Dopefiend's Diner
The Best of 2Pac, Pt. 2: Life
专辑:《The Best of 2Pac, Pt. 2: Life》

Late night coolin'with my homies 在一个凉爽的夜晚,我和同伴在一起
Drinkin'Hennessey and cold brew 在冷风中喝着轩尼诗
After smokin',stopped in Oakland 吸完烟后,将车停在了奥克兰
Got the munchies for some soul food 去了家快餐店填点肚子
So we stopped to get a bite to eat 于是我们下了车弄了点零食
At the local bar-b-q 在一家烧烤店里
It's just another boring Monday 哎又是个无聊的星期一
And there's nothing else to do 在这真无事可做
Now as we stepped out of the car 然后我们大步向轿车停靠处走去
I heard someone behind me fighting 我听见有些人在我身后大家
So I turn to look and find out 于是乎我转头去看看
What's the cause of this excitement 到底是什么玩意搞得这么激情
The brother was a *********那位兄弟是个傻大哥
And the other was a *******而那个对手是个大萨比
And the **** man had an AK 那个萨比拿了把ak
Said he'll spray and he's not jokin'萨比叫着说他会用ak 扫死那个傻大个看来是玩真的
Well it seems to be the *********看来那个傻大个
Owed the **** man for his product 欠了那个萨比什么东西
And he swore if he did not pay 但他发毒誓不会买账
He would end up getting shot up 如果他真被射到一定会完蛋
Now I could not walk away 我无法离开
Cause I got caught up in the scene 因为我看到了这个场景
Wondering what would happen to this 疑惑究竟是什么导致这样的结果发生
Poor and helpless fiend 可怜无助的兄弟啊
Well my homie,Michael Cooley 我的伙伴Michael cooley
Said let's go and make our order 叫我们不要管闲事了
What's the use in watchin'two men 在这里看这哥俩有什么用呢?
Stand out here fight over quarters 站在原地看着他们斗殴了好一会
While I walked inside the diner 当我走进饭店时
And all the **** Fiends waived to me 那些萨比暴徒们要把我拉回来
Heard the sound of several gun shots 我听到了几声枪响
And I ran outside to see...(What's Going On?)然后我又一次跑出了屋(发生了什么?)
Another gun shot rings (What's Going On?)又一声枪响了
Another siren sings (What's Going On?)又有声警铃想起了
Another mother cries (Yo what's Going On?)又有一个母亲哭泣了
Cause another innocent died (Yo what's Going On?)然后又有一个无辜者死亡了
Another gun shot rings (What's Going On?)
Another siren sings (What's Going On?)
Another mother cries (Yo what's Going On?)
Cause another innocent died
All the people in the diner 在餐厅里的人们
Ran outside to see the big show 都跑出来看热闹了
It was just another party 这就像是场party 一样
For them to see just who they would know 他们只是想看看究竟发生了什么
But for me I held concern 但我却为此十分担心
I wanted to see the outcome 我想看看这场闹剧的结局
Would the mother see her son tonight 今晚到底是哪个母亲要为自己的儿子哭泣
Or would she live her life without one?在没有儿子的情况下她是否能继续活下去
I made it to the streets I 我在街上想着
Almost cried right on the spot 想到这点我几乎要哭出来
Not only had the fiend died 不仅那个暴徒死了
But a small girl had been shot 还有一个小女孩也中枪了
My heart could take no more 我无法再承受下去了
I felt a tear roll down my face 眼泪从我的脸颊滚落下来
That was daddy's bullet 这本来是击中父亲的子弹
But she took it in his place 但她却把它挡住了
===一段chrous 上面有的~===
Tried to make my way through the crowd 我试图从人群中挤出
So I could go help the baby 去帮助这个小女孩
She could barely speak
But she whispered 但她轻声告诉我
Mister could you please save me 先生请救救我吧
So I screamed out,someone help me 我大呼救命
But I don't think they could hear 但我认为他们都没有听见
And if they did,they didn't care 就算听见了,他们也对此毫不关心
Oh how I hated everyone there 啊!我多么憎恶这些人啊!
The baby lie here dying 那个小女孩躺在那里垂死挣扎着
And I wondered what could I do 我都开始不知所措起来
The camera men and newspapers had come 摄影师拿着报纸来到我旁边
To get their interviews 他们要采访我
To them it's just a story 对他们来说这是个小新闻而已
And they can't see the tragedy 但他们永远不知道这个悲剧的故事
To them it doesn't matter 对他们来说这无关紧要
Cause it ain't it wasn't their family 因为这些人不是他的亲人
I don't think I'll be back 我认为我再也不来这个地方了
Cause it'll never be the same here 因为它已经不是以前的它了
So I wipe away the tears 我抹去眼泪
And leave the scene the way I came here 原路离开了这个现场
Though some people say it's crazy 有人说这里太可怕了
And the poor could have been finer 但这个破地方也曾经有过美好的时光(这个我很不确定翻得对不对)
I'll never forget,never forget the night 我永远不会忘记这个夜晚
At *********'s Diner 在着暴徒的饭店里
更多>> Tupac的热门歌曲