No Use for a Name
《Making Friends》Sitting in the lazy chair, the channels look the same
I realize that the roof is stable, and start to feel ashamed
It's cold outside but dont ask me, the weather's fine in here
Ask the man around the corner who lives his life in fear
Two hundred pennies, forty ounces later he's okay
He doesn't have the pressure to think about the next day
But I bet it's something cold and hard and grey
Complaining and whining all the time, I never seem to quit
Always lying to myself, a shoe that always fits
Never is a long time and it seems like I'm a clock
Ticking like a time bomb, someday soon his life will stop
I listen to the radio but nothing good is on
My friends are calling up but I'm pretending that I'm gone
We're all pieces in a chess game, he's a pawn
I wonder how it turned out like this, no one seems to care
The scale has tipped me fortunate, is this what we call fair?
But I've never had the mind to know it
Never had the guts to show it
I know one thing, his dream is my nightmare