The Jonah
Fatal Portrait
歌手:King Diamond
专辑:《Fatal Portrait》

作词 : King Diamond
"After 7 Years On A Dusty Shelf“在铺满灰尘的书架上搁置七年,
The Book Seemed Unreal那书早已面目全非。
For 7 Years In An Ancient Rhyme在一首古体韵诗中被吟唱七年,
The Fate Of A Girl Was Sealed"女孩的生命禁锢其中。

The Jonah 约拿书
Artist(Band):King Diamond
曲 & 词: King Diamond
编译: jion

In The Attic I Was Searching By The Moonlight阁楼里,我在月光下搜寻,
What Would I Find--会有何发现?
Old And Grey From Dust I felt It Staring Back古老而灰暗的目光穿过灰尘向我看来,
Oh That Book哦,那一本书!

Yellow Pages Caught My Eyes, So Unreal泛黄的书页吸引我的眼球,如此虚无。
Through the Dust Of Time穿越时间的灰烬,
In An Ancient Rhyme The Truth Had Been Sealed真相被禁锢在那古诗之中。
On A Broken Shelf It Would All Be Revealed书架早已毁坏,它一览无遗。
It Had Been There For Years它在那等待,年复一年,
And No One Ever Knew却从未有人发觉。

Now Break The Spell And Free The Girl毁掉符咒,还她自由。
From The Candle Of Fate点燃命运之烛,
Look At The Flame And Say The Rhyme看着火焰,诵出诗词,
The End Is Near, No More Pain, Ah You're Free结局已近,痛苦已尽,哦,你已自由!


As The Candle Melts Away 随着蜡烛消融,
The Spirit Of The Candle Girl emerges From The Flame, 女孩的灵魂自火焰中显现,
She Doesn't Seem The Sme 如梦如幻,
With A Smile On Her Face She Starts To Speak一丝微笑挂上脸庞,她开口说道:
"Hear My Story:"“听我的故事:……”
更多>> King Diamond的热门歌曲