口琴:朱敏俊 Zhu Minjun
一位姑娘笑着喊着我的名字刘健 I heard a laughing girl call out my name- "Liu Jian."
当我羞涩地走到她迷人的身边 I shyly approached this charming girl
她大吃一惊说你也叫刘健 But she, rather surprised, said, "Oh, your name is Liu Jian too?"
这时一个男人拿着可乐走了过来 Just then, a guy carrying bottles of Coca-Cola walked up to her
我慌了我傻了狼狈不堪抱头鼠窜 Feeling stupid, I ran off like a scaredy cat.
回到家我想啊也许我们更有缘 At home I thought to myself, maybe we were really meant to be together.
那一夜我怎么都不能闭上眼 That night I couldn't close my eyes.
我为何失眠 Why couldn't I sleep?
谁给我答案 Who could give me an answer?
天亮了我搭车又去英雄纪念碑前 When the sun rose, I took the bus back to the Monument to the People's Heroes
我多么希望能再次看见她的笑脸 Hoping I'd catch another glimpse of her smile.
我特意去买了两大瓶可口可乐 I made sure to buy two big bottles of Coke,
我想比那个刘健更讨她开心喜欢 I knew I could make her happier than that other Liu Jian.
从上午到下午再到太阳落进西山 I waited until the sun dropped behind the Western Hills
迷人的姑娘她还是一直没有出现 But the enchanting girl never appeared again.
天黑了我失落孤独地回到家里 As the sky turned dark, I dejectedly returned home alone
那一夜我又是看着星星到它看不见 I watched the stars again until they were no more
我为何失眠 Why couldn't I sleep?
谁我给答案 Who could give me an answer?
我觉得这一切都是冲动 Maybe this was lust
可我却是把她想了一遍又一遍 But I couldn't get her out of my head.
我觉得这一切像是初恋 Maybe this was first love
没齿难忘任凭岁月无情地变迁 I'll remember her all my life.
按理说初恋总得有个吻吧 First love should have a first kiss
可我却是和她连手都没有牵 But I didn't even hold her hand.
我觉得这一切像是暗恋 Maybe this was a secret crush
爱她啊但我却是敢爱不敢言 Love her but I didn't dare to speak out.
暗恋一般都会有所企图期盼 A crush should have anticipation
可我对她只有纯洁纯朴纯粹的想念 But I just miss the memory of her.
我觉得是我的脑子有问题 Maybe my brain is messed up
有问题我怎能写下这首歌曲 But if I'm crazy how could I write this song?
这一切到底是因为什么 What is this all for?
前前后后翻来覆去我想了很多年 For years I thought about it,
有一天我在路边看到一群孩子 Until one day I passed a group of kids
争论着我儿时曾经争论的话题 Debating the same stuff I did when I was a kid.
那瞬间我忽然茅塞顿开 In the blink of an eye I realized
这一切就像是他们的争论 It was just like their debate:
到底是先有的鸡 Which came first,
还是先有的蛋 the chicken or the egg?