Payphone (ft. Andy D)(Cover:Maroon 5)
歌手:Gary Zex.B Li

作词 : Adam Levine/Johan Karl Schuster/Benjamin Levin/Ammar Malik/Daniel Thomas Omelio/Cameron Thomaz
作曲 : Adam Levine/Johan Karl Schuster/Benjamin Levin/Ammar Malik/Daniel Thomas Omelio/Cameron Thomaz
Yeah, I, I know it's hard to remember 是的 我知道很难去记住
The people we used to be 曾经的我们是什么样的
It's even harder to picture 但更难的是去想象
That you're not here next to me 你会不在我身边
You say it's too late to make it 你说已经太晚无法挽回
But is it too late to try 但是尝试还为时不晚
And in our time that you wasted 你浪费的那些共处时光
All of our bridges burned down 我们的一切都已崩塌
I've wasted my nights 我浪费了那些夜晚
You turned out the lights 你熄灭了灯火
Now I'm paralysed 我动弹不得
Still stuck in that time when we called it love 我还停留在我们称之为爱的时光
But even the sun sets in paradise 即使天堂的太阳都已经落下
I'm at a payphone trying to call home 我在电话亭往家打电话
All of my change I spent on you 我为你花的所有零钱
Where are the times gone 我们好久都没见面了
Baby it's all wrong, where are the plans we made for two 一切都已经不对,我们的二人世界的计划哪去了
If happy ever after did exist 如果快乐的生活的确存在过
I would still be holding you like this 我还会这样拥抱你
All those fairy tales are full of **** 所有的童话都是骗人的
One more ******* love song I'll be sick 再听到那该死的情歌我会吐
Oh, you turned your back on tomorrow 你不面对明天
'Cause you forgot yesterday 因为你已忘记了过去
I gave you my love to borrow 我给你我全部的爱
But you just gave it away 但是你依然弃之不顾
You can't expect me to be fine 你别指望我过的好
I don't expect you to care 我也不期望你的关怀
I know I've said it before 我知道这是旧事重提
But all of our bridges burned down 但我们的一切都已经崩裂
I've wasted my nights 我荒废了我的夜晚
You turned out the lights 你熄灭了灯火
Now I'm paralysed 我动弹不得
Still stuck in that time when we called it love 我还停留在我们称之为爱的时光
But even the sun sets in paradise 就算太阳都出现在天堂里了
Now I'm at a payphone 此刻我在电话亭里
Man **** that **** 我去
I'll be out spending all this money while you sitting round 我会在外头拼命花钱,而你却坐在那里琢磨
Wondering why it wasn't you who came up from nothing 为什么失去一切的那个人不是你
Made it from the bottom 从空白里再次奋斗
Now when you see me I'm stunning 你会发现如今的我气派不凡
And all of my cars start with the push up a button 看看这些罕见的名车,都只需按键就可启动
Telling me the chances I blew up or whatever you call it 我发生奇迹之后他们都说我变了,懒得听他们叽叽歪歪
Switched the number to my phone 换掉我的号码
So you never could call it 那样你就无法再拨打它
Don't need my name on my show 我的名字,不提我大名你也知道
You can tell it I'm balling 我就是这么牛
Swish, what a shame could have got picked 啧 你错过了那些真是耻辱
Had a really good game but you missed your last shot 你完美的玩了整个游戏 却玩废了最后一击
So you talk about who you see at the top 所以你不停的说着 你曾经的光荣
Or what you could've saw 或者,你本来可以得到些什么
But sad to say it's over for 但必须说的是 那都结束了
Phantom pulled up valet open doors 幻觉全都消失了 大门已敞开
Wiz like go away, got what you was looking for 都离开吧 你得到了一直想要的
Now it's me who they want 现在他们需要的是我了
So you can go and take that little piece of **** with you 所以你可以滚了 带着你的蠢玩意儿
And all these fairy tales are full of **** 所有的童话都是骗人的
Now I'm at a payphone 现在我在电话亭里
更多>> Gary Zex.B Li的热门歌曲