
作词 : Lizah栗哲
作曲 : Lizah栗哲
I don’t wanna see you drown/我不想看到你溺水窒息
I don’t wanna see you frown/我不想看到你绝望无助
But you always let me down/但你总是让我失望
But you always let me down/但你总是让我失望
Tell me what is going on/告诉我发生了什么事
Oh a show is going on/哦,一场表演正在进行
Archangel’s watching you/大天使在审视着你
So you cut her heart and lung/所以你割了她的心脏和肺
Can not get over the frustration/无法克服挫折
Had enough of it/受够了这一切
Roughly spoken about the entire thing/概述了整件事
You are tough/这些艰难的经历
But its ugly/却也无比丑陋
Absurdly funny/荒谬滑稽
Yeah I’m off from this/是的,我受够了决定要离开了
I don’t wanna hear these shits no more/不想太听到这些废话
Shut the ink stained door/关上墨迹斑斑的门
Are we not human being or you got some iron core/我们是否并非人类,还是你有颗铁铸的心脏
I’m getting bored of it watching these psycho/这疯狂的一切入目不堪
Whats that of the voice rushing into my sense organ/那是什么声音冲进我的感官
Yeah she pushed herself to hell what else can do to help/她推自己离开了人世间,还有什么能帮上忙的
To let that rapist pay back can you hear the bell/才能让那个强奸犯为他犯下的罪付出应得的代价
Rings the gate opened its the purgatory death knell/你是否能听到丧钟的声音
You must crawl on the dirt be aware of the remaining curse/你必须匍匐在泥土上,留意剩下的诅咒
taste the atmosphere to know the weird blood smell/然后仔细闻一闻才能闻到空气中残留着的奇怪血腥味
Ahh yeah one day I read that news about that kid stabbed a knife into his mother for about like I couldn’t remember how many ******* times/啊,是啊,有一天我看到新闻说那个孩子用刀捅了他妈妈好几次,不记得具体到底是多少
I was seriously shocked then looked around nobody was around me by the time something we see we feel or we recognized was begrimed/我感到震惊,环顾四周,没有人在我周围,我开始我们看到的,我们感受到的,或我们认识的东西是否已经在无形之中被扭曲玷污
Then I scroll down the section of comments where they stated the fact that this may not be consider as a serious crime since the kid was too young not even sixteen below the line/然后我向下滚动评论部分,他们说这可能不会被承认为严重的犯罪,因为这个孩子太小了,甚至还不到16岁
I looked up to the sky its still daytime fine the sun shines I breathe it I smell its real stuff its reality but then who’s lying who’s crying who’s pretending cheating themselves that they are dying from it/我仰望天空,它仍然是白天,阳光明媚,我呼吸着,我闻到它的真实的东西,它的真实的,但谁在说谎,谁在哭泣,谁又在欺骗自己,不断的告诉自己这一切已是绝望
Can not get over the frustration/无法克服挫折
Had enough of it/受够了这一切
Roughly spoken about the entire thing/概述了整件事
You are tough/这些艰难的经历
But its ugly/却也无比丑陋
Absurdly funny/荒谬滑稽
Yeah I’m off from this/是的,我受够了决定要离开了
I don’t wanna hear these shits no more/不想太听到这些废话
Shut the ink stained door/关上墨迹斑斑的门
Are we not human being or you got some iron core/我们是否并非人类,还是你有颗铁铸的心
It's the next morning still crawling drift way drunk he's drowning in the alcohol snoring in the trunk/这是第二天清晨公路漂移后的宿醉,他沉溺于酒精,在汽车后备箱里打着鼾
Then I saw him woke up walking back to his house/然后我看到他醒来后走回他的家
Grabbed his son and then punched his face/抓住他的儿子,然后用力打在他的脸上
I bet the next day he's gonna forget this crap/我敢打赌,第二天他就会忘记这些
It would be the lil boy's mistake that he was born with this fate/这将会是这个小男孩的错误,他生来就有这样的命运
And on his way to the future he will carry the hate/他将带着仇恨继续踏上走向未来的路
I don’t wanna see you drown/我不想看到你溺水而亡
I don’t wanna see you frown/我不想看到你绝望无助
But you always let me down/但你总是让我失望
But you always let me down/但你总是让我失望
Tell me what is going on/告诉我发生了什么事
Oh a show is going on/哦,一场表演正在进行
Archangel’s watching you/大天使在审视着你
So you cut her heart and lung/所以你割了她的心脏和肺
I don’t wanna see you drown/我不想看到你溺水而亡
I don’t wanna see you frown/我不想看到你绝望无助
But you always let me down/但你总是让我失望
But you always let me down/但你总是让我失望
Tell me what is going on/告诉我发生了什么事
Oh a show is going on/哦,一场表演正在进行
Archangel’s watching you/大天使在审视着你
So you cut her heart and lung/所以你割了她的心脏和肺
I don’t wanna see you drown/我不想看到你溺水而亡
I don’t wanna see you frown/我不想看到你绝望无助
But you always let me down/但你总是让我失望
But you always let me down/但你总是让我失望
So you cut her heart and lung/所以你割了她的心脏和肺
更多>> Lizah刘祖欢的热门歌曲