The Photo Came Out Blurred 模糊相片
The Photo Came Out Blurred 模糊相片
专辑:《The Photo Came Out Blurred 模糊相片》

作词 : 无
作曲 : 张璟
Composition by Jing Zhang
弦乐四重奏,灵感来自超现实主义短篇小说《The Photo Came Out Blurred》。
String Quartet, inspired by a surrealism novel "The Photo Came Out Blurred".
Violin I: Evgeny Moryatov
Violin II: Lelia Jancovici
Viola: Andrey Ovnnichikov
Cello: Alex Friedhoff
录音师 Pablo G. Schuller
Recording Engineer - Pablo G. Schuller
录音监制 Alfons Conde / Joey Reda / Fabian Kratzer
Recording Producer - Alfons Conde, Joey Reda and Fabian Kratzer
2018年2月 于西班牙 巴伦西亚音乐厅 录音
Recorded in Palau de la Música, Valencia, Spain, 2018
更多>> 张璟的热门歌曲