《Legend of the Forgotten Reign - Chapter III: The Way of the Light》We must ear the plans
We must see their moves
We're the Azrael eyes
We're the Azrael serves
We must be alert
We must fly away
We are the black betrayers
We are the wings of death
Voltures, voltures in the air
Dreadful, dreadful Azrael sun
With your ears discover the plans
And fly away to their mighty lord
Daeniel and the king
No secrets for the evil
Now we know their moves
And Azrael too
Voltures, voltures in the air
Dreadful, dreadful Azrael sun
With your ears discover the plans
And fly away to their mighty lord
Telepathy is our force
We'll say all to our lord
And to Carnagus
Mighty plan of war
Darkness is with us
Power of Black Master's
Carnagus will know
All the White King will
Solo : Alex
Voltures, voltures in the air
Dreadful, dreadful Azrael sun
With your ears discover the plans
And fly away to their mighty lord