The time is right 作词:罗艺华 作曲:Elyonbeats 每当清晨阳光 照进窗台 总想为它歌颂搭配慵懒的状态 拿起笔在纸上写下心情 那种感觉是说不出的平静 不想切歌进入下一首 旋律入侵像被下了扣 还在单循 耳边绕一遍 舒服的阳光这么艳 文字无法评价 悦耳的音乐怎么可以停下 Please don't cold Ok let me check One two slow down time is right Just play the song It's relax baby Come whit me We are facet of ace In the quiet morning just you and me Like sunshine You hold me tight And love is got me high The time is right You hold me tight And love is got me high Like sunshine Just play the song There is no why The time is right You hold me tight And love is got me high Like sunshine I wanna try There is no why 让它继续 再唱几句 把所有温暖积聚 反正一个人的早晨 也是如此甜蜜 再翻开日记 发现好多事情都已过去 这个冬天没有winter song 只有一颗心在跳动 还在坚持做着一件事 那就设定小的目标 或者用一张纸 记录这个温暖的情调 就放开你紧绷的思绪 跟我一起 戴上耳机 抚摸清晨的阳光如此美丽 我知道你有好多期许 和我一样但你不用去想 等到时机成熟了它们会来 只想一个人的安静不想被打扰 因为太多事情真的没有那么重要 The time is right You hold me tight And love is got me high Like sunshine Just play the song There is no why The time is right You hold me tight And love is got me high Like sunshine I wanna try There is no why