《G$QUAD》The Gangster Money Fast
They put the gang first honey last
I put my Swiss army knife
in my backpack Hack your Ethernet
with the Netcat Back to back with my old time BFF Way back before I hashtag VFX
I rap in the past but rest now Next to my head is my task and my debt now
I’m back to the base with the 8 I’m black like a bat in the cave
I’m too old for the yellow belt You don’t even picture me in that black mobile
Half the mask, half the face, hide in black Tryna’ kept the pace errday
They light the grass, puff and pass, grab the mic Write a verse and blaze some wordplay
When they find me, I say why me My skills are rusty, my rap game is over
They put a 9 my YB, are they gon’ arrest me For been a second hand smoker
Can you keep a secret please Don’t show the world the old Bruce on the wheelchair
Let them know the dark knight only from the rhyme and punchline He raps in the warfare
Can you keep a secret I’ma on my way,
huh I’ma on my way
離頂端不遠N E L LA,
Triple T 頂端相見
Fck that we 谢
Gangster Money Fast,
huh I’ma on my way, huh
On my way I’ma on my way
那裡鎖著太多回憶和機密 I was born ready 從第一天起, huh
What the fuk is practice
依舊飛得太高 Mary依舊在燒 保持低調 熱黃鬼是我的代號
So 讓(/≧▽≦)/都發高燒
Bad (/≧▽≦)/要我保守這秘密
吸引力 那(/≧▽≦)/叫做Lucy No Mercy
曾經犯過的罪Young O.G. 只懷念過去的Good old days
保持信念 在我到達頂端之前 那是條One way 得通過許多試煉
字裡行間 藏著太多的新意
Self made 玛德乏盒, I still be me, huh
Still shine like a TDE, rocking APE, like a BIG, huh
Ready to DIE
Like young Kobe still balling My r ollie shine still goldie
What you know about me 寫下傳奇不再是秘密
Can you keep a secret I’ma on my way, huh
I’ma on my way 離頂端不遠 N E L L A,
Triple T 頂端相見
Fck that we **** Gangster Money Fast, huh
I’ma on my way, huh On my way I’ma on my way
人生已經毀了 活在他們的世界裡
權力會是誰的 白老鼠還在實驗裡
尊嚴早就沒了 那是最後一張面具
乾淨或是飛著 13年坐上了電椅
抽蓄 同情 恐懼
落地 封閉 重新
啜泣 夢裡 抨擊 多疑 弄你 同不同 意 公不公 平
放棄生命之前走在風裡 蜂不蜂蜜
發不出的聲音繼續哄你 鋒利加重擊 Homie分空心動機和動力
重心沒東西 抨擊是憧憬 動聽我懂你 Yeah,
被蒙蔽的紅心沒人供應攻擊容不容易 (容易)
空氣沒法握著 空虛的是弱者
從零你能獲得 聰明或是過河
是磨著或是赤裸的 是活的就是我的