Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio
《Make Love, And War (The Wedlock of Equilibrium)》War and *** has an intimate connection, seeing that the outburst of war
extends the collated amplitude and variation of ***ual activity amongst
the affected populations
Sister shall rise against sister; Brother shall rise against brother
And all over the world, people shall rise against each other
Sister shall make love to sister; Brother shall make love to brother
And all over the world, people shall make love to each other
The military state of affairs likewise furnishes the opportunity of
*******ual relations to a greater extent to that of foregoing peace and
serenity - necessity knowing no boundaries or limitations
Sister shall rise against sister; Brother shall rise against brother
And all over the world, people shall rise against each other
Sister shall make love to sister; Brother shall make love to brother
And all over the world, people shall make love to each other
An additional connection ascertains that war is customarily accompanied
by an appending increase in promiscuity and ***ual offenses amongst the civilian populations
War transcends ethnic limitations and extends the foregoing practice of
***ual intercourse with the female residents of the vanquished region,
customarily by means of rape and molestation