang 房一涵