Boomin' Granny
Beastie Boys Anthology:The Sounds Of Science
歌手:Beastie Boys
专辑:《Beastie Boys Anthology:The Sounds Of Science》

作曲 : Michael Diamond/Adam Horovitz/Adam Yauch
YeaAhh Yea
Ahh Yea, This
One's Deticated
To All The
Ladies In
The Front ,
The BackAll the
Older Ladies
Out ThereLookin'
Nice, You
Know Who You
AreWhooI Need
You Boomin'
GrannyI Said
I Want You
Boomin' Granny
Boomin' Granny,
Boomin' Fanny
Boomin' Granny,
Good And Planty
Well It Might
Sound Odd,
It Might Sound
Here's Some
*** Rhymes
For Those
That Are Horney
For Your Boomin'
Granny With
The Boomin'
I Love Ya
Won't Leave
Ya So You
Got To Listen
See I'm Talkin'
About The
Way That I'm
So Lovely
Lengthy And
So Appealing
A Sassy Sophisicated
***y LadyWell
I'm 26 And
You're 80The
Clock Is Ticking
So You Better
Not FrontWe
Can Go To
My Place Or
We Could Smoke
A RuntWell
You're A Lovely
Girl, Just
Like B. Author
Just Turn
Down The Lights
So We Can
Go Farther
Boomin' Granny,
Boomin' Fanny
Boomin' Granny,
Good And Planty
Because I
Saw Ya At
The Check
Out LineYou
Dropped Your
Coupons And
You Were Looking
And So Mature
I Couldn't
Really Care
If You're 50
Or 74Becaues
I Want Ya,
And I Need
YaHey Boomin'
Granny You
Could Be My
I Could Be
Your Pet,
Old Lady I'm
Gonna Make
Ya SweatI
Know I'm Younger,
And Your Much
OlderYou Look
So nice On
My Chevy Nova
I'm gonna
Take Her To
The Low Ryder
Show, And
Flaunt YaI
Gotta Tell
Ya LadyI Said
I Want You
Boomin' Granny
Because I
Need You Boomin'
Granny, Boomin'
Granny, Good
And Planty
更多>> Beastie Boys的热门歌曲