《もし、この世界に神様がいるとするならば。 オリジナルサウンドトラック》in/ci/pi/ens/mi/hi/pec/ca/tum
Seamed together in ancient times,in the deep abyssal,
red string,right now's the hour to undo,reveal yourself
Continuing one hundred million and thousands of years,
this emotional theorem,theorem of reciprocity.
Bound from head to my feet,
with a vision that crosses in my head like an unredeemable hypothesis intoxicating me
Under the moonlight alone,
diving into the ocean blue giving a kiss,ah,
to Daihana that opens our world
far from me(close to me)
love me tender
Even if everything repulses again and again,
we're always poisoning each other-...
"even if we weren't"
"meant to be this world."
seamed together in ancient times,in the deep abyssal,
red string,right now's the hour to undo,reveal yourself
Continuing one hundred million and thousands of years,
this emotional theorem,theorem of reciprocity.
(I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the end)
(I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the end)
Doubting my next life,
the version that wanted pure logic embrace the blue,
can you tell me if my scarlet wrist was expected too?
stepping in puddles of shadow,
singing inside,the two of us trying to kill,ah,
the deduction that closes our world
stop my heart(stop my mind)
Here,right now(feel me now)
want me,crave me
Even if everything rejects us again and again,
you're the one,only one that I need-...
"because there isn't"
"isn't any God"
seamed together in ancient times,
in the deep abyssal,
Red string,right now's the hour to undo,reveal yourself
continuing one hundred million and thousands of years,
this emotional theorem,theorem of reciprocity.
(I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the end)
(I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the end)
tell me,God(is our sin)
to be born(just like you)
living our(lives like you)
give us an answer
"I don't want to gently say"
"when we're born again."
"that's why I chose."
"I chose to love you."
seamed together in ancient times,
in the deep abyssal,
Red string,right now's the hour to undo,reveal yourself
seamed together in ancient times,
in the deep abyssal,
Red string,right now's the hour to undo,reveal yourself
continuing one hundred million and thousands of years,
this emotional theorem,theorem of reciprocity.
(I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the end)
(I am Alpha and Omega,the beginning and the end)