《宝宝巴士英文儿歌-安全好习惯》My little baby come inside. 小小宝贝呀快进来。
Mommy will give you a bath bath bath. 妈妈来帮你洗个澡。
Let’s check if the water is hot or not. 先试试水温烫不烫。
Not too hot and not too cold. 不冷不热,
It’s perfect. 刚刚好。
My little baby close your eyes. 小小宝贝呀闭上眼。
Mommy will wash your hair hair hair. 妈妈来帮你洗头发。
Putting some shampoo on your hair. 抹上香香的洗发水。
Let’s make many sweet bubbles. 搓出好多好多小泡泡。
The floor is wet and slippery. 地板湿了有点滑。
Don’t try to run OK. 不能到处乱跑哦。
My little baby. 小小宝贝呀,
Please don’t move. 不乱动,
Please don’t move. 不乱动。
Mommy will wash you clean clean clean. 妈妈来帮你洗身体。
Putting some soap bubbles on your skin. 抹上香香的沐浴露。
And then with warm water rinse them off. 用温水帮你冲干净。
My little baby. 小小宝贝呀,
You’re clean now. 真干净,
You’re clean now. 真干净。
Mommy will dry you with a towel. 妈妈来帮你裹毛巾。
Remember to wipe from head to toe. 从头到脚都擦一擦。
Be careful not to catch a cold. 身体擦干小心别着凉。"