A Song for Someone
Harry Styles - X-Posed
歌手:Harry Styles
专辑:《Harry Styles - X-Posed》

Harry, was Sweet Creature written about a specific person?
Ehhm, in my opinion, I think most songs are written for one listener, in my personal opinion.
In the way that I think, you know people do write book I think probably write them for one reader.
Annnd, yeah I think it's a really amazing way of being able to say something to someone that, you know maybe they'll never know that then maybe there's one thing in there the only they will notice about them.
I think it's, you know like I said it's so much easier to, to say something in a song than it is to say it to someone.
And I think it's, it's really amazing to be able to communicate through that and be able to wrap up everything that you want to say in three-and-a-half minutes and say it in the song.
For lack of like not wanting to like really analyze your art right?
You kind of said without saying that the song is kind of about somebody right?
You had a message that you were looking to convey.
Who makes you feel at home?
I think its like a fair, a fair, hmmm, acknowledgement yeah.
So is this person know the song is written about them?
Ehhh, actually I don't know.
I think that, I think the thing that's important to remember is not always necessarily, ehh, the first thing you might think of.
But I, I obviously would never tell someone that what they thought was wrong.
I think the best thing about music is that everyone can take away different things from, from stuff.
It's different to every ear.
And that's not wrong, it's not really wrong answer.
I feel like a lot of my favorite songs that mean something to me, I'd be disappointed if someone told me there about something else. It might ruin the song for me, so yeah I think Sweet Creature is definitely about one person,
but ehh, yeah I think it's important to remember that, hmmm, you know there's there's many different types of things that could be about, you know, a person yeah. Know what I mean?
It's okay I know. Yeah锛寃as Blackbird by the Beatles an inspiration for the song because I've been seeing a lot of comparisons between those two.
Oh yeah? I mean, I'm a massive fan of that song, it's incredible.(You can song.) Emmm, so I mean being mentioned in the same breath as that song is a huge compliment,
but yeah I mean I just wanted to write stuff that was for me and what I feel sounded like to me and was I wanted to say and listen to. And, and I feel really happy with it so far.
Do you have a hand in the fashion? That is a part of like the album like that blue velvet suit, it's gorgeous,(hmm)it's very unique.
Did somebody pitch that to you or did you find it?
No we found it. Emm, so yeah, I think, I think this thing that's really fun with music is you get to, you know you see everything as well and that has obviously become part of music in that,
people get to present stuff in the way that they want to present stuff and I think it's a really good place to be able to like have fun with it and express yourself and I guess just put
I guess just show the music and in the way that you'd want to show it I think and it's a very it's a very cool way of being able to have some fun I think.
We're going on tour this is a very unique tour it is a very intimate venue(You're going on tour.)type situation I are you must be really excited to perform in intimate venues, right?
I am very excited, yeah. I think it's my first album, it's my first tour and I'm gonna be playing some amazing venues that a lot of my favorite artists display their amazing rooms and I just wanted to, I wanted to go and play these songs for some fans who wanted to come and watch and listen.
So I'm very much looking forward to it, it's gonna be really nice I think, and the band I'm gonna be with amazing and I think it's gonna be and it can be a fun run.
By the way, you said rooms right? Not arenas not stadiums nothing like that. Are you preparing differently mentally and creatively to cater to an audience of a smaller size?
Just the kitchen with just playing kitchen, across the U.S.
Yeah, that's actually a really good idea. There's a lot of people who would open their kitchen up to you.
Right? Oh yeah. I, that would be lovely.(Yeah get a lot of food.)That would be bad kid into that kitchen.
I mean yeah it's very exciting I'm looking forward to you know I think the energy that you can feel in those rooms that some of the some of my favorite shows that I've ever been to are in rooms very similar to the ones that we're going to be playing so I'm excited to see how it goes.
How long does it take you to get dressed and get ready in the morning like? Do you sit in front of the mirror in your closet for a while or is it is it quick?
It's pretty quick man.(Okay.)Pretty quick.
Cause you always look real cool when you're out and about.But I think the coolness(Thanks!)but the coolness is kind of like the real quickness of it right? Dishevelment right? You didn't try but you tried.
It's comfortable, man.
Comfort is cool.(It decides to be comfortable.)
All right Harry, everyone wants to know about the hair. Is that is the hair gonna stay a little shorter or you gonna grow back out?
Ehhh, undecided. I'm enjoying both right now. I'm enjoying both. Right now I just had a little trim, I'm feeling pretty good about it. Ehhh, yeah, a little breezy behind me is.
Are we gonna bring back?(Good.) Are we bringing back to painted fingernails at all?
Sure.(Cool.)Why not?(Yeah!)All the time. Maybe it's given I haven't really thought about it too much, probably.
I know we're. By the way, I know we're talking a lot about music, obviously. Cuz that's what's going on, Harry Styles self-titled album debut album coming out May 12th he does go on tour and this is a super unique tour and I can't wait to see the show. (Thank you.)
I just want to talk about movies real quick because you got music but you are doing some movies and, do you have a dream role like do you see yourself like in a dream role at all? Like who would you want to play?
Well, that's a really good question. Ehh, I don't know really. I think, I was with this one I was always a massive fan of Chris Nolan's movies.(Yeah.) It was something that I feel like if I hadn't been involved and I'd be very excited to watch it.
And I kind of really wanted to get involved and I felt very lucky at all the time I was on set to be involved in a movie like that.
And I think it's gonna be good. I think it's gonna be a fun one and I think if there was stuff in the future where I really wanted to get involved and I'd love to be able to try for it, I guess. Dream roll, I'm not sure.
Can I put out into the universe that maybe one one day James Bond? You know just gonna put that out there,(Well)right?
(Well)I don't know I think like maybe like 15 years down the line 20 years whenever like that's pretty sweet.
I think you make cure James Bond.
I don't like gun, matter, I don't for, I don't know. I could use, something else.
No guns. Kind words and love? Compliments?
Yeah, exactly yeah. I would throw roses around.(There you go.)
Any collaborations on this album at all?
Ehh, no nothing,(Cool!)on this album.(All Harry Styles!)Ehh, I feel like as it's really important to me to work out what it was gonna be going into it not knowing what was gonna sound like. So I didn't know what my album was gonna sound like so I felt like I kind of wanted to work that out for.
Ehh, and I just kinda not kind of stray too far from just making an album of what I wanted it to be for my first one I guess. But now nothing on nothing on this one.
What's the hardest part of this solo process so far for you?
Ehhhm, I'd say you can't deflect any questions to anyone else.
HAHAHA! It's a really good answer.
Yeah, it's just you(It's all you)and then yeah. But I'm finding new way to wriggle out of stuff which has been a lot of fun.
HAHAHAHA! Love for you Harry Styles! Thank you so much for taking the time! It means a lot.
Thanks for having me.
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