《Beyond Abilities》Kochon If you have something to confess,
Do it now, give yourself some peace
Of course I knew god had arranged it all.
That was obvious one, one, minute ,I was here,
Frustrated boy, in an obscure little town
The next I was here ,But what did it matter?
He adored my music ,Everybody like me,
I like myself ,Until He came ,My music, it started without me!
What was god up to? My heart was filling up
With such hatred for that little man. For the first time in my life
I began to know really violent thoughts ,All i ever wanted
Was to sing to god ,He gave me that longing
Then made me mute! Why? Tell me that
If he didn't want me ,To appraise ,Him with music
Why implant the desire? Like a lust in my body
And then deny me the talent! Naturally, the
Italians! Of course! Always the ,Italians!
They are musical idiots! And you want them,
To judge my music? Because you choose for your instrument
A boastful, lustful, smutty, infantile boy
And give me for the reward only the ability
To recognise the incarnation. Because you are unjust!
Unfair, unkind! I will block you !I swear it!
Maestro Salieri At last! Such an immense joy.
Diletto straordinario! Grazie Signore