Kylie Minogue
《Rhythm of Love》Artist:kylie minogue
Songs Title:rhythm of love
With the rhythm in our lovin
There aint nothing I can do
When I feel the beat of love
Go on and on and on with you
I dont have to worry
There aint nothing you wont do
To give your love to me
And I give my love to you
I know what you like
You know just what to do to me
The rhythm is right
We have fun with harmony
You got the bass, I can pick up the pace, yeah
Theres no time to wait
A perfect love is what you make of it
When our bodies move were syncopated
I never knew that two could be
Like you and me
So good together
Some people work better solo
But I could never
Be without you oh no
Id muss you touch, as it is
I cant get enough yeah
Im in heaven above
I give you a melody thats always new
Youve got a good beat, I can dance to you
Spinning for as long as we can
Come on lets jam
Le beat de jour cest le beat damour