《Wibbling Rivalry》Q: How do you feel about the fact that, already, Oasis have attracted a reputation for being...
er, rock'n'roll animals?
Liam: I'm into it, me.
I'm into it
but at the end of the day, like he says
I go home and get a clip off me mam.
Know what I mean, and I do.
She clips me 'round the head and goes,
"What are you like, you little tinker?".
Q: Did you get a clip after Amsterdam?
Liam: Oh yeah, I get it all the time.
You know what I mean, she looks at me and goes,
"You fᴜckin' daft bastard."
Noel: It's not a, it's a reputation
right, that I...
Liam : I like the way it's bubbling up.
It's reminding me of the Roses all over again.
I like that, me.
I want to get 2000 people in a nice fᴜckin' gaff who are there to see you, not fᴜckin' go...
Noel: No, no, no, yeh
Liam: I want Blur to go, yeah, man, I'm a fᴜcking...
Noel: Woah. eeyare. Hang on a minute.
That's not what he's on about.
Liam: He is.
Noel: He's on about a reputation, about getting thrown off fᴜckin' ferries
Liam: Yeah, but that's part of it, that's what...
Q: How do you feel about the fact that that's what's spoken of them.
Or it was, sort of...
Noel: The thing about getting thrown off ferries - blah, blah, blah
and getting deported is summat that I'm not proud about because...
Liam: Well I am, la.
Noel: Yeah, alright. Well if you're, right, well if you're, right, well if,
if you're proud about getting thrown off ferries,
then why don't you go and support West Ham and get the fᴜck out of my band
and go and be a football hooligan, right?
Coz we're musicians, right?
We're not football hooligans.
Liam: You're only gutted coz you was in bed fᴜckin' reading your fᴜckin' books...
Noel: No, not at all.
Listen. No, listen.
He says, right... Here's a quote for you from my manager, Marcus Russell, right...
Liam: He's a fᴜckin'...'nother fᴜckin'...
Noel: Shut up, you ****.
Right, he gets off the ferry after getting fᴜckin' deported.
I'm left in Amsterdam with me **** out like a fᴜckin' spare p***k at a fᴜckin' wedding...
Liam: It was a bad move, you know...
Noel: Shut up! Shut up!
Right, he gets off the ferry and Marcus says,
"What are you fᴜckin' doing?"
you know, "What the fᴜck is going..."
Liam: What the fuh, wha' the fuh, wha' fuh....
Noel: "What are you doing...", and all that, and he says, right
"These lot think it's rock'n'roll to get thrown off a ferry...to get..."
Liam: No I don't.
Noel: Shut up.
These lot think it's rock'n'roll to get thrown off...
Liam: I don't.
Noel: Shut the fᴜck up, man!
These lot think...I'm gonna have to say this part, are you gonna shut up?!
These lot think it's rock'n'roll to get thrown off a ferry, right
to come into hotel foyers to get everybody at it an to go - shut up! - to start thinking,
"Hey, it's rock 'n' roll." Do you know what my manager said to him?
He said, "Nah. Rock'n'roll is going to Amsterdam, doing your gig, playing your music,
that's rock 'n' roll, right... and coming back and saying you blew 'em away."
Not getting thrown off the ferry like some fᴜckin' scouse schlepper with your fᴜckin'...
with...being handcuffed. That's football hooliganism...
Liam: No it isn't...
Noel: ...and I won't stand for it
Liam: No it isn't...
Noel: And listen, they all got fined a thousand pounds each.
Liam: We didn't at all.
Noel: Yes you fᴜckin' did.
Liam: You can stick your thousands pounds right up yer fᴜckin arse 'till it comes out your fᴜckin' big toe.
(Noel retires to the toilet)
Q: You're not up for being seen as bad lads, are you?
Liam: No, I'm not up for, no, no, I'm not, I'm not up for being...
Noel: (from bathroom) He's not a bad lad! He's a fᴜcking'...
you know what I mean, he's like...
Liam: Shut the fᴜck up....fᴜckin'...shut up!...
I'm not up for being seen as a bad lad, I'm just up for being seen as me.
And what happened on that boat, right, is we got, had a few drinks and that's because I like drinking.
And I love it. I'm into it.
Noel: (From bathroom) You can't drink, you ********!
Liam: Who can't drink? Well fᴜckin' where the fᴜck did it go?
It went right in there, and I dealt with it.
Noel: (Still in bathroom) Eeyare! Wooah!
Liam: Hey, shut up! Shut the fᴜck up!
Now, listen, right, now listen, right.
And I'm not, I'm not saying, right, I'm not saying I'm proud of what happened
but...that is what happened.
That's what occured on that night.
And it's like what fᴜckin' Bobby Gillespie said.
He said, "I'm sick of all these fᴜckin' bands who, who ain't got, who don't get in situations and that no more."
The last band that did it was the Pistols, and that, and they'd go out and, like, summat would happen.
And that's all it is sir: that's the way we are, or the way I am.
Liam: I always go out and meet some
Noel: That's bulls**t.
Bulls**t. Bulls**t. Bulls**t!
Liam: It's not bulls**t.
It's bulls**t in your world, but in my world it's fᴜcking...
Noel: It's bulls**t.
Nah, it's bulls**t
Liam: Shut the fᴜck up.
What you've been ranting on about, right, is bulls**t to me.
Noel: If you think rock'n'roll is...
if you think rock'n'roll...
if you think rock'n'roll is getting arrested and all that...
Liam: Rock'n'roll is about being yourself.
Noel: No it's not...
Liam: And I went on that fᴜckin' boat, I had a drink, I had too much beer and I got in a fight and that was it.
Noel: Rock'n'roll is about music.
Music. Music. Music. It's not about you, it's not about me, it's not about Oasis.
It's about the songs.
Liam: No it isn't.
No it isn't. Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah...
Noel: It's not, it's not about you.
Liam: What the fᴜck were the Pistols, then?
Noel: Who's talking about the *** Pistols?
Liam: They were the best' rock'n'roll band that ever fᴜckin came out.
Or one of 'em...one of 'em, mate...one of 'em.
Noel: They're not. They're not. They're not. They're not.
They made one album.
Q: Would the Stones have done anything without getting arrested and getting people's backs up?
Liam: No, would they fᴜck! No, that's why they were so good! That's why they were so good!
Noel: Of course they were good.
What? Coz they got arrested! Because the Rolling Stones got arrested they were a great rock'n'roll band?
Liam: No...No! No! No! No! No! No! No! No!
Noel:Fᴜck off! Bulls**t! Bulls**t!
Liam: No, but they had..but they had summat else there.
Noel: They had what? An edge? Is that what you're saying? An edge.
Liam: No, they had a life, you ********. They had a life, man...
Noel: We've got a life! We've got a life!
Liam: Not if you start going on like that.
Noel: Why? But do you think...
Liam: (Begins to mince up and down bedroom). Do you want to walk around like that? Like that?
Noel: No, not at all.
Liam: And get on your stage and go likethat, and you sit, and you go...
Noel: Not at all. Not at all. Not at all. What I'm saying is, what I'm saying is you think...
Liam: You get into situations...
Noel: No...you think it's rock'n'roll to get thrown off a ferry, and it's not.
Liam: I don't think it's rock'n' roll.
Noel: You fᴜcking...that was your quote, you p***k! That was your quote.
Liam: No it weren't. No it weren't. No it weren't. No...
Noel: It's rock'n'rooooooool! It's rock'n'rooool! That's what you said!
Liam: I was laughing about it.
Noel: No you weren't.
Liam: Coz everyone was getting hung up about it,
going on like some Japanese fᴜcker or some p***k from Sony, right
who wants to come & fᴜckin' see us, right, and they've got a flight out there, right
and that Marcus was going on to me going,
"What do you think about that, then" and I'm saying what do you mean what do I think.
I think fᴜck all about you...
they mean fᴜck all to me, you know, I don't even know him.
Right, and if they fᴜcking are flying out there, they're gonna it back on whatever the fᴜck...
that's fᴜck all, that's...
Noel: Right.
Liam:...that's bulls**t...
Noel: But what I'm saying to you...
Liam: And I just said it fᴜckin happened.
Noel: Nah...
Liam: And as far as I'm concerned, I was, I'm into it.
Noel: What I'm saying to you is...
Liam: Now I'm out of that cell and I fᴜckin' got out of that piss bucket,
and I laugh about it and I think, yeah, fᴜckin' good, man.
Noel: Bollocks, man! Oasis...Oasis, right, is not...
Liam: It happened, right. It happened. That was reality, mate. It happened.
Noel: We're not a bunch of boxers, are we? Right, so Oasis...
Q: But Oasis is seen as being a band who's similar to the Rolling Stones & the Pistols and the like....
Noel: Music! Music!
Liam: And that's where you want to be, that's where you want to be...
Q: Let me see what you think of this.
Musically, no, the reason people are writing about you I'd say musically it's about 70% of it.
The other 30%, the reason that you get in the press and the people go, fᴜckin',
and looking at you and all that is coz you do seem like a band that wherever they go summat's going to happen.
Liam: And that's good. That is good.
Noel: That's fine...that's fine.
Liam: I went, I went, uh, to do a video a King's Cross Station, yeah.
I went out to the fᴜcking shop to buy a paper, yeah,
while I was there I had makeup on and fᴜcking everthing ready to do the video shoot and you know ten minutes later,
some crazy crackhead fᴜcking bird...some woman called Pauline going,
"Look man, look, they're fᴜcking..." coz they're talking bulls**t, and getting me hotter....and that was it, it's a situation.
Noel: Right.
Liam: ...that just arose.
Noel: Right. Fine, that's...
Liam: That is life.
Noel: Right. What I fᴜcking say to that is,
what I say to that is situations like that have been happening to me & him before we were in a band.
Liam: Therefore, why should it all change? Why should...
Noel: Shut up. Shut up.
Liam: I get in situations all the time....
Noel: He's just said, he's just said 70%...
Liam: The band, the band is not a rule book for my life.
Noel: Right. The band is about fᴜckin' music.
Right. It's not about getting thrown off fᴜckin ferries, or about...
Liam: I never said that.
Noel: Why don't you go downstairs and smash the bar up and say you're the singer of Oasis?
Liam: Coz I don't want to.
If I did, if I was gonna go down & smash the bar up, I'd do and there's nothing would stop me.
Noel: Then why don't you go and make a scene, then?
Liam: Coz I'm not in that...I'm fᴜcking...you know what I mean?
Noel: You're not...you're not...
Right. Why don't you do a Keith Richards? Throw the TV out of the window!
Liam: Coz I'm not Keith Richards.
Noel: Throw the TV out the window!
Liam: I don't want to do that.
If I wanted to do it, I'd just go like that and do it, and do it.
But I don't want to do that. I'm not about that.
Noel: What are you about?
Liam: I'm about being...I'm about going down the fᴜckin'...I'm about...
That's what I'm about.
Noel: Right. That's what you're about. Right. Right. Right. Right. Right. But I'm talking about fᴜckin'....
Ehyeh, I'm talking about our band here.
hey, yo, I'm talking about our band.
Liam: Yeah, that's what I'm talking about.
Noel: No you're not. You're talking about you.
You're talking about you, right.
I'm talking about our band...our band. Our band is about tunes.
Liam: Yeah, I know. Don't...don't think I'm stupid. Don't talk to me like I'm..
Noel: He's just said, seventy, 70% of what people are writing about is the music.
Right. I'll take the 70%. The 30%, you can go and fᴜckin' blow it.
Liam: Sit down, man. Sit down, coz you're getting into a state.
You're building yourself into a stat.
You've had too many G&Ts. Sit the fᴜck down.
Noel: No, no, no, I’am not
Noel: See, you're not a spokesman for the band.
Liam: I’am nah - are you?
Noel: Yeah. I am.
Liam: Are you?
Noel: Yeah. I am.
Liam: You might be in your little world,
but as far as I'm concerned, if you think what I'm saying is bulls**t, I think what you're saying is fᴜckin' bulls**t, man.
Noel: Right. Well, fine. Right. Well, fine. You don't speak for the band.
Liam: You don't speak for the band.
Noel: I do speak for the band.
Liam: You do, yeah, because you fᴜckin', yeah...
I fᴜcking speak for the band, I'm speaking now for the band.
And I'm into it. I'm into all that fᴜckin' s**t.
Noel: Yeah, you are. You are.
Liam: He's teetotal. He's a fᴜckin' priest. He was born to be a priest.
Noel: No, listen. Listen. Listen. No, no, yeah, whoa, whoa,yeah.
The difference is, I don't get caught.
Liam: Right.
Noel: Right. I don't get caught.
Liam: But I have to admit that I was fᴜckin'...
Noel: Right. That's all I have to say....I don't get caught.
Liam: So what you're trying to say, right,
what you're trying to say, you're trying to say, right,
that I'm out in a pub, yeah, I have a few beers, yeah, a situation arises,
and I'm supposed to go like that (makes suitably effeminate gesture)?
Noel: What pub, where?
Liam: Anywhere, anywhere! The boat, the boat, the boat, the boat is the same thing.
Noel: It isn't! Coz you're with Oasis! You're with the band!
Liam: Nah, nah, nah. There's no rules.
Why don't you show me the rule book, then...
coz if you've got a rule book, what you're saying is complete and utter fᴜckin' (VOLUME WARNING) Bloooarskybluh!
Noel: I haven't got a rule book. I'm not saying there's any rules.
I'm saying you're proud of the fact, you're proud of the fact. Why?
Liam: Coz it happened. I'm not proud...no, I'm not...
If it didn't happen, if it didn't hapen, we wouldn't have been asked.
Yeah, I won't be going...I won't be going...
no, I don't go out to fᴜcking' get a vibe and that to go "Yeah, yeah..."
Noel: You do! You do!
You do, you walk into hotel fᴜckin' foyers and you get everybody at it and you go "Psss",
knocking on people's doors and go "hey", fᴜckin'...
Liam: I'm having the crack.
Noel: Right. Yeah. You're proud of the fact.
Liam: And it's not doing anyone any harm.
It's not doing anyone any harm. That's me. John Lennon used to fᴜckin' burn about doing little mad things, and that...
Noel: Do you know John Lennon?
Liam: Do you know him?
Noel: I don't, but do you?
Liam: Yeah.
Noel: Well, you must be pretty old. How old are you? 21?
Liam: No. About fᴜckin' thousand and five fᴜckin' one.
Noel: You're 22.
Liam: No, I'm 21.
Noel: Right. And remember, I watched you being born...
Liam: Right.
Noel: ...and I don't even know John Lennon.
Liam: Right.
Noel: Right, then, so shut the fᴜck up about knowing John Lennon...so what are you trying to say, then?
Liam: What I'm saying's that you're not rock 'n' roll.
You want to be teetotal and walk around and go like that?
Noel: I think you're missing the point.
Liam: No, you're missing the point.
Noel:They don’t want…They don’t want…They don’t want…to be judged
Liam:And I know that,I ‘m not fᴜcking stupid.
Q: Then why did he put the references to white lines in Cigarettes & Alcohol?
Liam: Exactly, why, why, didn't you, why, why...
Noel: That is, that's a part...that's not being bad, that's a part of life.
That is a part of fᴜckin' life, we all snort white lines every day.
Liam: Exactly. and we all get into trouble now & again, we all have little fights..
Noel: No we don't. We don't all get into trouble.
Liam: But I do.You want to be, you want to be..
Noel: Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Music! Let's talk about music!
Liam: You want to be, you want to be, you want to be Keith Richards.
You want to be Keith Richards. Admit it. Admit it. You want to be Keith Richards. Admit it. Admit it. Admit it. Admit it.
Noel: Let's talk about music. Let's not talk about you being a hard guy. Let's talk about music. Let's talk about music!
Let's not talk about you being an 'ard guy, let’s talk about music, let’s not talk about you being an ‘ard man, let's talk about music.
Liam: You're getting hung up about...you're getting hung up about a situation that occured on a boat!
Q: Let's go back to where we were before, when you said...
that people saying "I go on Oasis' bus and you can't move for drugs and all that, and they're fᴜckin’ up all night..."
You're up for that? You're up for that? That's the side that you will go..
Noel: Right. People are sat, right, in England, right now,
in flats across this country, whether it be Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham, London, Leeds, Liverpool, Sheffield...in rooms like this.
And they've all got their drugs out. that's no fᴜcking...that is no big...that is a part of life.
Liam: Exactly. So shut the fᴜck up , man!
Noel: I'm not talking about that!
Liam: Shut the fᴜck up, man, you're just contradicting yourself..
Noel: I’m not, I’m not, I’m not..
Liam: ..You've had too many fᴜckin’ drinks, right.
The thing is, I don't want to be classed...
I don't want to go on about how I'm this, how I'm a hard fᴜcker, and I'm this... I'm in this band to make fᴜcking music,
but that thing will come along with it. It always does.
Q: The Who hated each other you know?
Liam: Yeah, well I hate this bastard.
Q: Is that important to you? Is that what fires this band up?
Liam: Yeah. That's what it's all about.
That's w hy we'll be the best band in the world, because I fᴜckin' hate that twat there.
Q: The Who used to go on about how much they fᴜckin' hated eachother.
Noel: The samegoes for you (laughing)
Liam: Yeah, well I fᴜckin' hate him.
And I hope one day there's a release where I can smash fᴜck out of him, with a fᴜckin' Rickenbacker, right on his nose,
and then he does the same to me, coz I think that we're stepping right up to it now.
There's a fᴜckin' line there and we're right on the edge of it.
Q: How often do you have arguments like this?
Liam: Every fᴜckin'...every day. Every day. Every time...
Noel: Hourly
Q: Yeah.
Noel: Hourly
Q: And how do you manage to go on stage with each other?
Liam: I fᴜck him off.
Q: Do you argue immediately before you...do you argue immediately before you...
Liam: I've got a mike stand, I've got a mike stand, yeah.
And I've got a mike stand, right, and that's what I'm about, right, what I'm into.
I'm not going to fᴜck off because he thinks my views are fᴜcking too outrageous or whatever.
I've got my fᴜckin' vibe, and Igo to that mike stand, and I do my business.
He stands fᴜckin' in his fᴜckin' corner, he does, he does his little riffs and his little dance - let him do that.
McGuigan does his fᴜckin' bit, I'll do my bit, the drummer does their bit. And that's what it's all about.
Five people, not one.
Q: Do you have any recurring dreams?
Noel: Yeah. Just the one.
Liam: When I take over the band…