
作词 : 自由窝
作曲 : 自由窝
Mix by JSore
Hello 喂
Um... 嗯...
I just wanted to say that... 我打给你就是想说...
You know it wasn't our fault 你懂得,我们其实都没有错
that we couldn't be together no more. 只是遗憾我们最终没能走到一起

Chigga I don't wanna hear from you 我并不想知道你的近况如何
Nah 不
Cuz I'm no longer into you 因为爱你的日子已经过去
Yeah 是的
But your stuck in my contact list 但是你的名字仍在我的联系人列表中
Still tryna check your posts 我还是会忍不住去翻看你的动态
I'm running in circles 所做的一切都是在兜圈子罢了
Chigga I don't see the reason why 我不知道我这样做是为了什么
Yeah 我不知道
Tryna prove yourself a faithful type 你也只是在尽力证明你是个负责的人
You said we could still be friends 你说我们仍可以做朋友
and talked all that ******** 然后又说一些屁话
still remember all of you 即便已经结束我还是记得你的全部
Not sure bout what I'm feeling 不清楚自己是怎么想的
And why I'm still feeling it 为什么都过去了一两年自己还在想这些
those times you were tripping 想那些和你瞎**度过的时光
The days when we were killing it 还有那些所有人都坚信我们的日子
I thought we were forever 我当时以为我们能走到最后
I thought this is it 我那么坚信你就是我最终的归宿
They say there is only one true love 他们都说真爱只有一个
which I believed 我当时也就信了
All those days I was with you I was so 和你在一起把我变成了一个
optimistic 上进的人
All these years since you left it was my life 在你离开后的那些年 你什么都没改变
yeah you've changed it 除了我的人生
All those stupid **** that we've been through 我们一起干过那么多的傻事
I know you loved it 我知道你当时也是真的开心
All my youth was yours and you were mine 我的少年时光都给了你,因为当时你也是我的
we're so committed 我们那时爱得那么投入
But something changed 但是后来我们之间的一些东西变了
or they were changed 或者说是那些东西改变了我们
By the distance or the heavy feeling 因为相隔的距离或者是压力
that I couldn't lift 那些我承受不了的压力
I knew you had needs 我知道你也有需要
Maybe ****** some ******* 可能也做过一些事
I won't give a **** 现在的我会说我根本不在乎
But yet I did 但我只是过个嘴瘾
Soon those fights showed up 然后我们开始了不断的争吵
I thought that I couldn't take it 吵到我以为我已经不能和你继续下去了
But I loved you so much that I did 但是我当时那么爱你
I bent myself to it 爱到我愿意为这段感情忍受所有的委屈
That wasn't even the problem 但那根本就不是分手的原因
We both knew it 这点我们都明白
We just stopped talking stopped laughing stopped loving 我们就那么停止交流 停止欢笑 失去感情了
Chigga I don't wanna hear from you 我并不想知道你的近况如何
Nah 不
Cuz I'm no longer into you 因为爱你的日子已经过去
Yeah 是的
But your stuck in my contact list 但是你的名字仍在我的联系人列表中
Still tryna check your posts 我还是会忍不住去翻看你的动态
I'm running in circles 所做的一切都是在兜圈子罢了
Chigga I don't see the reason why 我不知道我这样做是为了什么
Yeah 我不知道
Tryna prove yourself a faithful type 你也只是在尽力证明你是个负责的人
You said we could still be friends 你说我们仍可以做朋友
and talked all that ******** 然后说一些屁话
still remember all of you 即便已经结束我还是记得你的全部
I still miss you so love you so 我还是这么爱你,我还是这么想你
but I never never let you know 只是我再也不会去告诉你
there are many ways to let it go 有那么多方法去学会放手
the first time you say hello 我却还忘不掉第一次见你的样子
eh eh your number in my phone 我却还删不掉手机里你的电话号码
thats easy leave my zone 你离开时却走得那么轻松
baby without me will you stil sing my song 现在你没有我了还会唱我的歌吗
come on 别这样
you don’t understand me 你从来没试图理解我
our love was like a rodeo 我们的爱情像一场竞技
all this frustration inside me 我就算再难过
you dont need to call 也不需要你打电话来安慰
break up its not my fault 分手并不全是我的错
how come Im always wrong 为什么你总是怪我
I’m a tourist in your world 我只是你世界里的过客
Time makes us all get strong 时间会让我们成长
I’ve never done anything to you bad 我从没做过对不起你的事
I’ve never been stingy when you need cash 也从不吝啬于你
shawty shawty don’t blame me 不要在怪我了
Im the best you’ve ever had 我是你遇到过的最好
the best you’ve ever had 是你拥有过最好的
Chigga I don't wanna hear from you 我并不想知道你的近况如何
Cuz I'm no longer into you 因为爱你的日子已经过去
But your stuck in my contact list 但是你的名字仍在我的联系人列表中
Still tryna check your posts 我还是会忍不住去翻看你的动态
I'm running in circles 所做的一切都是在兜圈子罢了

Um... ...
I I just called to say thank you 我 我打来只是想说声谢谢
And... And all... 然后... 就是这样...
And... Just... You know I... 嗯... 就... 你知道我...

更多>> Çhay的热门歌曲