Blue Cafe
《DaDa》Da Da (x9)
I don't know what you mean about nasty feelings, it's
Let me help you out of this, you were starting to feel a certain way, violence, resentful.
How do you know that? I told you? I told you that?
That's right, remember yesterday?
I don't want to talk about that, I don't want to talk about it. Let's talk about, uh, talk about
something else. Ok?
What would you like to talk about?
Tell me about your son.
My son, yeah well, he took care of me. He's took care of me for a long, he still takes care of me.
And she takes good, and she takes care of me. She takes, she takes good care of me. He takes
care of me, Do you believe it I have a daughter too.
You don't have a daughter.
Yeah, I have a dauther, yeah.
A son - you have a son, a son.
No I, no I, all I have, I have
I have a son, I have a son and a daughter, and a daughter. No, I have a son, daughter, daughter too,
and a boy, and a boy
Da Da
Da Da
I'm a little tired now
Well that's alright, I think that's enough for today.
I'm feeling rough and kinda hungry too.
Da Da
Who's my boy?