山丹丹花开红艳艳(国际版)(Cover 朱逢博)

Mountain the that Open Flower
How are you
Fine thank you
And you
I'm fine too
I'm Tie Chui
Sing for you
Mountain the that open flower
Red red red
Our center red army get to north
Our center red army get to north
Housands of people ai he ai he yo
Open the door ai he ai he yo
Fast let our family come in
Ai he ai he yo
For people family ai he ai he yo
Silly something from to my heart
Ai he ai he yo(u hu hu)
Sky with black clouds ai he ai he yo
Wind blows away ai he ai he yo
Mao leader come here sunsol day
Sunsol sunsol day
Mao leader come here sunsol day
Sunsol sunsol day
更多>> 李明霖的热门歌曲