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《어린이집 유치원 베스트 영어 명작 동요》作词 : 에이리스트
Check, check, check out the elephant, check, check!
Check, check, check out the elephant, check, check
The prince has got a present. I guess it is magnificent.
Check, check, check out the elephant!
Check, check, check out the elephant!
The elephant! The elephant!
The elephant! The elephant!
Check, check, check out the elephant!
Check, check, check out the elephant!
We’ll check out the elephant, check out the elephant!
Check, check, check out the elephant, check, check!
Check, check, check out the elephant, check, check
The prince has got a present. I guess it is magnificent.
Check, check, check out the elephant!
Check, check, check out the elephant!
The elephant! The elephant!
The elephant! The elephant!
Check, check, check out the elephant!
Check, check, check out the elephant!
We’ll check out the elephant, check out the elephant!