
作词 : 安第斯
作曲 : 安第斯
His smile could make your day. 他的笑容能让你开心到爆一整天。
His words could distribute your heart rates. 他随便说些什么就能让你心跳不止。
You describe him the clear up after rain. 你形容他就是那雨后初晴。
So different from the other stupid boys. 他多么的与众不同万里无一。

His point of view could constituted your faith. 他的想法你会直接拿来组成自己的世界观。
You dream of falling asleep in his embrace. 他的臂弯是你最想栖息的仙境。
His little movement cause your emotion sway. 他的一举一动牵扯着你心情的转变。
And he could make your sadness fade away. 让你瞬间乌云密布,又一秒烟消云散。

Raising sun,falling star. 他是初升的阳,坠落的星。
He's the reason you bacame who you are. 他是你之所以成为你的原因。
You said true love is the ache in your heart. 你说真爱的感觉就是你胸口的那一丝痛。
Likes he already inside of you he is flowing in your blood. 就好像他已经流进了你的血液里让你心神不宁。

For you,he's the perfect shining star. 他是电他是光他是唯一的神话。
For you,he's the call of nature/fate of god. 他是上帝的旨意是命运的向往。
For you,he's the rosa in your heart. 他是你的白月光也是你的红玫瑰。
For you,he's the inspiration won't dry up. 他是你喷薄不断的多巴胺。
Oh he's the woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,hoo. 他是你的梦想又超越了你的梦想。啊,只是爱他就这么酣畅淋漓。
Oh he's the woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,hoo. 他是你的边界又突破了你的边界。啊,只是爱他就这么萧瑟揪心。

His smell is the sign of summer days. 如果夏天是一种气味,就是他身上的气味
Likes a rainbow when the weather getting grey. 如果气氛是灰暗的,他就是七色光芒的彩虹
You want that magic love you wait and pray. 你渴望在他的生命里留下印记。
Never seen you so positive for a boy. 你想尽办法付出了一切代价。

They wouldnt know,they shouldnt have know. 旁人们无法理解,你也不需要他们理解。
He's the only high light when everything gose low. 他是你无边黑夜里唯一的星光。
So when he come do not to thrill. 如果他像你走来你可千万不要退却。
Baby don't you look back thats not the way you gonna go. 你可不想再回到那个角落只是远远仰望着他。

For you,he's the perfect shining star. 他是电他是光他是唯一的神话。
For you,he's the call of nature/fate of god. 他是上帝的旨意是命运的向往。
For you,he's the rosa in your heart. 他是你的白月光也是你的红玫瑰。
For you,he's the inspiration won't dry up. 他是你喷薄不断的多巴胺。
Oh he's the woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,hoo. 他是你的梦想又超越了你的梦想。啊,只是爱他就这么酣畅淋漓。
Oh he's the woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,hoo. 他是你的边界又突破了你的边界。啊,只是爱他就这么萧瑟揪心。

He's poison,he's alchol,fatal attractions and more. 他是致命的毒,又是醉人的酒。他是危险的诱惑又远不止这些。
(Dear lord,he makes me feel so hard.) 敬爱的主啊,他让我觉得好艰难啊!
I'll knell down be a faithful.kiss his skin hair and soul.
(He makes me feel so lost.) 他让我觉得好无措啊!
He's the heaven,also the hell,the Phoebus meke me melt. 他是地狱也是天堂,他是太阳之神让我彻底融化没了骄傲。
(Come here and save my life.) 你快来帮帮我吧!
He's the meaning of the time, the best thing happened in my life. 他是时空的终极意义,是我生命最美的经历。
(Come here and save my life.) 你快来救救我吧!

For you,he's the perfect shining star. 他是电他是光他是唯一的神话。
For you,he's the call of nature/fate of god. 他是上帝的旨意是命运的向往。
For you,he's the rosa in your heart. 他是你的白月光也是你的红玫瑰。
For you,he's the inspiration won't dry up. 他是你喷薄不断的多巴胺。
Oh he's the woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,hoo. 他是你的梦想又超越了你的梦想。啊,只是爱他就这么酣畅淋漓。
Oh he's the woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,woo,hoo. 他是你的边界又突破了你的边界。啊,只是爱他就这么萧瑟揪心。
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