James Bowman最新歌曲
歌手:James Bowman
Book of Songs, Book 1: Come again, sweet love doth now invite
Book of Songs, Book 1: Go, crystal tears
Salve Regina, RV 616: Eia ergo
Salve Regina: O clemens
Salve Regina, RV 616: Ad te suspiramus
Salve Regina, RV 616: Ad te clamamus
Morley: O Mistress Mine
Salve Regina, RV 616: Et Jesum
Salve Regina, RV 616: Salve Regina
Easter Cantata: Gewünschtes Fest (Aria)
Book of Songs, Book 1: Can she excuse my wrongs
Care-Charming Sleep
Wilson's Wild
Gray's Inn Masque
Book of Songs, Book 3: Flow not so fast ye fountains
The Willow Song
Easter Cantata: Wie sollt' ich da (Recitative)
Salve Regina in C Minor: I. Salve Regina
Salve Regina in C Minor: II. Ad te clamamus
Salve Regina in C Minor: III. Eia ergo
The Noble Famous Queen
The Queen's Galliard
Easter Cantata: Weg mit Sodoms gift'gen (Aria)
What if I never speed?:Book of Songs, Book 3: What if I never speed?
Book of Songs, Book 1: Awake sweet love, thou art returned
Take, O Take Those Lips Away
Gaiarda la Royne d'Escosse
Eliza is the fairest Queen
Where the Bee Sucks
Full Fathom Five
Lasso vita mia
Away with these self-loving lads
Lachrimae, or Seven Tears: No. 21, Mr. George Whitehead his Almand
Miserere, my Maker
Stabat Mater RV621:1. Stabat mater 2. Cuius animan 3. O quam tristis
Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: Eternal Source of Light Divine
Jesu, meine Freud und lust
Stabat Mater RV621:4. Quis est homo 5. Quis non posset 6. Pro peccatis
Jubilate Domino in D Major, BuxWV 64
Ach, dass ich Wassers gnug hätte
Salve Regina, Rv 616 pour contralto, cordes, deux flûtes & orgue positif: Andante
Bella ragion
Handel - The Choice Of Hercules, HWV 69 - 15. Yet, Can I Hear That Dulcet Lay
In Darkness Let Me Dwell
Now, O Now I Needs Must Part
My complaining is but feigning
Handel - Esther - How Can I Stay, When Love Invites
Stabat Mater RV621:7. Eja Mater 8. Fac ut ardeat 9. Amen
Though your strangeness
Salve Regina
Sound of the Trumpet
Maria, starke Sonnen
Once did I serve a cruel heart
Handel - Saul - O Fairest Of Ten Thousand Fair
Amarilli, Mia bella
Salve Regina, Rv 616 pour contralto, cordes, deux flûtes & orgue positif: Allegro ma poco
Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126) RV.608:4. "Cum dederit" (Andante)
Se l'aura spira
Morto son io
Si dolce al il tormento
Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126) R.608:2.Vanum est vobis. 3.Surgite postquam sederitis
Concerto on the Death of Henry Purcell: I. Affettuoso
Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126) R.608:1. "Nisi Dominus" (Allegro)
Concerto in G minor for Strings and Continuo RV 153
Ego flos campi
Laßt uns all' Mariam loben!
Fantasia for lute
Weil, Jesu, ich in meinem Sinn
Handel - Belshazzar - Great God! Who, Yet But Darkly Known
Concerto on the Death of Henry Purcell: IV. Allegro
O del cielo d'amor
Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126) R.608:5. "Sicut sagittae" (Allegro)
Concerti armonici en sol majeur n°2 pour cordes & continuo: Grave
Easter Cantata, TWV:1:1534: Weg mit Sodoms gift'gen
Handel - Esther - Overture: Andante; Larghetto; Allegro
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: I. Symphony (Largo - Allegro - Adagio)
Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126) R.608:7. Gloria Patris. 8. Sicut erat in principio 9. Amen
Concerti armonici en sol majeur n°2 pour cordes & continuo: Allegro
When in disgrace with fortune and men's eyes
Book of Songs, Book 2: Flow, my tears, fall from your springs:Flow, my tears, fall from your springs
Air de passacaille
Handel - Belshazzar - Act 3 Symphony; Destructive War
In the Black Dismal Dungeon
Chant en style récitatif
Se l'aura spira
So ben mi c'ha bon tempo
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: II. Come ye Sons of Art (Countertenor, Chorus)
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: III. Sound the trumpet (Countertenors)
Mentre che'l chor
O quam tu pulchra es
Cantate velendo amor... : In quel bosco
Sighs, "If our sad eyes":("If our sad eyes")
Cantate velendo amor... : In quel bosco
Cantate plango, Gemo, Sospiro... : Récitatif
Zouch his march
Handel - Theodora - Kind Heaven, If Virtue Be Thy Care
Cantate velendo amor... : Allegro carico, Scarico air rise eurilla
Concerto en si bémol majeur pour violon & cordes: Allegro
Cantate Plango, gemo, sospiro... : Aria, Allegro con brio
Handel - Solomon - Almighty Pow'r
Handel - Esther - Tune Your Harps
Handel - Solomon - Welcome As The Dawn Of Day
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: VIII. These are the Sacred charms (Bass)
Slow, slow, fresh fount
Book of Songs, Book 3: Say, Love, if ever thou didst find:Say, Love, if ever thou didst find
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: IV. Come ye Sons of Art (reprise) [Chorus]
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: V. Strike the viol (Countertenor)
The Moor's Revenge: V. Minuet
Cantate Plango, gemo, sospiro... : Aria, Andante
Lachrimae, P. 15
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: Symphony
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: VI. The Day that such a blessing gave (Bass, Chorus)
The Moor's Revenge: III. Air I
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: IX. See Nature, rejoicing (Soprano, Bass, Chorus)
Cantate velendo amor... : In un folto bosco
Come, Ye Sons of Art Away, Z. 323: VII. Bid the Virtues (Soprano)
Cantate velendo amor... : Andante camminando
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: Love's goddess sure (Countertenor)
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: Those eyes, that form (Bass)
Grief of my best love's absenting
The Moor's Revenge: VIII. Air IV
If Music be the Food of Love
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: Long may she reign (Soprano, Chorus)
Followe thy faire sunne, unhappy shaddowe
My Own Country
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: May her blest example chase (Soprano)
Concerto en si bémol majeur pour violon & cordes: Largo
The second witches dance
Concerto en si bémol majeur pour violon & cordes: Allegro II
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: Many such days (Countertenors)
Book of Songs, Book 1:Come again, sweet love doth now invite
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: May she to Heaven (Chorus)
So am I as the rich whose blessed key
Hark! Wot ye what?
And is it night?
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: Sweetness of Nature (Countertenors)
The Moor's Revenge: VII. Hornpipe
Now winter nights enlarge
The given heart
Love's goddess sure was blind, Z. 331: As much as we below shall mourn (Soprano, Countertenor, Tenor
The Moor's Revenge: VI. Air III
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: II. Die Art verruchter Sünden
Book of Songs, Book 3: Me, me and none but me:Me, me and none but me
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: III. Wer Sünde tut, der ist vom Teufel
Love for Love
The Moor's Revenge: IV. Air II
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: I. Widerstehe doch der Sünde
Salve Regina pour alto, cordes & continuo: Largo assai
Concerti armonici en sol majeur n°2 pour cordes & continuo: Grave staccato
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: III. Wer Sünde tut, der ist vom Teufel
The Moor's Revenge: II. Rondeau
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: II. Die Art verruchter Sünden
Salve Regina, RV 616: O clemens
(Unlisted Track)
Salve Regina pour alto, cordes & continuo: Amoroso
Salve Regina in C Minor: V. O clemens
Salve Regina in C Minor: III. Eia ergo
Salve Regina pour alto, cordes & continuo: Andante - Largo
Easter Cantata, TWV:1:1534: Gewünschtes Fest
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: I. Widerstehe doch der Sünde
Salve Regina pour alto, cordes & continuo: Andante
The Plaint
Ode for the Birthday of Queen Anne, HWV 74: Eternal source of light
Lie down, poor heart
Salve Regina in C Minor: I. Salve Regina
When to the sessions of sweet silent thought
In the grace of wit, of tongue, and face
The Moor's Revenge: I. Overture
Salve Regina in C Minor: IV. Et Jesum
Salve Regina pour alto, cordes & continuo: Largo
Erguess dich zur Salbung: Ergeuss dich zur Salbung - Samaria empfing den heil'gen Geist - Schwarzer
Whether men do laugh or weep
Handel - Solomon - What Though I Trace Each Herb
Salve Regina in C Minor: II. Ad te clamamus
Concerto on the Death of Henry Purcell: III. Lamento
Nisi Dominus (Psalm 126) R.608:6. "Beatus vir" (Andante)
Salve Regina, RV 616: Ad te suspiramus
Galliard in G Minor, P. 21, "John Dowland's Galliard"
Concerti armonici en sol majeur n°2 pour cordes & continuo: Allegro
Sweet, come again
Salve Regina, RV 616: Eia ergo
What if I seek for love of thee?
Easter Cantata, TWV:1:1534: Wie sollt' ich da
Salve Regina, RV 616: Et Jesum
Salve Regina, Rv 616 pour contralto, cordes, deux flûtes & orgue positif: Andante
Handel - Saul - O Lord, Whose Mercies Numberless
Here Let my Life
Handel - Judas Maccabaeus - Act 3 #1 Father Of Heav'n! From Thy Eternal Throne
Salve Regina, RV 616: VI. O clemens i
Sweet Kate
What delight can they enjoy
Salve Regina, Rv 616 pour contralto, cordes, deux flûtes & orgue positif: Larghetto
Handel - Theodora - The Raptur'd Soul
Salve Regina, RV 616: Salve Regina
Concerto on the Death of Henry Purcell: II. Allegro
Like as the Lute
Salve Regina, RV 616: IV. Eia ergo
Salve Regina, RV 616: III. Ad te suspiramus
Music for a While
Salve Regina, Rv 616 pour contralto, cordes, deux flûtes & orgue positif: Andante molto
Salve Regina, RV 616: V. Et Jesum
Jubilate Domino, BuxWV 64
Lady Laiton's Almain, P. 48
Salve Regina, RV 616: Ad te clamamus
Lady Hatton's Almain
Eyes, look no more
Salve Regina, Rv 616 pour contralto, cordes, deux flûtes & orgue positif: Allegro
Crown The Altar
Salve Regina, RV 616: II. Ad te clamamus
Laßt uns all' Mariam loben!
The sypres curten of the night is spread
Salve Regina, RV 616: I. Salve Regina
Maria, starke Sonnen
Faire if you expect admiring: if you expect admiring
It fell on a sommers daie
I care not for these Ladies
Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": Shall I strive with words to move
Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": Tell me, true Love
Book of Songs, Book 3: When Phoebus first did Daphne love
Semper Dowland semper dolens, P. 9
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: III. Wer Sünde tut, der ist vom Teufel (Aria)
Melancholy GaIliard
Book of Songs, Book 2: Shall I sue, shall I seek for grace?
Book of Songs, Book 4, "A Pilgrimes Solace": Lady if you so spite me
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: II. Die Art verruchter Sünden (Recitative)
Book of Songs, Book 2: Fine knacks for ladies
Preludium, P. 98 and Lachrimae Pavan, P. 15
Salve Regina in C Minor: V. O clemens i
Book of Songs, Book 3: Me, me and none but me
Salve Regina in C Minor: IV. Et Jesum
Widerstehe doch der Sünde, BWV 54: I. Widerstehe doch der Sünde (Aria)
Book of Songs, Book 2: Sorrow, stay, lend true repentant tears