
作词 : 2Pieces
作曲 : 2Pieces
编曲/Beats: Tower Beatz
混音: o29_Jason
Have to let you know Baby I should let you go 需要告诉你 baby 我应该放手让你离开
Separated too long going slowly and realize so much that I've owed 分开得太久 进展变缓 慢慢意识到我已经亏欠你很多
Why how many times of good try 为什么多次努力的尝试
Didn't even make cactus survive 连仙人掌都无法养活
And now we both get tired 而现在我们彼此都累了
Feel boring about the joke 对玩笑话也感到无聊
Hard to let you know Maybe I should let you go 难以开口告诉你 也许我真的应该让你离开
Pissed you all times less devoted let's be open is the best for the both 总是惹你生气因为倾注的不够 让我们坦白吧这样对彼此来说会比较好
Eyes look on the brightest side 总是看到最乐观的一面
Always connect future and I 将来的画面里有我和你
I try to promise and provide 想要努力去承诺并且提供
Don't have the chance to show 却已没有机会去表现
Wrote many rap verses don't know how to make a hook 写过很多饶舌歌词 却不知道该如何作个副歌
Saw together the universe don't even give you an outlook 一起看过星空 却没有给过你有关未来的展望
Always let you guess but you tired of my suggest 总是让你去猜测 而你也已厌倦了我的建议
You always on the stress (at work) sorry about caring less 你经常受到来自工作上的压力 抱歉我关心的还不够
Still emotional gone vulnerable unpredictable about us 仍然会情绪化 有时变得脆弱 对我们的关系感到无法预测
Keep traditional all functional but feel intangible about us 保持传统 这都行得通 但难以触及实在让人感到无力
All the mistakes I made (it's all my fault) 所有这些我的过失 (这都是我的错)
All the mess that I created (it's all my fault) 所有我弄糟的这一切 (这都是我的错)
All these memories and the cares I've taken 可是所有的这些回忆和我曾经的付出
All the fears I faced ain't fake 以及所有我面临过的担心 这一切都不是假的
Started sharing things to me 开始和我分享你的事情
Came twice to see me 两次来看我
Bottle of tea got me rid of coffee 给我的那罐使我戒了咖啡的茶叶
Still in my backseat 仍然在我的后座上
Back to the history 回到最开始的时候
Met at that lobby Felt like my homie 在大堂里的相遇 第一眼就觉得亲切
Take you to downtown and drink barcardi one more time maybe 驾车带你到市中心喝杯百加得 多想再来一次
The night is getting humid Feeling still new here 这儿的夜晚越来越潮湿 感觉还是很陌生
The sky and sea look too similar may not be too fit 那天空和海面看起来是如此的相似 但也许这并不是非常的相配
Plan B is great but always plan A is the true wit Plan B 也许很不错 但通常plan A 才是明智之举
Blame me is ok do not blame the cupid 责备我没有问题 但千万不要责备丘比特让我们开始
Have to let you know Baby I should let you go 不得不告诉你 baby 我应该放手让你离开
Separated too long going slowly and realize so much that I've owed 分开得太久进展变缓我才慢慢意识到我已经亏欠你很多
Why how many times of good try 为什么这么多次努力尝试
Didn't even make cactus survive 连仙人掌都没能养活
And now we both get tired 而如今我们已开始厌倦
Feel boring about the joke 对于玩笑话也感到无聊
Hard to let you know Maybe I should let you go 这是个艰难的决定 也许应该让你离开我
Pissed you all times less devoted let's be open is the best for the both 总是惹你生气 是我倾注的不够 让我们坦白吧这样对彼此都会比较好
Eyes look on the brightest side 总是看向最乐观的一面
Always connect future and I 未来的画面里有我和你
I try to promise and provide 努力的想去承诺并给予
Don't have the chance to show 却已没有了机会去表现
Not for temptation 不是因为诱惑
Need some motivation but there's hesitation 是需要些动力 但却总是犹豫
there is no traction just have no action 其实并没有什么矛盾 只是缺乏行动
Have no reaction to other attractions 对于那些吸引的东西也无动于衷
We got foundation on this relation 我们的感情建立在一定基础之上
Still I feel your frustration Been in the situation 还是感受到了你的沮丧 因为曾经我也这样
Avoid those questions is not an option 回避那些问题是绝对不可以的
Picturing losing you, the thing that I can't afford to 想象过失去你的画面 这是我所无法承受的
Never got nobody such good to me enjoy my hobby like you do 从没有过人像你这样对我好 喜欢我所喜欢的
Know how to keep friends close, can't even take you close 懂得如何跟朋友保持紧密 却不能够把你带到身边
Wish I could show the attitude as what you hope 多希望可以给出你所期望的态度
The night is getting humid Feeling still new here 这儿的夜晚变得越发潮湿 感觉还是很陌生
The sky and sea look too similar may not be too fit 那天空和海面看起来是如此的相似 但也许它们并不合适
Plan B is great but always plan A is the true wit Plan B或许也不错 但终究Plan A才是对的选择
Blame me is ok do not blame the cupid 怪我没有问题 但千万别怪我们会相遇相爱
Have to let you know Baby I should let you go 不得不告诉你 baby 我应该放手让你离开
Separated too long going slowly and realize so much that I've owed 分开得太久 进展变缓 才慢慢意识到我已经亏欠你很多
Why how many times of good try 为什么这么多次努力尝试
Didn't even make cactus survive 却连仙人掌都养不活
And now we both get tired 而我们现已疲惫
Feel boring about the joke 对笑话也不感兴趣
Hard to let you know Maybe I should let you go 也许我得让你离开 这是一个艰难的决定
Pissed you all times less devoted let's be open is the best for the both 总是惹你生气 是我付出的不够 让我们坦诚吧这样对彼此会比较好一点
Eyes look on the brightest side 总是看到最好的那一面
Always connect future and I 想象着未来有我和你
I try to promise and provide 努力的想去承诺并给予
Don't have the chance to 但已不再有机会
Shouldn't let you go Maybe I should let you know 不该让你离开 也许我应该告诉你
Missing time we spent together and wait on the next trip on the road 想念我们在一起的时光也等待着下一次的沿途旅行
The most I said is sorry 我说过最多的是对不起
though you never need an apology 尽管你要的从来都不是道歉
Shouldn't let you go Maybe I should let you know 不想让你走 也许我应该让你知道
Many times I think I'm ready and got plans with you about the old 多少次我几乎已下了决心要和你一直走下去
Knowing that's gonna be a regret 我知道我所做的一切将成为遗憾
Failing to maintain is the huge mistake 未能维持这段关系是我犯下的最大错误
更多>> 2Pieces的热门歌曲