Can you turn this into like... a happy hard core... kinda drop... for me?
No man... What are you talking about?
Sounds so f***ing awkward
It really doesn't. Trust me, it will sound so good
no... You have NO IDEA!!!
What are you talking about just jesus f***ing christ stop
Please, man... Just do me this ONE favor, please l beg you...
*inhales in spanish*
*exhales in portuguese*
Fine... let me try this and see if it works out
There, you happy now?
Dude holy s*** that sounded so f***ing sick
Can you make more like this?
Please, please !!!
Dude... f*** off
Do you not even realize that, nobody wants to hear this s***
Can you just le me make what most people enjoy?
Alright, man
*opens door in hindu*
*slams door in bosnian and herzegovinian*
So annoying...
Where was I?
Let me turn this s*** down
There we go
Finally done...
Wait hold on
Let me give a fine a such