The Flaming Lips
《Telepathic Surgery》All right so the other day
I was talking with Michael Stipe
And we were talking about the very first memory you had
The very first thing that comes into your head and dude
I think I sort of freaked him out a little bit
Because I told him when I was about three or four years old
Me and my little brother used to go out into our backyard
And we'd go up on top of this swingset out there climb up on top
It was Mark and we'd climb up on top of this swingset
And we could sit up there all night and watch these drive-in movies
That were about a half a mile away over on this hill
And we'd just sit up there all night and we'd just watch these movies
Okay and we had a pretty good view of the sky there
You could see the sky pretty good as we were watching the movies
Okay so one night we were out there
Sitting there watching the movies like usual
And we were watching on the horizon and there were six U F O s in formation
Really I mean right there in formation
Six U F O s right there
Okay so we're just little kids and it sort of freaks us out a little bit
So I get down
I get down off the swingset and I go in to get mom
Because that's what you do when you're a little kid
You just go get mom because weird ****'s happening
So by the time I come back with mom to check it out they're gone
Okay and so no one believed me
Okay so I'm about ten or eleven
And me and Mark are playing football in this field by our house
Okay and we've had about enough
We've been playing for a while
And we're getting ready to go in
And we're walking up to the house now
Okay and this is real it's the same sort of deal
You can see the sky pretty good
And the sun's sort of going down but it's still pretty light out
You know what I mean
Okay and we're walking up there in view of the horizon
And no ********
The same six U F O s are right there in formation
Right there dude I know man right there in formation
But we don't freak out this time
Okay because we saw them
So we just sit there
And they're right there hovering over our heads
Man and we sit there and they're coming closer and closer
And we're just sitting there
There we go we're waiting on them
They're coming toward us
And they made this really weird sound
I'll never forget
They made this sound
And it sounded like this