Sound Effects最新歌曲
歌手:Sound Effects
Arms / Land Battle (Combattimento terrestre)
Agua Llenando Bañera
Abrir Y Cerrar Puerta Llave
Moscas En Un Cristal
Agua Vaciándose Bañera
Música Persecución
Atlantic Ocean
Aruba Sun
Birds Calling Thunder
Black Sand, Blue Fishes
A Flock Of Sea Birds (Part I)
A Flock Of Sea Birds (Part II)
Kauai Water (Part ll)
Antigua Waves
Galapagos Island Paradise
High Surf (Part lV)
Música Militar
Señales Horarias
Piscina Cubierta
Hot rod pulling away
Weaponry (Baton/Shield/Nunchaku)
Jousting (Knight Falls)
Crowd / Applause 4 (Applausi)
Karate (Fight, - 2 People)
Jousting (Pass With Contact)
Aikido ("Ninin Dori" - Free for All - 3 People)
Sword Fight (Two People - In Armor On Horseback)
Weaponry (Baton Versus Shield)
Axe Fight (Two People)
Jousting (Missed in Contact)
Aikido (Break Falls)
Tank Gun
Submachine Gun
Sword and Axe Battle (Large Group)
Rifle Shot
Instrument / Marimba
Weaponry (Sound of Nunchaku (Rice Flail)
Instrument / Maracas
Human Sound / Children, Girls Screaming (Ragazzine che urlano)
Explosion / Explosions 1 (Esplosioni)
Instrument / Celesta
Instrument / Melodica
Instrument / Snare Drum (Rullante)
Instrument / Guiros
Instrument / Harmonium
Instrument / Psaltery (Salterio)
War (Atmosphere)
Invasion Music
Car stuck in the mud
Instrument / Bagpipes 1 (Zampogna)
Car stuck on ice
Car stuck in mud
Instrument / Bagpipes 3 (Zampogna)
Instrument / Ukulele
Car driving off quickly
Car horn
Fiat screeching by 2
Car stuck in mud
Car skidding
Car driving by 4
Short BMW skid
Dodge Stealth start & rev engine
Amusement Park Ambience
Dodge Stealth start and rev engine 3
Dodge Stealth start & race engine once
Drive-off squealing tires
Pull and release parking brake
Hot rod drive-up
Fiat screeching by 1
Dodge Stealth start, pull-away
A Volvo skidding 2
Air Raid Warning
Model A start, run, shut-off
Dodge Stealth start and rev engine 1
Dodge Stealth starting 1
Driving in the snow
Car cornering quickly
Heavy Bomber Taking Off
Model A grind gears and pull-away
Car crashing
Machine Gun
All Clear Siren
Bedlam in Cockoo Store
Euro Emergency Services Siren
River Flow
UK Emergency Services Siren
American Police Car Siren
A Mechanical Bird Sings
A Shop Full Of Cookoo Clocks
Lift Door Opening And Closing
Crashing Lumps Of Metal
Maroi War Song
Front Door Bell
Jungle Tom Toms
Amplified Telephone Ring
Orchestral Film Link Music I
Throwing Dice
Slow Film Link Music II
Fireworks - Small
A Musical Box
Slow Film Link Music I
Tuning In Short Wave Radio
Fireworks - Arena Display
Chimps Chattering
Clock Tick Tocking
Coins Dropping
Camels Snorting
Glich Patrol Blast Off / Inter-Planetary Travel
Pulse-Rejuvenation Module
Close Encounters of the 3rd Grade
Star Encounters
Battle (Over-All Perspective)
Opening A Bottle Of Beer And Pouring
The Gliches
Outer Space
Space Siren
Lion Roaring
Final Battle - Mikrons, Gliches and Space Crabs
Machinery / Belt Sander Bench (Levigatrice a nastro da banco)
Deadly Explosions
Windswept Rain
Raining In Street
Blast of Wind
Falling Down a Well
Light Beam Rebounding
Monkey Noises
Atomic Overload
Arcade Rifle Game
Instrument / Drums (Batteria e aggeggi)
Instrument / Gong, Triangle and Cowbell (Gong, triangolo e campanaccio)
Arms / Land Battle (Battaglia terrestre)
Airplane / Eurofighter Typhon in Flight (Aereo Eurofighter Typhon in volo)
Horses Galloping
Sport / Swimming Race 2 (Gara di nuoto)
Instrument / Celtic Harp (Arpa Celtica)
Thunder Storm
Instrument / Bongos, Drums and Synthesizer (Bongos, batteria e sintetizzatore)
Crackling Fire
Crickets & Forest Night Sounds
Sport / Boxing, Training (Pugilato, allenamento alla pera)
Game / Ping-Pong (Ping pong)
Instrument / Mixing 2 (Missaggio)
Machinery / Pressure Washers (Idropulitrice)
Hammer / Sledgehammer (Mazza)
Building / Pneumatic Drill 2 (Martello pneumatico)
Building / Merlo Telescopic Handler 2 (Sollevatore telescopico Merlo)
Instrument / Timbals 3 (Timpani)
Sport / Dips 2 (Tuffi)
Bell / Bell (Campana)
Electronic Effect / Electronic Effect No.19 (Effetto elettronico)
Agriculture / Same Tractor (Trattore Same)
Machinery / Sander (Levigatrice)
Drinks Dispenser/Can Dropping
Empty Trash Can Being Kicked
National Anthem / Saudi Arabia: Asha al Malik
Crumbling Of A Rock Cliff
Window Opening And Closing
National Anthem / Potugal: A portuguesa
Ambulance Passing
National Anthem / Czech Republic: Kde domov muj
Tropical Birds
Car Alarm
National Anthem / Paraguay: Paraguayos republica o muerte
National Anthem / Croatia: Lijepa nasa domovino
National Anthem / Ireland: Amhran na bh fiann
Head On Car Smash
National Anthem / India: Jana gana mana
National Anthem / Argentina: Oid mortales
National Anthem / Cameroon: Chant de Ralliement
National Anthem / Armenia: Mer Hayrenick
National Anthem / Romania: Desteapta-te romanel
National Anthem / Poland: Mazurek dabroskiego
Kick-start and pull-out #2
National Anthem / Slovakia: Nad tatrdu sa blyska
National Anthem / Tunisia: Humat Al-Hima
Fiat screeching by #2
Bubbles in Water
Water / Hydrant 1 (Idrante)
Instrument / Mouth Organ (Armonica a bocca)
Arms / Naval Battle (Battaglia navale)
Machinery / Electric Sewing Machine (Macchina per cucire elettrica)
Instrument / Gong, Triangle and Cowbell (Gong, triangolo e campanaccio)
Bell / Bell (Campana)
Rocket Take Off/Countdown " Ignition Lift Off"
Machinery / Pressure Washers (Idropulitrice)
Arms / Land Battle (Battaglia terrestre)
Sport / Boating (Canotaggio)
Home / Burner Ignition
Instrument / Mixing 1 (Missaggio)
Man Yawning
Magnetic Storm
Countdown II 10.9 Ignition Sequence Start Engines Are On
Spaceship Approaching Landing Pad
Opening Garage & Starting Car
Building / Pneumatic Drill 2 (Martello pneumatico)
Instrument / Drums (Batteria e aggeggi)
Instrument / Banjo
Airplane / Air F16 in Flight (Aereo F16 in volo)
National Anthem / Ukraine: Sce ne vmerla Ukrajina
Instrument / Celtic Harp (Arpa Celtica)
National Anthem / Hungary: Himnusz
Shots Against A Spaceship During A Magnetic Storm
Call (SOS)
Telephone / Dial Touchtone & Rings
Dogs Growling
Cosmic Radar
Telephone / Cellular Phone / Rings 1
Machinery / Chainsaw 1 (Motosega)
Telephone / Ringing Tone
Telephone / Off The Hook
Man Snoring
Space Ship Cabin
Steam Train
Rope Tightened
Underground Station
Cartoon sound
Chicken cackling
Sports Car
Boeing 707 Jet
Racing Cars 1
Launch pinball
Camera With Motors
Empty Trash Can Being Kicked
Orchestra Warming Up
Emptying Of A Wash Basin
Alarm Clock
Giant Roller Coaster
Merry Go Round
Military Trumpet
Truck 2 & half ton-start and shut off
Truck 5 ton-start and shut off
Truck-old, heavy duty-engine noise
Truck 1 & quarter ton-start
Truck 2 & half ton-int. perspective #2
Truck-old, heavy duty-start and idle
Truck, running wair brake off, shut off
Traffic sounds #1
Truck air-brakes
Truck 5 ton-drive by
Motorscooter drive-by
Recovery vehicle-pass by #2
Traffic sounds #2
Lazer Shots
Truck 1 & quarter ton-start
Traffic #3
Truck-fire, wradio at scene of fire
Truck 1 & quarter ton-drive by #1
Street Traffic
Truck in reverse
Tractor-start and stop
Idle bike, rev and pull-out
Tobaggon sled-two man
Suzuki start and drive-of #1f
Suzuki drive-off
Suzuki group ride
Kick-start and pull-out #1
Jeep quarter ton-start and stop
Hot rod pulling away
Hot rod start
Fiat screeching by #1
Fiat hard brake
Horse Galloping (One Horse)
Body Falls
Engine-truck, off
Engine-truck, drive by (ext)
Time Bomb
Chinese Gong
Engine-truck, backup, idle
Chain 2
Dunebuggy rev engine #1
Babbling brook with crickets
Telephone, Touch
Airport control tower
Gate With Bolt
Aerosol can spray 3
Car Squeals to Stop
Comical poppinghorn
Comical sounds
A swarm of bees
Fog Horn
Air conditioner starting
Driving, wipers on
Comical sounds 2
Buoy bell
Glass, Breaking
Conveyor belt starting
Casino effect-slot machine
Cartoon bing sound
Boat, hatch open and close
Car-buckling up seat belt (short)
Bulldozer moving
Locomotive from the inside
Long trill
Lioness growl
Touch Tone Dialinbg
Electric Saw
Wolf Howling
Sheep & Goats
Horses Walking Over
Farmyard Pump
Knock On Door Then Open
Creaking Door Closes
Laughs (7)
Children in Wading Pool
Ghostly Sounds
Applause (Large Audience)
Locking Door
Childing Playing Outdoors With Scooters and Wagons
Household (2)
Walking Down Hall
Roller Coaster
Forest Birds (with Brook Background)
Firehose being dragged on ground
Gulls With Ocean Waves
Engine-firetruck, bell (short 3x)
Haunted graveyard
Jet fly-by
Horse Whinnies
Firehose being unreeled from spool 1
Kittens Crying
Electric train
Electronic cash register
Baby Chicks (with Brooder Background)
Finger cymbals
Engine-firetruck, bell (long 6x)
Fan starting
Frying sizzle
Harbor sounds
Egg breaking and frying
Laughs (9)
Glass breaking
Garbage Disposal, sink type
Prop Engine Take Off
Frying sizzle (short)
Flushing toilet
Outboard Motor Vehicle Pulls Away
Office Atmosphere
Prop Engine Start Up
Single engine plane crash
Swamp Noises
SH-3 Seaking helicopter lift-off
Home / Steam Iron 2
Electric Saw
Person Walking in Clogs
Roulette Atmosphere
Dinner Traingle
Water Lapping
Telephone Pick Up and Hang Up
City Traffic
Jet Fighter Takeoff
Jet Fighter Passing
M - 14 Rifles Shooting
Soda Opened and Poured
Pneumatic Hammer
Champagne Cork Pops
Instrument / Hi Hat
Electric Can Opener
Western Gunfight
Tea Kettle
Instrument / Marimba
Sonic boom
Cessna 337 engine start
747 crash
Rocket in flight
Cessna rev and shut-down
Bi-plane fly-by
Airplane takeoff
Bi-plane dive and fire
Airplane, Biplane-start up
Airplane landing
Frying Sizzle (Short)
F-14 Tomcat fly-by
Cessna Skymaster fly-by 2
Hawkeye E-2C powering-up
Sh-3 Seaking Helicopter Fly-By
Sh-3 Seaking Helicopter Landing
F-15 Eagle Strafe greound target #1
Photon Shots
Banging Plastic Bottle
Space Vehicle Launch
Watusi Tribal Dance
Home / Hair-Dryer
Home / Espresso Machine
Cablecar Passing
Man & Woman Crying
Home / Steam Iron 1
Man With Cold & Cough
Bear Growl
Truck Backup & Idle
Bee Buzzing
Ocean Waves Lapping
Boat Water Pump
Firehose Unreeling
Clock / Grandfather 1
Arms / Atomic Blast
Door / Door Squeaking 3
Home / Cleansing
Home / Microwave Oven
Game / Billiards
Human Sound / Baby 2
Human Sound / Baby 1
Human Sound / Stadium During a Soccer Game
Instrument / Agogo Bell 2
Instrument / Althorn
Instrument / Conga
Instrument / Drums 2
Instrument / Guitar - The Riddle Song 2
Instrument / Jew's Harp 1
Siren / Air Horn
Instrument / Maracas
Machinery / Air Compressor 2
Telephone / Ring 4
Telephone / Internal Ring
Sport / Golf
Instrument / Tympan
Telephone / Ring 3
Office and Business / Typewriter 1
Telephone / Ring 1
Car On Fire
Cessna Skymaster fly-by
SH-3 Seaking helicopter fly-by
Cessna 337 stalling, rev, stall
Traffic Jam
Cablecar passing
Core Metal that Rolls (Nucleo metallico che rotola)
Sport / Dips 2 (Tuffi)
Machinery / Drill 1 (Trapano)
Agriculture / Volvo Tractor (Trattore Volvo)
Machinery / Grinder for Wood (Smerigliatrice per legno)
Sport / Basque Pelota (Pelota basca)
Tren De Vapor
BMW braking hard 1
Volvo braking hard 1
Volkswagen drive-by #2
Volvo braking hard 3
Agua En Un Vaso
Tren De Vapor
Volvo screeching by 1
Volkswagen drive-by 4
Fantasmas De La Ópera
Audi braking hard 1
Ambiente Estadio Fútbol
Volvo screeching by
Volvo drive-by
Jeep horn
Niños En El Recreo
Voz En Eco
Brachyceratops (In the style of Jurassic Park)
Corythosaurus (In the style of Jurassic Park)
The Wildest Place On Earth
Tropical Escape
Ornatotholus (In the style of Jurassic Park)
Jurassic Dinosaur Non-Stop Mix (In the style of Jurassic Park)
Microceratops (In the style of Jurassic Park)
Horse Grunting
A Man Farting
Red Alert (Warning Sound)
Pigs & Piglets
Car Chase
Giggling and Laughing
Laughter & Clapping
Saturn 1 Rocket Launch
Creaking Door Close
Lion Roaring
Chimps Chattering
Hyena Laughing
Bear Growling
Camels Snorting
Dog Barking
Crashing Dishes
Portable Table Saw
Young Man Laughing
Garbage Disposal
A Cat
Old Fashioned Toilet Flush
People Laughing At a Party
Zipper Going Up
Blowing Nose
Extra Long Siren
Jungle Animals 2
Man Burping
Quick Siren (with Horn)
Short Siren
Special Siren (Long)
Large Audience Applause (Clapping)
Car Accident (Crash)
707 Airplane Landing
Tornado Siren
Pigs Eating
30 Calibre Machine Gun
Barn Sounds
Old Air Conditioner Starting
Cow Moo X2
B-52 Launches Missile
Draining the Sink
Jet Fighter Takes Off
Blender (Old Style)
707 Jet Take Off
Dog Drinking Water
Ticking Sounds & Alarm
Sawing On Wood
Factory Work Whistle
A Pile Driver
Door Buzzer
Ice Maker Dispensing Ice
Police Car With Siren
Stagecoach Moving
Men Cheering
Turning On Kitchen Sink Water
Shooting a Cannon
Sorting Silverware Into Plastic Tray
Vacuum Cleaner
Baby Crying
Door (with Heavy Knocking)
Door Closing
30 Calibre Machine Gun
Firehose Being Dragged On Ground
Jet Plane Fly By
Capuchin Monkey 2
Air Being Released from Balloon
Car Door Closing
Peacock Calling
Shell Approach and Explode
Military Bugle
Clock Bell Runs Down
Coffee Brewer
Potato Chip Crunch
Wolf Howling
Amusement Park Ambience
Truck Grinding Gears, Pulling In
Horse Scream 7
Glass Window Breaking
Weed Eater Sounds
Teapot Whistle (Long)
Crashing Lumps Of Metal
Woman Screaming
Thunder Storm
Old Telephone Ring
Birds Chirping
Creaking Door Opens
Bulldozer Moving
Lion Roaring
Throwing Punches
Loud Booming Thunder
Door Opening
Storm with Thunderbolts
Fire Truck Driving With Horn On
Shower Curtain Closing
Starting a Car
Windshield Wipers
Baby Pig
Underneath Large Waterfall
Spanish Men On Horseback, Chasing Indians
Men On Horseback, Talking in Spanish
Heavy Wind
Duck Jumps Into Pond
Ocean Sounds (From Afar)
Tropical Birds in Forest
Wind - Grasshoppers - Locusts
Frogs in Pond
Mine Disaster - Hammering, Rock Slide, Fire
Sea Scene - Ship, Waves, Seagulls
Wind - Man Crouching and Walking in Snow
Machine Gun
Sea Storm - Waves, Wind, Rain
Space Car
Cement Pouring
Boulders Roll, Fall On Metal
Tunnel Traffic
Fetal Heart Beat
Plane Sounds
Dynamite Explosion With Falling Debris
Objects Crashing
Car Explodes At Gas Station
Service Vehicle
Jet Plain Hits Mountain
Dive Warning Horn
Single Engine Plane Crash (Comical)
Mortar Fire
Quiet Stream Builds to Torrent
Live Ocean Recording #9
Frying Sizzle (Short)
Live Ocean Recording #8
Forest Fire
Trolley Moving Into Station & Stopping
Same With Sirens
Slot Cars
Jolt of Electricity and Thud
Live Ocean Recording #7
Car Crash, Horns, Animal Noises
Live Ocean Recording #2
Hot Rod Driving Away
Sea Lion
Air Craft Carrier F-14 Jet Catapult Take Off
Birds Chirping
Helicopter Idling
Aircraft Carrier Metal Hatch Opening
Anti Aircraft Cannon Single Shot 1
Aircraft Carrier General Alarm Sounding
Cement Mixer
Jeep, Starting and Pulling Out (Take 1)
M-16 a Automatic Rifle Single Shot with Ricochet
Howitzer Single Shot 1
Incoming Barrage of Missiles Sound Effect
Artillery Fire Single Round
Ak-47 Machine Gun Burst 2
Electric Mixer
Howitzer Single Shot 2
Ak-47 Machine Gun Burst 1 Hollywood Sound Effects
Burn-Gun Gam (Crooks Salon)
Sounds Of Shifting On Hill
Flame Thrower Three Bursts
Thompson Sub Machine Gun Single Shot
M-16 Machine Gun Multiple Short Bursts
M-14 Machine Gun Single Shot Sound Effect
Artillery Cannon in the Field F.X.
Cruise Missile Close Ground Perspective
M-60 Machine Gun Long Burst
120 MM Mortar Cannon Repeat Fire on the Battle Line Sound FX
Flame Thrower Short Burst
Ak-47 Machine Gun Burst with Echo
Air Raid Siren Sounding
Soldiers on the March F.X.
Submarine Passby Approaching Frogman Pickup Location
Nuclear Submarine Control Room
Car Gas Cap, Open and Close
Audi Braking Hard
Teapot Whistle (Long)
F-15 Eagle Fighter Jet Long Pass by and Fade into Distance
Army Helicopter Pass By
Bus Horn
Bus Approaching
Car Attempt to Start
Submarine Battlestations War Room Chatter
Space Satellite
Bus Turn Signal
Throwing Punches
Small Cougar Roar
Fighter Jet Overhead Pass by Sfx
Truck Grinding Gears, Pulling In
Helicopter Approach, Land and Throttle Down
Car Attempt Start, Weak Battery
Car Horn (Take 4)
Car Starting
Car Stuck On Ice (Take 2)
Loud Booming Thunder
Diesel Truck Horn
Car Horn (Take 10)
Car Stuck On Ice (Take 1)
Sh-3 Helicopter Flying By
Car Horn (Take 5)
Bullfight Crowd
Thunder And Rain
Drink Fizz
35mm Camera (Manual Shutter)
Aa/Fd Dragster Blows Blower Belt On Ready Line
Coffee Pot
Coin Spinning
Punching Bag (Single Blows)
Chinese Gong
Tuning a Tube Radio
Airplane Landing
Funny Sounds
Subway Sounds
Small Stream (Water)
A Horse Breathing
Beeping Sounds (Alarms)
B-52 Taking Off
Cement Being Poured from Hopper
Helicopter in Flight
Dentist Drill
Motorcycle Leaving
Club Antics
German Jeep Pulling In, Stopping, Pulling Away (Take 1)
German Jeep Driving By (Take 2)
Lion Roar
Jeep, Starting and Pulling Out (Take 2)
Dunebuggy, Driving By
Maori War Dance
Jeep, Pulling In, Idle, Shutting Off
Saturn 1 (Launching)
Dirtbike Race (Take 2)
Jeep, Pulling In and Driving Away
Woosh Sound
Unlimited Hydroplace Race
Dodge Stealth, Start and Rev Engine
Drag Race (At Start Line, With Crowd Cheering Winner)
Jeep Horn
Gorilla Growl
Jeep, Driving By (Take 1)
Crane, Operating
Skee-Ball Game
Jeep, Pulling In and Idle
Semi-Truck Horn
Jeep, Stopping (Take 1)
Climbing 45 Degree Hill
Driving Golf-Balls
Drivers' Talk
Horse Drawn Carriage Passing By
Class Two Amateur - Start Line, - Up Hill, - Down Hill
Bow And Arrow
Eating Carrot
24 Motorcycles (Expert Class) - Start, - Up Hill
Mets: Pitchers Warming Up
Racing Cars
Two Races, Six Seconds Apart
Baseball Game
Dribbling Basketball
Public Fireworks Display
Puppies In Pet Shop
Cats And Kittens, Animal Pound
Baby Crying
Door Closing, Opening, Slamming
Geese And Ducks
Walking In Snow
Ocean Liner Whistle Blasts
B/Fx Class Cars, 1964 Fairlane And 1964 Pontiac
E/Fx Class Car (One Car) 1964 Fairlane
H/Sa Class, Super Stock Automatic, Two Cars
Squeal Of I/S Class Car
Aa/C Competition Class, Two Cars
One Dragster Dies Out On Start Line
Aa/Sr Class Street Roadsters, Two Cars
Stock Car Class F/S, Two Cars
Squeal Of A/S Class 1962 Pontiac
H/G Gas Coupes And Sedan Class, Two Cars
Humpback Whales
Aa/Fd Class Dragsters, Chevy And Chrysler
I/Sa Class, Super Stock Automatic, Two Cars
Old Car Horns
Two Dragsters- Supercharged Olds And Chrysler
Race Car Crash
Helicopter Crash 2
Engine Room
Competition Class Roadster, One Car
One Super Stock Car Champion Of The World
Punching Bag Rhythms
Firetruck 2
Biplane 4
Cable Car
Cadillac - 1939 Hot Rod
Old Taxi Horns
California Speed Bag
Subway Train
Bus Pulling Out
Car Crash
Firetruck 3
Firetruck Siren
Bus 2
F-14 Tomcat Flying By
Plane 2
Truck 2
Helicopter 2
Antique Refrigerator
Truck 3
Motor Starting
Nailing Roof Planks
City Park: Softball
Motorcycle 2
Ocean Liner
Bird Chirps
Wooden Cart
Bear Growl
Elevator Control System
Running On Stubble
Elevated Train Platform
Mountain Stream
Cat 5
Playground: Children At Sprinkler
Packaging Machine: Shrink- Wrapper
Horse Whinny 3
Bird Songs
Horse Eating 4
Bird Songs 2
Horse Eating 2
Dog Drinking
Chickens 2
Cat 4
Chicken Coop 2
Dog 3
Horse 4
Cow 2
Horse 9
Chicken Coop
Dog Growl 2
Horse Snorts 3
Jungle Animal Sounds 2
Horse Whinny 11
Horse Snorts 7
Horse Walking in Water
Horse Walking 2
Horse Walking 3
Horse Whinny 19
Horse Whinny 2
Horse Whinny 17
Horse Whinny 7
Jungle Animal Sounds 3
Hielo Al Vaso Y Servir
Lion 7
Lion 10
Monkey 2
Lion 17
Lion 9
Sea Lion 2
A-7 Corsairs Landing
F-16 Falcon Dropping 500lb Bomb #1
Seal 4
Supermarket Scene
Star Spangled Banner
Heidelberg - Kirchengeläut
Evening Newspaper Sellers 2
Trolley Cars Pass
Crow A
Heave Around
Side Boys
Contraption No.37
To Horse
Plane Diving
Studio Strobe Light And Film Advance
To The Color Or Standard
General's March
Breslau - Maria Magdalena Kirche
Car Door
Boeing 747: Take Off
Chow Down
Marches - Marine Hymn
Bicycles, Bells Pass
Overshot Mill- Wheel
Sunday Boating, Central Park
Boat, 30 H P Outboard: (Start And Run, Bow- Wash At Slow Speed, Slow And Stop
Central Park
A Pile Driver
Dog Growl Medium 2
Cat Purring
East Side Bar
Cow Moo External
Bird Rooster
Bird Blackbird
Air Conditioner Unit
A Water Pump
Someone Knocking On Door
Dinosaur Scream
Dog Bark Small
Dog Bark Large 1
Sawing On Wood
Dog Bark Large 3
Dog Drink
Horse-drawn Carriage 1
Horse Snort 1
Dog Whine Large 1
Dog Pant
Horse Gallop On Gravel 2
Horse Whinny 2
Whale Sounds
Horse Snort 2
Sea Lion Bark
Telephone Bell Ringing
Pig Grunt
Horse Whinny 1
Wolves Howling 1
Apparatus In Telephone Exchange
Single Cylinder Gas Engine
Veteran Car Approach And Sound Horn
Road Roller
Starting Engine And Tick Over
Engaged Tone
Telephone Bell Ringing And STD Pay Tone Pips
Small Pendulum Clock Ticking
Racing Cars Passing
Órgano De Catedral
Airplane / Boeing 767, Landing 1 (Aereo Boeing 767, atterraggio)
Auto / Car Diesel, Interior (Auto Diesel in marcia, interno)
Airplane / Cessna, Takeoff (Aereo Cesna, decollo)
Street Barrel Organ
Airplane / Boeing 787, Step and Landing (Aereo Boeing 787, passaggio e atterraggio)
Petticoat Lane
Firework Night
Fire Engine (Bell) Arrives And Door Slams
Fairground Noises
Four Stroke Motor Cycle (Approach, Pull Up And Drive Off)
Glass And Crockery Breaking
Air Raid Siren Alert Warning
Steam Engine Whistle
Police Car With Ringing Bell
Victoria Station (Station Announcer / Escalator)
Airplane / Boeing 767, Landing 2 (Aereo Boeing 767, atterraggio)
Heavy Traffic
Lunáticos Riéndose
Carcajadas Y Aplausos Público
Airplane / Boeing 767, Takeoff (Aereo Boeing 767, decollo)
Agua Moviéndose
Animal / Dog, Dobermann, Barking (Cane Dobermann che abbaia)
Sirena Barco
Piscina Descubierta
Viento Fuerte Huracán
Airplane / Boeing 767, Landing 3 (Aereo Boeing 767, atterraggio)
Airplane / CF 18 Hornet 2 (Aereo CF 18 Hornet)
Fuego Leña
Música Comedia
Sound Of Hollywood Blvd
Airplane / Air F 15 Eagle, Passage (Aereo F 15 Eagle, passaggio)
Máquina De Escribir Eléctrica
Train-steam whistle #1
WC Tirando De La Cisterna
Hombre Bostezando
Milling machine, start and stop
Grinder, start and stop
Vacas Mugiendo
WWI Fighter 1
Steam Driven Roundabout And Organ
Electric Tramcars 1
Caja De Música
Crujido De Puertas
Rebobinando Cinta Magnetofón
Canto Pájaros Y Llamadas
Steam Engine 2
Día De Verano
Campanas Reloj
Paddle Steamer 2
UFO #1
Mother ship #3
River Steamer 2
Paddle Steamer 1
Satellite noise
Whoosh-by #3
Paddle Steamer Inside
Steam Ship Engine 2
Fire Engine
Aircraft Of First And Second World War Vintage
Whoosh-by #5
London Underground
Steam Ship Siren 2
Barrel Organ 1
Multiple vehicle whoosh-by #2
Stock Exchange Trading Floor
Multiple lights hitting
Barrel Organ 2
WWI Fighter 2
WWII Aircraft 3
Cavalry 2
WWII Aircraft 5
WWII Aircraft 1
Children'S Skipping Songs
Space phase
Photon #1
UFO #4
WWII Aircraft 6
Children 2
Space vehicle launch #3
Interior Of Twin Propeller Aircraft
WWII Aircraft 2
Photon shot with ricochets #1
Space vehicle launch #2
Mother ship #2
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bang-21
Mother ship #1
Explosive space launch #3
Mariner Mars probe
Laser beam hit
Laser #2
Laser #3
1825 Steam Railaway
Horse Drawn Carriages, Coaches, Carts, Bells
Door Latching Closed
Fusion shots #2
Light beam hit #6
train #4
train #3
Computer chatter
train #2
Cartoon Sound Effects - Spit
Steam train crash
Traffic And Pedestrians
Fusion shots x7
Cartoon Sound Effects - Whip
Cartoon Sound Effects - Flap
Cartoon Sound Effects - Zip
Cartoon Sound Effects - Ping
Grand Central Station
Telegraphc receiver
Alarm (Air Rescue)-Coast Guard 2
Train-steam whistle #2
Cartoon Sound Effects - Boing, Spring
Alarm-fire (Coast Guard)1
v.....Telegraph receiver
Light beam hits x2
Fusion shot #2
Factory 2
Old Stock Exchange
Arc-welding, spark sounds
Diesel train crash
Train pulling into station
Drill press, start and stop
Fall and Bang
Locomotive-steam, wbell and whistle #3
Lawnmower #2
Truck Air Brakes
Dramatic Kiss
Male Kiss
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong
Cartoon Sound Effects - Splat
Calling from a car phone
Morse code -send(SOS)(
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bang-4
Door Slamming 2
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bang-1
Sneeze #3
Cartoon Sound Effects - Boing, Spring-8
Whip and Bonk
Car Skidding
Bugle - first call
Boom bam #2
Boat-Coast Guard-siren #1
Rifle Shot-10
Boat-Coast Guard-siren #2
Rifle Shot
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong-17
Truck-fire, wradio at scene of fire
Horn blast (ext.) #1
Siren #1
Engine-truck (fire), start, drive wsiren
Buoy Bell
Firetruck with siren 1
Horse Grunt-24
Woman Screams
Siren (short)
Fire Alarm
Vampire howl
Space Shuttle Launch
Boat-Coast Guard, sirens 2
Tornado warning siren
Door Opens and Closes
Light Beam
Firetruck drive-by 2
Horse Snort
Truck Door Closing
Monster movement
Cartoon Sound Effects - Squirt
Fireworks / Fireworks and Crowd 4 (Fuochi d'artificio con folla 4)
Siren / Ambulance Passing 2 (Sirena ambulanza 2)
Airplane / Air F 111 Passages (Aereo F 111 passaggi)
Monster growl 1
Motorcycle / Motorcycle Honda CBR 600 (Moto Honda CBR 600)
Male Belch
Motorcycle / Motorcycle Racing, Away (Moto da corsa, partenza)
Fireworks / Fireworks and Crowd 1 (Fuochi d'artificio con folla 1)
Human Sound / Baby 1 (Neonato che ride 1)
Cow Moo
Grand Central Station
Monster fight
Crowd / Applause 7 (Applausi 7)
Human Sound / Baby 2 (Neonato che ride 2)
Gas station air pump
Telephone Line
Subway / Subway Train 1 (Metropolitana 1)
Telephone Line-33
Human Sound / Baby 4 (Neonato che ride 4)
Human Sound / Baby, Crying (Neonato che piange)
Motorcycle / Sports Motorcycle that Accelerate (Moto sportive che accellerano)
Vietnam War Part 1
Donkey Braying
Animal / Khichs and Hens (Pulcini e galline)
Human Sound / Laughing 1 (Risate 1)
Human Sound / Laughing 3 (Risate 3)
Drawer Closing
Human Sound / Tachycardia Ventricular Pulsation (Tachicardia pulsazioni ventricolari)
Tympani walking march
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong-49
Gatling Gun
Fusion Shots
Tympani roll #2
Horse Whinny-37
Horse Whinny-48
Horse Whinny-45
Tap dancing #2
Church Bell
Tympani up and down
Brushing Teeth
Car Horn
Congas #5
Tap dance steps #4
Trolley bell #5
Trolley bell #3
Train-crossing, warning bell #1
Koren temple blocks #4
Congas #1
Trolley bell #4
Clock-mantle, half hour #2
Trolley bell #2
Congas #3
Tympani roll #1
Train-crossing, warning bell #2
Tap dance steps #3
Navajo war drum with chant
Clock-mantle, three quarter hour toll #3
Chinese gong #2
Congas #4
Clock-mantle, half hour #3
Clock-mantle, tolling (short 4)
Clock-mantle, three quarter hour toll #1
Salvation Army band #1
Clock-mantle, tolling (short 5)
Clock-mantle, half hour (short 5)
Military march
Salvation Army band #2
Glass-liqueur bottle, opensqueak
Harp #1
Harp run #2
Glass-wine glasses in toast #1
Military drum roll #2
Bongos #3
Block s- crecendo
Block - perculator pater
Asian tympani
Nighttime Cricket
Pouring Water
Scooping Grain
Horse Whinny-50
Tool / Wire Brush Rotating Electrical (Spazzola di ferro elettrica)
Airplane / Turbine Aircraft, Shutdown (Aereo, arresto turbina)
Airplane / Starter, Stop (Aereo, arresto motore)
Sounds Of Big Cities Non-Stop Mix
Airplane / Turbine Aircraft, Loop (Aereo, turbina)
Sounds Of San Francisco
Tool / Brush Iron Manual (Spazzola di ferro manuale)
Snooker And Billiard Table
Airplane / Turbine Aircraft, Start 1 (Aereo, avviamento turbina)
Sounds Of The Sunset Strip
Airplane / Seaplane DHC2 (Idrovolante DHC2)
Siren / Police Siren (Sirena polizia)
Airplane / Turbine Aircraft, Start 2 (Aereo, avviamento turbina)
Door Bell Sounds
Tuning Up - Symphony Orchestra
War In Iraq
Clock Alarm
Tuning Up - Light Orchestra
God Save The Queen - Theatre Orchestra
Chorus Of Jungle Birds
Bathroom Sounds
Lion Roaring (Distant, Then Close)
Pin Table
Bowling Alley
Lawn Mower Sounds
Tuning Up - Theatre Orchestra
Bus Ride - Short Journey
Heavy Cannons - Queen's Birthday Salute
Cymbal Crash
Bugle Call - Last Post
Shell Whine And Explosion
Tiger Snarling And Roaring
Elephant Trumpeting Distant
Marches - Stars & Stripes Forever
Factory Work Whistle
Sounds Of War Non-Stop Mix
Marches - King Cotton
Water Cooler
Hospital Waiting Room (with Talking)
Bird Chirps 4
Sheep 3
Messy Closet
Old Phone Rings
Raking Leaves
Manufacturing (Bottling Sounds)
Tiger 5
Bird Chirps 2
Tiger 3
Elevator Interior
New York Traffic With Police Car
Start Army Jeep, Engine Dies
Old Electric Shaver
Sonar Sounds
Volvo Skidding (Take 2)
Two Semis Blowing Their Horns
Truck Door Latch Releasing
Truck Explosion
Household Fire Alarms
Tuning Radio
Fusion Shots
Clock Chimming
Lots of Thunder
Squeaky Water Pump
Horse Scream 5
Cannon Shots
Horse Whinnies & Snorts
Car On Fire
Switching Noise
Horse Chewing a Carrot
Electronic Flourish
Young Dude Laughing
Door Open (with Creaking)
Bus Backing Into Garage
Famous Bugle Call
Tires Screeching
Hitting Golf Balls
Horse Race | Start Gate With Crowd
Diesel Horn
Swarm of Bees
Door Chime
M48 Tank in Motion
Chicken Clucks
Fire Alarm
Tiger Snarl
Coastal Seabirds
Rippling Waves
Tiger 2
Goofy Noise
Continuous Thunder
Funny Sounds
Duck Quacking
Police Car With Siren
Jet Plane Fly By
Train Steam Whistle
Cartoon Top Sound FX - Plop
Laughs (1)
Laughs (3)
Pigs (1)
Laughs (2)
Knocking on Door
Household (1)
Cats Meowing
Many Horses Galloping
Horse Whinies
Prop Engine Take Off
Geese & Ducks
Open Door/Close
Chicken Coop
Roulette Wheel
Aircraft - Take Off
Aircraft - Passby
Theatre Applause
Large Building Lobby
Office Atmosphere
Laughs (9)
Heavy Rain
Motor Vehicle Passes By
Heavy Wind
Walking Upstairs
Electric Drill
Train - Diesel
Electric Saw
Roller Skating Rink
Tropical Birds
Sea Lion
Bear Attacking
Mortar Cannon
Horse Eating Grain
Doberman Pincher Barking
Kitchen Drawer Closed
Harp Run
Engine Running Pump
Two Children Laughing
Electronic Cash Register
General Quarters
Firetruck With Siren
Sick Moaning
Kindergarten Class
Horse Grunt
Ice Crunching
Baby Laughing
Clock Bell Runs Down
Men Chatting (Small Group)
Firehose Being Dragged On Ground
Restaurant Background
Men Cheering
Alarm (Air Rescue)
Pinball Machine
Air Being Released from Balloon
Angry Crowd
Horse Chewing a Carrot
Applause (Concert Hall)
Animal Growls
Dirtbike Race
Football Crowd
Airport Control Tower
Cheering Crowd
Laughing Audience
Corsair Fly-By
Lava Flow
Temple Sounds
Lazer Beam
Harp Run-1
Midway Shooting Game
Shower Curtain Closed
Fireworks (with Crowd Background)
Hot Rod Driving Up
Inboard Motorboat Starting
Continuous Thunder
Sparrows and Blackbirds
Heavy Breathing & Heartbeat
Angry Mob (Small)
Baseball Pitching Machine
Jet Bombers
Giggling and Laughing
Thunder & Rain
Chicken Coop
Kitten Crying
Screams & Demonic Laughter
Galloping Horse
Two Horses Trotting On Pavement
Door Buzzer/Steps to Door/Door Opens/Closes/Steps Away
Prop Plane Flying By
Jet Fighter Land and Switch Off Engines
IBM Selectric II
Olympia Electric Typewriter
Hand Stapler (Stapling Paper)
Gun Stapler
Electric Sander
Clock Ticking
Alarm On Electric Clock
War Scene - Guns, Shells, Bombs, Planes
Alarm On Wind Clock
Passenger Train (Interior)
Highway Traffic
Car Crash
Dog Growling
Indian War Whoops
Garbage Disposal
Vacuum Cleaner
Cloth Tearing
Electric Shaver / Glass Crashing / Store Door With Bell Opens & Closes
Refrigerator Doors
Cattle Drive
Telephone Pick Up, Dial, Ring and Hang Up
Screeching Tires
Cuckoo Clock
Cannon Shots
Electric Grinder
Hacksaw Sawing Metal
Hand Saw
World War 1 Tank Starts Up and Maneuvers
707 Jet Landing
Knock On Door/Steps to Door/Door Opens
Fox Hounds
Cats and Kittens
Birds in the Park
Cricket Bkg
Alien Space Chatter
Carnival Midway
Ferry Docking
Bloodhounds Baying
Convention Crowd
Mixed Crowd Talking Busily
Helicopter Idling
Childrens Party (Noisy)
Baby Crying
F-14 Tomcat Fly-By
Horse Screaming
Children With Pony and Cart
Sonic Boom
Sliding a Stall Door Closed
The Mikrons Blast Off (Inter-Galactic Enemy)
Battling Patrol Cruisers
Anti-Matter Charges Exploding
Space Cruisers Landing
The Mikrons
Battle of the Gliches and Mikrons
National Anthem / Australia: Advance Australia Fair
Triumph March
National Anthem / Bolivia: Bolivianos el hado propicio
Mikron's Ray
National Anthem / Brazil: Hino nacional brasileiro
Gliches' Fission Gun
National Anthem / Bulgaria: Bulgarijo mila
Arms / Battle
National Anthem / Chile: Himno nacional de Chile
Arms / Cannon
National Anthem / China: Yiyongjun Jinxingqu
Arms / Hand Gun 22 Cal.
National Anthem / Colombia: Himno nacional de la rebublica de Colombia
Arms / Hand Gun 38 Cal.
National Anthem / Costa Rica: Himno nacional de Costa Rica
Arms / Machine Gun 45 Cal.
Karate (Sparring Match)
Arms / Military Tank
Karate ("Kata" - Formal Pre-Arranged Exercises)
National Anthem / Cuba: El himno de Bayamo
Squeaking Door
Clock / Alarm Clock 1
National Anthem / Ecuador: Salve oh patria
Clock / Alarm Clock 2
Weaponry (Staff Versus Staff)
National Anthem / Philippines: Lupang hinirang
Steps 2
Weaponry (Sword Versus Spear)
National Anthem / Jamaica: Jamaica Lande We Love
Steps 3
Clock / Grandfather 2
National Anthem / Greece: Ymnos eis tin eleutherian
Clock / Grandfather 3
Weaponry (Knife Versus Open Hand)
Clock / Grandfather 4
National Anthem / Indonesia: Indonesia raya
Door / Door Squeaking 1
Door / Door Squeaking 2
National Anthem / Mexico: Himno nacional mexicano
National Anthem / Nigeria: Arise O Compatriots Nigeria's Call O Bey
Aikido ("Shikko' - Walking On Knees)
Aikido (Jumping Exercise)
Explosion / Explosions
Fire / Fireplace
Karate Kills (Fight and Kill)
National Anthem / Scotland: Scotland the Brave
National Anthem / Senegal: Princes tous vos koras frappez les balafons
Machine Gun
National Anthem / Slovenia: Zdravljica
Axe Attack
Cowboys (Rides In - Kills Man)
National Anthem / South Africa: Nkosi sikelel i Afrika - Diestem van Suid-Afrika
National Anthem / Thailand: Phleng chat
Human Sound / Baby, Crying 2
Cowboys (Fist Fight in Saloon)
Water Dripping
Human Sound / Children Outdoor
Cranking Gears
National Anthem / Uruguay: Himno nacional
National Anthem / Vatican: Inno e marcia pontificale
Gate Closing
National Anthem / Venezuela: Gloria al bravo pueblo
Human Sound / Students in Walk
Instrument / Agogo Bell 1
Instrument / Harp
Creaking Wood
Musical Box
Instrument / Algaita
Clock / Electron Alarm Clock
Axe Fight (Two People - In Armor On Horseback)
Wind Howling
Telephone 2
Instrument / Drums 1
Machine Gun (Burst)
Telephone / Pick Up - Dial Tone
Telephone, Rotary
Telephone / 4 Rings
Telephone, Touch-1
Instrument / Charango
Telephone / Cellular Phone / Rings 2
Telephone / Cellular Phone / Rings 3
Car, Screaches
Instrument / Guitar - Country Blues
Rifle Cocked
Telephone / Engaged Tone
Music, Eerie
Music, Suspense
Instrument / Guitar - Finger Picking
Instrument / Guitar - The Riddle Song 1
Submachine Gun (Continuous)
Instrument / Hi Hat and Drums
Instrument / Jew's Harp 2
Gun Shot
Instrument / Ocarina
Office and Business / Typewriter 2
Sport / Tennis
Telephone / Dial Signal
Telephone / Ring 2
Telephone / Ring 6
Telephone / Ring 5
Telephone / Busy Signal
Sport / Swimming / Diving
Sport / Basketball
Machinery / Air Compressor 1
Shotgun (One Shot)
Rilfe (One Clip)
Anti-Aircraft Fire
Submachine Gun (More Shots)
Submachine Gun (Short Burst)
Instrument / Flute
Hand Gun
Instrument / Cabassas - Shakers
Cannon (One Shot)
Instrument / Balalaika
Medieval Battle (Charge and Fighting)
Medieval Battle Camp (Atmosphere)
Instrument / Alboka
Instrument / Acoustic Guitar
Sword Fight (To the Death)
Fencing (Two People)
Human Sound / Footsteps, Water
Human Sound / Baby, Crying 1
Cowboys (Fist Fight)
Cowboys (Gun Shots - Body Falls)
Cowboys (Gun Fight - Duel)
Cowboys (Gun Battle With Richochets)
Finale (Marshall Arts Battle)
Karate Kills (Breaking Technique)
Karate Kills (Strangle
Karate Kills (Alternate Kill)
Invastion Return
Space Crab
Time-Aligned Transponder
Anti-Gravitational Creatures
Gliches in the Caverns of Doria
Space Pipes
Caverns of Doria
Exploding Stars
Space Wars
Vision of Mars
Rippling Waves
Ebb & Flow On A Sandy Beach
Ebb & Flow On A Rocky Beach
Stormy Sea
Waves Crashing on Rocks
Snow Avalanche
Coastal Seabirds
Urban City Sounds
Brigade Training
Traffic In The Rain
Fighters Taking Off
Pneumatic Drill
General Explosions
Light Artillery
Slamming Car Doors
Cash Register
Various Artillery
Fire Engine Passing
Nuclear Explosion
Window Breaking
Telephone Ringing
Pigs (2)
Pigs (3)
Grandfather Clock Chiming
The Original Sputnik Bleeps
Morse Code Radio Signal
Footsteps on Gravel
Horse Whinies
Cats Meowing
Electronic Sound Bites
Dog Barking
General Street Traffic
Light Film Link Music I
Chicken Coop
Man Laughing
Light Film Link Music II
Geese & Ducks
Dust Cart Sequence
Horses Trotting On
Many Horses Galloping
Lively Film Link Music I
Lively Film Link Music II
Horse Crossing Wood
Assorted Birds In Garden
Traffic Jam
South Pacific Song
Maroi War Dance
Creaking Door Opens
Knocking On Door
Smashing Plates On Floor
Space Ship Taking Off
Unlocking Door
Children Playing In The Garden
Door Buzzer Then Open
General Sounds Of People On The Beach
Baby Crying
Baby Laughing/Sneezes
Open Door/Close
Household (1)
Lonely Cookoo Clock
Glass Smashes
Demonic Laughter
Compressed Air
Walking Upstairs
Tree Falling
Ghostly Music
Geiger Counter
Fireworks - Large
Space Scooter
Laughs (1)
Laughs (2)
Lady Washing In Shower
Science Fiction Creature
Washing Machine
Laughs (3)
Storm with Thunderbolts
Broken Glass Being Swept Up
Laughs (5)
Wagon Loading And Unloading Gravel
Laughs (6)
Small Monoplane
Manual Typewriter
Heavy Rain
Tiger Growling
Heavy Wind
Diesel Train
Panther Roaring
Thunder Rumble
Hyena Laughing
Bear Growling
Sword Fight
Filing Cabinet
Filing Cabinet (2)
Gibbons Screaming
Baboons Screaming
IBM Typewriter
Large Building Lobby
Siren 2
Dog Barking
Aircraft - Passby
Pendulum Clock
Aircraft - Take Off
Door Knock
Prop Engine Passby
Helicopter Start Up
Door Opening Key Locking
Glass Window Breaking
Constant Flight - Helicopter
Constant Flight - Helicopter (2)
Outboard Motor - Start Up
Cuckoo Clock
Train - Electric
Train - Diesel
Submarine Sonar - Atari Tennis
Tug Boat Horn
Factory Hooter
Electric Drill
Bicycle Bell
Alarm Bells
Pneumatic Drill
Spacecraft 1
Dice Throwing
Cards Shuffle and Play
Slot Machine and Payout
Pinball Machine
Chopping Tree
Last Post
Roller Skating Rink
Roulette Wheel
Spacecraft 2
Theatre Applause
Digging With Spade
Motor Vehicle Passes By
Water Filling And Draining
Dish Breaking
Aircraft - Taxi
Machine Tool For Wood
Siren 1
Saw Mill
Racing Cars 2
Laughs (8)
Laughs (4)
UFO Departs/Arrives
Launching Alarm
Woman Screaming
Cosmic Sonor
Crossing Of A Space Ship
Robot Working. Then Stopping
Electronic Shots
Rocket Doors Closing
Electronic Space Effects 2
Electronic Space Effects I
Rain Beating On WIndow
Passing Car With Hooter
Church Bell
Flushing Toilet
Footsteps Circling
Man Snoring
Man Sneezing
People Chasing
Man Coughing
Pigs (1)
Tank S
Under The Canopy
Journey To Costa Rica
Extreme Green
Home Of Tarzan
Ancient Creatures
Instrument / Accordion and Rhythms (Fisarmonica e ritmi)
Crowd / Applause 1 (Applausi)
Crowd / Applause 2 (Applausi)
Crowd / Applause 5 (Applausi)
Sport / Baseball, Training (Baseball, allenamento)
Sport / Basket, Training (Basket, allenamento)
Instrument / Bass Drum (Grancassa)
Game / Billiards (Biliardo)
Instrument / Tubular Bells (Campane tubolari)
Instrument / Cymbal (Cimbalo)
Instrument / Conga
Explosion / Explosions 2 (Esplosioni)
Instrument / Flugelhorn Soprano (Flicorno soprano)
Instrument / Hi Hat
Siren / Horn Air (Sirena ad aria compressa)
Animal / Horse Neighing (Nitriti)
Lighter, Electronic Type (Accendisigari elettronico, 3 scatti)
Airplane / Eurofighter Typhon in Flight (Aereo Eurofighter Typhon in volo)
Airplane / Air F16 in Flight (Aereo F16 in volo)
Tool / Sharpener for Chainsaw (Affilacatene per motosega)
Instrument / Mouth organ and Harpsichord (Armonica a bocca e Clavicembalo)
Tool / Sharpener for Chainsaw (Affilacatene per motosega)
Instrument / Mouth Organ (Armonica a bocca)
Instrument / Mouth organ and Harpsichord (Armonica a bocca e Clavicembalo)
Siren / Police Siren (Sirena polizia)
'Racing Car / Monza Speedway, Sports Cars and Steps Helicopter (Auto sportive all''Autodromo di Monz
Instrument / Banjo
'Racing Car / Monza Speedway, Sports Cars and Steps Helicopter (Auto sportive all''Autodromo di Monz
Arms / Naval Battle (Battaglia navale)
Instrument / Sitar
Airplane / Air F22, Take-Off (Caccia F22 decollo)
Instrument / Bongos, Drums and Synthesizer (Bongos, batteria e sintetizzatore)
Airplane / Air F22, Take-Off (Caccia F22 decollo)
Traffic / Traffic City (Traffico cittadino)
Sport / Boating (Canotaggio)
Arms / Tank M13 (Carro Armato M13)
Arms / Tank M13 (Carro Armato M13)
Machinery / Air Compressor (Compressore)
Electronic Effect / Electronic Effect No.17 (Effetto elettronico)
Machinery / Air Compressor (Compressore)
Electronic Effect / Electronic Effect No.18 (Effetto elettronico)
Sport / Swimming Race 1 (Gara di nuoto)
Electronic Effect / Electronic Effect No.19 (Effetto elettronico)
Sport / Swimming Race 2 (Gara di nuoto)
Instrument / Bass Drum and Cymbal (Grancassa e piatto)
Water / Hydrant 1 (Idrante)
Water / Hydrant 2 (Idrante)
Machinery / Belt Sander Bench (Levigatrice a nastro da banco)
Machinery / Single Disc Floor Sander (Levigatrice monodisco da pavimento)
Machinery / Electric Sewing Machine (Macchina per cucire elettrica)
Machinery / Sander (Levigatrice)
Building / Pneumatic Drill 1 (Martello pneumatico)
Building / Pneumatic Drill 1 (Martello pneumatico)
Building / Pneumatic Drill 3 (Martello pneumatico)
Building / Merlo Telescopic Handler 1 (Sollevatore telescopico Merlo)
Hammer / Sledgehammer (Mazza)
Instrument / Mixing 1 (Missaggio)
Building / Merlo Telescopic Handler 2 (Sollevatore telescopico Merlo)
Machinery / Chainsaw 1 (Motosega)
Instrument / Mixing 2 (Missaggio)
Machinery / Chainsaw 2 (Motosega)
Core Metal that Rolls (Nucleo metallico che rotola)
Sport / Basque Pelota (Pelota basca)
Game / Ping-Pong (Ping pong)
Machinery / Grinder for Iron (Smerigliatrice per ferro)
Machinery / Grinder for Wood (Smerigliatrice per legno)
Instrument / Timbals 1 (Timpani)
Instrument / Timbals 2 (Timpani)
Instrument / Timbals 2 (Timpani)
Machinery / Drill 1 (Trapano)
Instrument / Timbals 3 (Timpani)
Machinery / Drill 2 (Trapano)
Agriculture / Tractor with Plow (Trattre con aratro)
Agriculture / Tractor with Plow (Trattre con aratro)
Agriculture / Same Tractor (Trattore Same)
Agriculture / Volvo Tractor (Trattore Volvo)
Agriculture / Tractor (Trattore)
Sport / Dips 1 (Tuffi)
Sport / Dips 1 (Tuffi)
Agriculture / Tractor (Trattore)
Agriculture / Crawler Tractor with Plow (Trattore cingolato con aratro)
Machinery / Drill 2 (Trapano)
Agriculture / Crawler Tractor with Plow (Trattore cingolato con aratro)
Instrument / Timbals 1 (Timpani)
Machinery / Grinder for Iron (Smerigliatrice per ferro)
Sport / Boxing, Training (Pugilato, allenamento alla pera)
Machinery / Chainsaw 2 (Motosega)
Building / Merlo Telescopic Handler 1 (Sollevatore telescopico Merlo)
Building / Pneumatic Drill 3 (Martello pneumatico)
Machinery / Single Disc Floor Sander (Levigatrice monodisco da pavimento)
Water / Hydrant 2 (Idrante)
Instrument / Bass Drum and Cymbal (Grancassa e piatto)
Sport / Swimming Race 1 (Gara di nuoto)
Electronic Effect / Electronic Effect No.18 (Effetto elettronico)
Electronic Effect / Electronic Effect No.17 (Effetto elettronico)
Instrument / Bagpipes 2 (Zampogna)
Instrument / Tom Tom
Human Sound / Sneezing (Starnuti)
Human Sound / Restaurant 2 (Ristorante)
Human Sound / Restaurant 1 (Ristorante)
Instrument / Piano (Pianoforte)
Instrument / Glockenspiel (Metallofono)
Lighter, Electronic Type (Accendisigari elettronico, 3 scatti)
Instrument / Gong
Human Sound / Footsteps Sand (Passi sulla sabbia)
Human Sound / Footsteps Sand, Barefoot (Passi sulla sabbia a piedi nudi)
Human Sound / Children, Talking and Yelling (Bambini che parlano e gridano)
Crowd / Applause 3 (Applausi)
Junge Sounds Non-Stop Mix
C-130 fly overhead
Helicopter takeoff and flying
Jet - interior in-flight sound
Plane dive
AWAC landing
F-16 Falcon drop 500 Ib bombs #3
Rocket countdown and blastoff
Propeller plane - interior sound in-flight
S-2 Tracker Gruman landing
Archery-arrow release
Alien space chatter
Archery-arrow fly by
SH-3 Seaking helicopter landing
FA18 Hornet fly-by 4
Truck-start, run
Alarm clock going off
Truck-old, heavy duty-start
Sandy Beaches
Blue Lagoon
Air being released from balloon
Truck-grinding gears
FA18 Hornet fly-by 5
Aerosol can spray 2
Aerosol can spray 1
Blue Hawaii
Cayman Islands Pond
Bowling gutterball
Baywatch Love
Boots, dropping
Coral Reef Secrets
B-52 take-off
Truck 2 & half ton-start
High Surf (Part l)
Copter fly-by
High Surf (Part ll)
A-10 Thunderbold engine test fire
High Surf (Part lll)
Truck 2 & half ton-int. perspective #1
Conversation at cash register
High Surf (Part V)
Computers talking
Dolphin Island
Truck 1 & quarter ton-int. perspective
Kauai Water (Part l)
Brushing teeth
Truck 1 & quarter ton-hard start
Truck 1 & quarter ton-hard start #2
Hawkeye Gruman E-2C landing 2
Clock tolling
Kauai Water (Part lll)
Truck 1 & quarter ton-hard start #1
Church bell
Children playing on the playground
Oahu Mist
F-16 Falcon fly-by 3
Truck #2
Cement truck mixer
Virgin Island Tropical Rain
Truck #1
Troop carrier-start and move
C-130 take-off
Casino effect-crap table
Cash register-manual
Troop carrier-pass by
Troop carrier-int. perspective
Trolley-switching tracks
Trolley-moving into station and stopping
Trolley-motor idling
Car-electronic voice warning
Car-buckling up seat belt
Traffic #2
Loran Navigational Instrument
Traffic #1
Lights on warning
Light beam rebounding
Tractor in reverse
Tobaggon sled-single man
C-13D take-off
Jaguar snarl and growl
Suzuki start and drive-off #2
Jaguar snarl
Honking car horn
Helmet dropping
Suzuki drive-up and turn-off
Helicopter in flight
Helicopter crash
Suzuki drive-off with a skid
Cessna 337 engine shut-off
Firehose being unreeled from spool 2
Suzuki drive-by #2
Firehose being reeled in #2
Start, rev bike and pull-out
Firehose being reeled in #1
Start and rev motor, squeal tires and progress through the gears
Shut-off #1
Familty coughing
Explosives detonated
Engine-truck, starting
Recovery vehicle-pass by #1
Pull-up and shut-off
Engine running pump
Motorcycle-start, rev and shut off
Motorcycle arrives and shuts off
Egg breaking
Model A start
Hang-up telephone
Hammer on anvil
Model A start, run, shut-off
Group-small, arising from chairs
Grinding metal
Grandfather clock ticking
Jeep quarter ton-int. perspective
Glass crash
Hot rod drive-up
General office sounds
Gas canister being emptied
Harley pull-in and stop
Garage door-electric
Garage door-electric (close)
Fusion ray
Flock of geese
Door-automatic garage, switches
Car skidding
Dunebuggy start and drive-away #2
Car seat belt warning (short)
Car seat belt warning (long 2x)
Car horn 2
Dunebuggy start and drive-away #1
Car horn
Canary song
Car exploding
Dunebuggy rev engine #3
Dunebuggy idle, drive-away #3
Buoy bell 2
Comical drip sound
Dunebuggy idle, drive-away #1
Comcial sound
Dunebuggy driving away
Dunebuggy idle, drive-away #2
Car electronic voice warning
Dunebuggy rev engine #2
Dunebuggy rev motor, drive-off
Dunebuggy trying to start #1
Dunebuggy trying to start #2
Engine-truck, running, off
Engine-truck, start
Harley burn-out
Harley drive-by
Harley drive-by
Model A grind gears and pull-away
Hammer striking metal
Moped drive-by
Motorcycle-start and drive off
Electric shave
Porto-san truck
Race car crash
Rev motor
Shut-off #2
Start Harley and pull-out
Suzuki drive-by #1
Suzuki drive-by #3
EA-6B Prowler take-off
F-15 Eagle Strafe ground target #2
F-16 Falcon drop 500 Ib bombs #1
FA18 Hornet fly-by
F-16 Falcon fly-by 2
FA18 Hornets take-off
FA18 Hornet fly-by 3
F-16 Falcon fly-by 1
Airplane Dogfight-World War II
SH-3 Seaking helicopter hover
F-16 Falcon drop 500 Ib bombs #2
B-52 taxi
Hawkeye Gruman E-2C landing
Airplane, Biplane-landing
FA18 Hornet fly-by 2
Sonic boom 2
Helicopter crash
Truck 1 & quarter ton-drive by #2
A-7 Corsairs launch
B-52 engine start
Corsair fly-by
Cessna fly-by
FA18 Hornet launch
Space shuttle lift-off
Tomcat fly-by with sonic boom
AWAC take-off
Airplane, Biplane-shutoff
A-7 Corsairs land
F-14 Tomcat powering down
Auto crash
Volkswagen drive-by #1
Archery-arrow impact
Auto crash
Babbling brook
Caja De Música
Hombre Tosiendo
Hombre Roncando
Pop Corn
Tiros Y Nado En El Agua
Presa Desbordada
Arranque Y Salida De Auto
Perforación De Muela
Dilophosaurus (In the style of Jurassic Park)
Homalocephale (In the style of Jurassic Park)
Bebé Jugando
Música De Circo
Radar detector 3
Big Ben
Marcha Fúnebre
1920's phone ringing
Jardín En Primavera
Tuning old tube radio
Pachyrhinosaurus (In the style of Jurassic Park)
Hombre Riéndose
Lathe in gear, start
Grinding metal
Ambiente Playa
Lathe out of gear, start and stop
Música Horror-Terror
Car stuck in the snow
Reactor Listo Despegue
Música Suspense
35mm camera - manual shutter
Música Ceremonial
Lathe machine-heavy cut
Goteo De Agua
Hot rod drive-up
Generator-portable, electric
Máquina De Escribir
Car pulling-in and shutting off
Tuning shortwave radio
Esquiando En El Agua
Radar detector 1
Car driving-off fast
Static on tube radio
Air conditioner
Gran Fuego
Teléfono Comunicando
A Volvo skidding 1
1920's phone dial and ring
Campanas Reloj
Lluvia Torrencial
Dodge Stealth start & race engine
Dodge Stealth put in gear & pull-away
Car stuck on ice 2
Marcha Nupcial
Start and rev motor, squeal tires and progress through the gears
Start and rev motor, squeal tires and progress through the gears
Radar dector
Molinillo De Café
Milling machine-milling metal
Máquina De Bolas
Rev motor
Latidos Corazón
Hombre Estornudando
Pull-up and shut-off
Opening and closing door
Model A start, run, shut-off
Alarm (Air Rescue)-Coast Guard 1
Car cornering, tires squeal
Alarm-fire (Coast Guard)2
Bomba Atómica
Bebe Llorando
Audi being driving
Hot rod start
Máquina Café
Fiat swerving while driving
Caballos Al Galope
Bote De Remo
Disparos Cámara Con Motor
Fiat hard brake 2
Perro Gimiendo
Fiat hard brake 1
Fiat driving away
Fiat driving
Driving, wipers on
Driving with wipers on
Firetruck with siren 3
Drive-off squealing tires
Firetruck drive-by with horn blast
Dodge Stealth starting car,interior sounds
Dodge Stealth starting 2
Boat-Coast Guard, sirens 3
Dodge Stealth start and rev engine 2
Dodge Stealth start and die, tailpipe perspect
Model A start
Model A grind gears and pull-away
BMW drive-by 1
BMW braking hard 2
A car on fire 1
BMW skidding
BMW screeching by
Electric chair
A car on fire 2
Door open, woman scream
A Volvo skidding 3
Demented man howling
Car crashing
Car driving by 2
Demented man dragging chains
Car driving by 1
Monster growl 2
BMW screeching by
BMW drive-by fast 2
Man eating lion
Windshield wipers
Windshield wipers
Garbage truck
Volvo screeching by 2
Air hammer
Conveyor belt
Volvo braking hard 2
Sports announcer
Volkswagon hard-stop 2
Bus driver announcement #1
Volkswagon hard-stop 1
Volkswagon hard braking
Bus driver announcement #2
Volkswagon drive-by
Volkswagen drive-by 5
Volkswagen drive-by 1
Volkswagen drive-by 3
Volkswagen drive-by 2
Starting the car
Car driving by 3
BMW drive-by fast 1
BMW drive-by 2
Whoosh-by #3
Whoosh-by #2
Whoosh-by #1
Audi braking hard 3
Audi being driven
Tell ya what
Track announcer #1
Track announcer #2
Volkswagon quick brake
Bus driver announcement #3
Computer card punch
Elevator switching room
BMW drive-by fast
Demented man laugh
Demented man walkin
Man being whipped
Monster purr
Woman scream
Firetruck drive-by 1
Boat-Coast Guard, sirens 1
Boat-Coast Guard, sirens 4
Boat-Coast Guard, sirens 5
Firetruck drive-by 3
Firetruck with siren 2
Firetruck with siren and horn
Siren #2
Siren (ext.) (long)
Horn blast (ext.) #2
Boat -Coast Guard-siren (short 1)
Claxon Auto
Radar detector 2
1920s phone dialing with busy signal
35mm camera - auto shutter
Audi braking hard 2
Fuegos Artificiales
Campanas Reloj
Drill press-drilling into wood
Tren De Vapor
Electrical buzz
Tormenta En El Trópico
Rotura Tazas Y Platos
Golpes De Gong
Breakfast Sounds
Water, Chimes & Drills
Phone Sounds
Home Office Sounds
Vacuum Sounds
Motorcycle Sounds
Car Sounds
Construction Road Sounds
Sounds Of The Home Non-Stop Mix
Sleeping & Snoring Sounds
Train Sounds
Construction In New York City
New York City After Dark
Tympani short cresendo #2
Tympani short cresendo #1
Trolley bell #9
Tympani long roll
Trolley bell #8
Trolley bell #6
Trolley bell #1 (front)
Tap dancing #3
Tap dancing #1
Tap dance steps #5
Whoosh-by #2
Tap dance steps #2
UFO #3
UFO #2
Tap dance steps #1
Telestar satellite telemetry
Space vehicle launch #4
Space vehicle launch #1
Ram beat #1
Space ship whoosh-by #4
Navajo war drum
Space ship whoosh-by #3
Space ship whoosh-by #2
Space ship whoosh-by #1
Space noise
Marimbula - Cuban instrument
Radar #2
lujon roll
Radar #1
Photon shots
Photon shots x2 #1
Koren temple blocks #6
Koren temple blocks #5
Photon shot x2 #2
Photon shot with ricochets #3
Photon shot with ricochets #2
Koren temple blocks #2
Photon gun shot
Photo #2
Harp #4
Multiple vehicle whoosh-by #1
Harp #2
Mother ship #4
Glass-wine glasses in toast #2
Glass-liqueur bottle, cork opened
Mars probe
Flag raising #1
Female singing the octiave
Fusion shot #1
Fusion ray
Female descending scale
Explosive space launch #2
Dumbecki #3
Dumbecki #2
Explosive space launch #1
Laser #1
Fusion shots x2
Fusion shots #3
Fusion shots #1
Clock-mantle, tolling #4
Communications satellite
Clock-mantle, tolling #2
Light beam hit #5
Light beam hit #4
Clock-mantle, three quarter hour toll #2
Light beam hit #3
Harp run #1
Light beam hit #2
Light beam hit #1
Laser modulations
Clock-mantle, hour toll whour chime #2
Clock-mantle, hour toll whour chime #1
Atomic overload
Clock-mantle, half hour (short 6)
Clock-mantle, half hour #5
Clock-mantle, half hour #4
Light beam hit #7
Laser beam hits x4
Laser beam hits x3
Chinese gong #6
Locomotive-steam, wbell and whistle #2
Chinese gong #5
Training passing
Training arriving
Chinese gong #3
Chinese gong #1
Cherokee war dance with chant
Train stopping
Riding the train
Riding the subway
Boom bam #1
train #1
Bongos #2
Subway train stopping
Subway passing
Locomotive-steam, wbell and whistle #1
Bell, church (short)
Bell, church (long)
Steam locomotive leaving station
African drums #2
Subway departing
African drums #1
Subway crash
Hedge clippers
Digging dirt
Air Compressor
Lawnmower #1
bass drum
Bongos #1
Cherokee war dance drum beat
Chinese gong #4
Clock-mantle, half hour #1
Clock-mantle, half hour (short 7)
Clock-mantle, quarter toll
Clock-mantle, tolling #1
Clock-mantle, tolling #3
Congas #2
Dumbecki #1
Fast perculator patter
Female singing scale
Flag raising #2
Harp #3
Koren temple blocks #1
Koren temple blocks #3
Long military drum roll
Lujon - African percussion instrument
Military drum roll #1
Short drum roll
Ram beat #2
Slow ram beat
Whoosh-by #1
Whoosh-by #4
Trolley bell #7
Watusi tribal dance with chant
Birds Of The Rain Forest
Siren / Ambulance Passing 1 (Sirena ambulanza 1)
Crowd / Applause 6 (Applausi 6)
Human Sound / Heart-Beat 2 (Battito cardiaco 2)
Human Sound / Heart-Beat 3 (Battito cardiaco 3)
Human Sound / Heart-Beat 4 (Battito cardiaco 4)
Human Sound / Baby 3 (Neonato che ride 3)
National Anthem / Egypt, Biladì (Egitto, Patria mia)
Human Sound / Fine Ventricular Fibrillation (Fibrillazione ventricolare)
Human Sound / Stadium During a Soccer Game (Folla allo stadio)
War In A Jungle
Marching To War
Civil War Part 2
Fireworks / Fireworks and Crowd 2 (Fuochi d'artificio con folla 2)
Marching In War
Fireworks / Fireworks and Crowd 3 (Fuochi d'artificio con folla 3)
Wars In Space
Battle Field
National Anthem / Kenya, Ee Mungu Nguvu Yetu
Vietnam War Part 2
Vietnam War Part 3
Massive Destruction
Subway / Subway Train 3 (Metropolitana 3)
Subway / Subway Train 4 (Metropolitana 4)
Motorcycle / Motorcycle Racing, Passages (Moto da corsa, passaggi)
Motorcycle / Motorcycle Ducati Hypermotard (Moto Ducati Hypermotard)
Motorcycle / Motorcycle Ducati Monster 1200 (Moto Ducati Monster 1200)
Motorcycle / Motorcycle Yamaha XJR 1300 (Moto Yamaha XJR 1300)
Motorcycle / Motorcycle Yamaha YZF R1 (Moto Yamaha YZF R1)
Motorcycle / MotoGP Passages (MotoGP passaggi)
Human Sound / Laughing 4 (Risate 4)
Siren / Police Siren (Sirena polizia)
Human Sound / Laughing 2 (Risate 2)
Motorcycle / Motorcycle MV Augusta F4R (Moto MV Augusta F4R)
Subway / Subway Train 2 (Metropolitana 2)
Animal / Kittens (Gattini)
The War To End All Wars
Human Sound / Heart-Beat 1 (Battito cardiaco 1)
Echoes Of The Ocean
Airplane / ATR 72, Taxiing and Takeoff (Aereo ATR 72, rullaggio e decollo)
Auto / Car, Interior (Auto in marcia, interno)
Animal / Horse, Neighing (Cavallo, Nitriti)
Airplane / CF 18 Hornet 1 (Aereo CF 18 Hornet)
Animal / Dog Collie, Barking (Amimali / Cane Collie che abbaia)
Airplane / Concorde, Takeoff (Aereo Concorde, decollo)
Airplane / Concorde, Passage 1 (Aereo Concorde, passaggio)
Airplane / Concorde, Passage 2 (Aereo Concorde, passaggio)
Ringing Tone
Working Environment / Restaurant Cuisine (Cucina ristorante)
Dialling A Number, Lift Receiver And Replace
Airplane / Air Dash 8-100 (Aereo Dash 8-100)
Airplane / Air Grumman TMB 3E Avenger (Aereo Grumman TMB 3E Avenger)
Telex Or Teleprinter Machine
Adding Up Machine
Tool / Iron File (Lima da ferro)
Cash Register
Moving Machinery Squeak
Electric Motor Driving A Compressor
Barrel Organ
Weather / Rain 3 (Pioggia)
1825 Steam Locomotive Replica
Airplane / Air Piper, Takeoff (Aereo Piper, decollo)
Squeaky Machine
Colliery Steam Engine
Electric Drill
Large Railway Station In The Steam Age
Pneumatic Road Drill
Steam Engine 1
Siren / Ambulance Passing (Sirena ambulanza)
Circular Saw
Lincoln Cathedral Clock Strikes 12
Steam Engine 3
Grandfather Clock Ticking
Grandfather Clock Striking 12 O'Clock (No Ticking)
Electric Tramcars 2
Electric Tramcars 3
Airplane / SR 71 A Blackbird, Passage (Aereo SR 71 A Blackbird, passaggio)
Small Pendulum Clock Striking 12 O'Clock
Evening Newspaper Sellers 1
Veteran Car Start And Drive Off
Cartoon Sound Effects - Soda Can
Home / Clipper (Tagliacapelli)
Saloon Car Drives Off
Steam Ship Siren
Cartoon Sound Effects - Blurp
Animal / Dog, Terrier, Barking (Cane Terrier che abbaia)
Tyres Squealing
Sports Car Drives Off
Cartoon Sound Effects - Plop
Car Horn
Paddle Steamer 3
.50 Cal Machine Gun
Airplane / Turbojet, Fan (Turboreattore)
Four Stroke Motor Cycle (Rev Engine And Drive Off)
Steam Ship Port
Four Stroke Motor Cycle (Kick Start And Drive Off)
Horseshoe Getting Nailed On
River Steamer 1
Air Raid Siren All Clear
Plastic Bottle
Factory Hooter Two
Colliery Exterior 1
2 Tone Train (Diesel Train)
Colliery Exterior 2
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bang
Cartoon Sound Effects - Fall
Toni Bell - Ice-Cream Van Chimes
Cartoon Sound Effects - Flaps
Cartoon Sound Effects - Plop 2
Fire Effect / Flames / Explosives / Masonry Crashes
WWI Fighter 3
Twin Propeller
Comical Zip Sound
Vintage Street Sounds
Cork Popping
Door Slamming
Street Market
Cavalry 1
10,000 Volts Across Gap
Chinese Gong
Cavalry 3
Bagpipe Solo
Cavalry 4
Horse-drawn Carriage 2
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong-2
Cartoon Sound Effects - Ping-3
Fruit Machine
Sailing Ship On High Seas
Rowing Boat
Clock Being Wound
Train Journey From Compartment (Starting At Station)
Steam Ships
Light Cannons - Queen's Birthday Salute
Coinage Trader
Touchtone Phone
Battle - Bofors, Guns And Mortars
Coinage Trader 2
Horse Snorts-6
Military Drum Roll - Single
Old Stock Exchange 2
Military Drum Roll - Double
Bugle Call - Fall In
British Railway Station
North American Steam Locomotive
Woman Screaming
God Save The Queen - Hammond Organ And Drum
Jungle Noises - Crickets
Bees On Honeysuckle
Lion Growling
Fall and Bang-9
Elephant Trumpeting Close
Spring Bong
Wolves Howling
Horse Snorts-11
Cock Crow And Chickens Clucking
Car Brakes
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong-13
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong-14
Horse Grunt
Stable Door
Spring Bong-15
Light Beam-18
Horse Snorts-19
Fire Truck
Cartoon Sound Effects - Fall-22
Horse Grunts-23
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong-25
Tennis Ball
Door Latch
Cartoon Sound Effects - Boing, Spring-26
Water Splashing-27
Woman Scream
Cartoon Sound Effects - Zip, Bang
Horse Whinny
Dog Drinking
Car Starting
Cartoon Sound Effects - Pops
Horse Snorts-28
Horse Grunts
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong-32
Comic Effect
Comical Sound
Water and Rain
Horse Whinny-35
Haybale Dropping
Water Dripping
Horse Grunts-36
Horse Whinny-39
Horse Scream-41
Pony Whinny
Meadow Lark
Horse Scream-43
Comical Sound-47
Door Opening
Spring Boing
Space Launch
Drawer Opening
Electronic Pulse
Photon Shot
Cartoon Sound Effects - Boing, Spring-51
Soda Can
Water Spa
Warning - Lights On
Paddle Ball
Cartoon Sound Effects - Whip, Plop
Telephone Dialing
Horse Whinny-42
Whip and Bong
Horse Whinny-40
Tugboat Horn
Horse Whinny-38
Horse Whinny-34
Door Squeaking
Cartoon Sound Effects - Zip-31
Finger Cymbals
Dog Barking
Spring Bong-29
Woman Coughing
Machine Gun
Cartoon Sound Effects - Squeak
Rocket Launcher
Water Faucet
Horse Scream
Horse Grunts
Cartoon Sound Effects - Zip-20
Ray Beam
Removing Cork
Wood Pidgeon
Cartoon Sound Effects - Bong-12
Grasshoppers - Bird's Singing
Woman Belching
Man Screaming
Slip and Bang
Truck Door Close
Door Close
Dramatic Kiss
Cartoon Sound Effects - Crunch
Horse Snorts-5
London Underground In The 1950s
Water Splashing
Horse Snorts
Open And Close Prison Door
WWII Aircraft 4
Hail On A Tin Roof
Sping Boing
Telephone Hang Up
Siren - American Police Car
Factory Hooter One
River Steamer 3
Potato Chip
A Landau Drawn By A Single Horse
Steam Ship Engine 1
Cartoon Sound Effects - Pop
Airplane / Starter, Start (Aereo, avviamento motore)
Tool / Angle Grinders (Smerigliatrice angolare)
Airplane / Helicopter, Rotor (Rotore elicottero)
Tool / Hot Air Gun (Pistola ad aria calda)
Weather / Rain 2 (Pioggia)
Weather / Rain 1 (Pioggia)
Airplane / Air F 16, Passage (Aereo F 16, passaggio)
Dialling Tone
Airplane / Boeing 777, Landing (Aereo Boeing 777, atterraggio)
Berlin - Kaiser Wilhelm Gedächtniskirche
Königsberg - Dom
Erfurt - Dom
Trier - Dom
Berlin - Kirchengeläut
Ice Pick
Bremen - Kirchengeläut
Starting a Bath
Metal Door Opens
Hamburg - Kirchengeläut
First Call
Wien - Kirchengeläut
Leipzig - Kirchengeläut
Ticking Sounds & Alarm
Raising Mini Blinds
Nürnberg - Kirchengeläut
Sick Call
Stuttgart - Kirchengeläut
Door Buzzer
Captain's Call
Hand Drill
Officers' Call
Wind Chimes
Church Call
Bear Roar
Freight Elevator
Adjudant's Call
Guard Mounting
Bird Chicken
B-52 Engine Start
Water Running
Bird Crow
Electric Wall Heater (Switch)
To Arms
Lighters & Match
Drill Call
Bird Duck
Bird Flying
F-15 Eagle Strinking Ground Target
Water Running 2
Squeaky Door Opens & Closes
Mail Call
Bird Hummingbird
Mess Call
F/A-18 Hornet Flying By #1
Bird Loon
Pay Day
Electric Typewriter
Boots And Saddles
Bird Seagull
Bird Sparrow
Turn To
Old Style Cash Register
Meta Lathe
Secure Or Pipe Down
Tire Pump
Dog Bark Medium 1
Manufacturing (Printing Press)
Dog Bark Medium 2
Marches - Anchors Aweigh
Dog Growl Medium 1
Dog Whine Large 2
Horse Gallop On Dirt
Horse Eating Hay
Horse Walking On Concrete
Insect Bee 1
Lion Roar
Tiger Roar
Wolves Howling 2
Walrus Roar
Leopard Snarl
Insect Fly
Insect Bee 2
Horse Walking On Gravel
Horse Gallop On Gravel 1
Dog Bark Medium 3
Dog Bark Large 2
Bird Chicken 2
Dinosaur Hiss
Cow Moo Internal
Cat Meow
Cat Hissing
F/A-18 Hornet Taking Off
F/A-18 Hornet Flying By #2
Bird Owl
F-16 Falcon Dropping 500lb Bomb #2
Bird Geese
Bird Dove
C-130 Flying Overhead
C-130 Taking Off
Airplane Takeoff
Airplane Landing
Wwii Airplane Dogfight
Alligator Growl
Reveille -For Morning Roll Call
Munich Frauenkirche
Jet Taking Off
Start Of First Five Lap Heat
Tray Of Dishing Crashing
One Motorcycle (Expert Class) - Downhill, - Round Turn, - Past Start Line, - Up Hill
Rain On Pavement, Distant Traffic
Horse Race Start
Sparring Match (With Trainer)
Horse Race Finish
Babbling Brook
Large Crowd Applause
Rope Skipping
Five Motorcycles - Around Turn And Up Hill, - Two Fast And Three Very Slow
Class Five Expert
Washing Machine: Start, Fill, Wash
Country Road: Car
Welcome To Scramble
Class Five Expert -Down Hill, - Round Turn, - Up Hill
Sweeping Broken Glass
Carousel: "Barbara" Polka (Pd)
Horse Eating Oats
Drivers' Talking On Starting Line
Calliope: "Dixie" (Pd)
Sound Of Many Motorcycles - Coming Out To Course, - Warming Up Onstart Line
One Motorcycle - Starting, - Warming Up, - Racing Off
Music Box: Aria - Mozart (Pd)
Hot- Air Balloons
Shoveling Snow
Down 35 Degree Hill
General Alarm
Walking In Leaves
Fire Torpedos
Passing Flat Ground, Then Climbing Hill
Back To Pit Area After Race
Footsteps To Green Door And Exit
Child's Wagon
Baby Sneezing, Laughing, Playing
Killer Whales - Sea Sounds
Sea Gulls, Staten Island Ferry
Class 4 Expert - Start Of Race
Tropical Birds
Sperm Whales
Irish Mail Pass
Sea Lions
Garage Truck
Forklift Moving Logs
Elevated Train
Dump Truck
Old Cash Register
Boeing 747: Landing
Rock Slide
Wedding Convoy
Tree Frogs
Puppy Crying
Auto Body Crusher
Printing Wallpaper
Mule Team
Crickets (Outdoors)
Walking On Stuble
Crickets (In Wire Cage)
Dragging Power Mower
Sawmill Scene
Screen Door
Cuckoo Clock
Invicta - 1932 Model #S-42
Bugatti - 1928 Type #37
Jaguar - 1936 Model #Ss-100
Country Road Car
Washing Machine: Rinse, Spin, Stop
Pope Paul Leaves Yankee Stadium, October 1965
Summer Band Concert Crowd
Bull Frogs
Pop Bottle Opening And Pouring
Model T Ford Passing
Record- Pressing Plant
Grist Mill Mechanism
Door Chime
Crickets (Outdoors)
Crow B
Street Sweeper Pass
Building Site: Noon
Fire Island Ferry, Full Speed
Protest March, April 1972
Subway Train Interior
Sunday Cycling, Central Park
Trolley Car Ride (Interior)
Packaging Machine: Collater
Sand Bag (With Trainer)
One Motorcylce (Amateur Class) - Around Turn, - Up Hill
Jungle Animal Sounds
Jungle Bird Sounds
Diesel Mechanics
Blow Torch
Hammer On Anvil
Truck Explosion
Awac Plane Taking Off
Tugboat Passing By
Tap Dance Steps
Sporting Event (with Crowd)
Soda Can Opening
Duck Quacking
Outdoor Bell Ringing
Large Wind Chimes
Glass Breaking
Bird Chirp
Dropping Metal Balls
Kissy Sounds
Putting Ice Into Glass
Bird Sounds
Airplane Noise
A/Fx Class Carr, 1964 Mercury And 1964 Comet
Rushing Water
Using a Hacksaw
Fa18 Launch
Fa18 Take Off
Cartoon Sploodge Noise
Drive Shaft Blows Up
Stupid Hiccup Sounds
Engine Trouble On Strip And Start Line
Wolf Whistle
Man Sneazing
Helicopter Crash
Boat Starting
Pouring a Drink
C-130 Take Off
B/D Dragster Start, One Goes, One Fire Goes Out
Ww1 Planes Dogfighting
Goofy Noise
A Fart
C-130 Fly By
Old Alarm Clock Bell
Diesel Train Crash
Man Coughing
S/Sa Class, Super Stock Automatic, Two Cars
B/Sa Class, Super Stock Automatic, Two Cars
B/Sa Class, Super Stock Automatic, One Car
G/Sa Class, Super Stock Automatic, Two Cars
Power Lawn-Mower
Airplane Sound
Plane Crash
Polynesian Drums
A/Sr Class Street Roadsters, Two Cars
C-130 Take Off 2
Sputnik I (Telemetry Sounds)
A/C Competition Class, Two Cars
Finish Line, Shut Down, Backing Off Of Engine
Finish Line, Backing Off Of Engine
Jet Fly By
Finish Line, Backing Off Of Engine
Finish Line, Two Stock Cars, One Beating The Other
Train Steam Whistle
Clothes-Line (New York City Back Yard, Sparrows)
Trolley 2
Squeal Of Super Stock On Start Line
Trolley 3
Accidental Chain-Explosion (Macy's Fireworks, June, 1964)
Tire Squeal Of A Sedan
Squeal Of I/S Class Car
Electric Can-Opener
Mechanical Toy (Being Wound, Running)
Squeal Of I/S Class Car
Biplane 2
Wooden Garage Door (Open, Close)
Aa/Fd Class Fuel Dragster, One Car
N.y. Jets Football Practice: Punt
Two D/D Class Dragsters
Jets Practice Play (Long Count, Grunting, Etc.)
Bus Approaching
Jets Practice
Jets Practice Passing Play
N.y. Mets Cheered Before Game (Let'S Go Mets!)
General Ball-Park Sounds (Before-Game Practice)
Helicopter Takeoff
B/Msp Modified Sports Car Class, Two Cars
Mets: Game Of Pepper
Mets: Batting Practice
Automatic Baseball-Pitching Machine
Stock Car Parade On Drag Strip
Motorcycle Starting
Rifle Game (Chicken Sam)
Submarine Dive Horn
Tugboat 2
Bus Door
Car Door
Car Crash 2
Car 2
Motorboat 2
Tunnel Traffic
Tractor 2
Boat 2
Tugboat 3
Car Cornering
Drag Race Of Two Aa/A Class Cars
B/Sp Stock Sports Class, One 1962 Corvette
A/Sp Stock Sports Class 1963 Cobra And 1964 Chevy Bad Run, Xmas Tree Not Working
A/Msp Modified Sports Car Class, Two Cars
A/G Gas Coupes And Sedan Class, Two Cars
Onde D/D Class Dragster
Biplane 3
Girl In Shower
X-15 Engine Test
Vanguard 3 (Telemetry Sounds)
Maori Chant
South-Sea Fertility Chant
M16 Rifle Fire
Giant Christmas Tree Fire 9300 Trees)
Sports Car Race (On Straightway)
The Sounds Of An Aa/A Class Engine
Drag Race (At Finish Line, Backing Off, Shutting Down)
Motorcycle Scramble (Climbing Hill, Shifting)
Ufo Sounds
Stock Car Race (Passing, Turning, Shifting)
Whiplashes, Slow
Whiplashes, Rapid
Helicopter Fly By
Horse Grunt
Start of Horse Race
Bar Fight
Bike Starting
Live Ocean Recording #1
Live Ocean Recording #3
Church Bell Ringing
Live Ocean Recording #5
Lawn Mower Sounds
Live Ocean Recording #6
Weed Eater Sounds
Cement Mixer Turning
Live Ocean Recording #10
Laser Sounds
Live Ocean Recording #11 (Extra Long)
Large Gun Shot
Dirtbikes Racing
Water Drip
Horse Whiny
Coo Coo Clock
Navajo Drums & Chanting
Police Whistle
Horse Eating 3
Bee Buzzing
Bird Chirps 5
Bird Chirps 6
Bird Chirps 7
Bird Chirps 8
Canary Trills
Canary Trills 2
Canary Trills 3
Cat 2
Cat 6
Cat 7
Cattle Drive
Chicken Coop 3
Chicken Laying Egg
Chickens 4
Cow 3
Cow 4
Cow 5
Cow 6
Dog Bark
Crocodile 5
Dog Yelp
Dog Fight
Dog Growl
Elephant Trumpeting
Elephant Angry
Elephant 2
Horse Grunt
Horse 3
Horse 5
Horse 6
Horse Snorts 2
Horse Snorts 4
Horse Snorts 5
Horse Snorts 6
Horse Whinny 4
Horse Whinny 5
Horse Whinny 6
Horse Whinny 12
Horse Whinny 13
Horse Whinny 14
Horse Whinny 15
Horse Whinny 16
Horse Whinny 21
Horse Whinny 22
Horse Walking
Jaguar Growl
Jungle Animal Sounds
Lion 5
Lion 6
Lion 8
Lion 13
Lion 14
Lion 15
Lion 16
Monkey 3
Monkey 4
Pack of Dogs
Ram 2
Rattlesnake 2
Sea Lion
Seal 3
Seal 2
Sheep 5
Sheep 4
Sheep 6
Tiger 2
Whale 2
Whale 3
Tiger 4
Sheep 2
Rooster 2
Rooster 3
Penguin 2
Lion 12
Lion 11
Lion 4
Lion 2
Lion 3
Horse Walking On Dirt
Horse Whinny 20
Horse Whinny 18
Horse Whinny 8
Horse Whinny 10
Horse Whinny 9
Horse Whinny
Horse 8
Horse 7
Barn Sounds
Horse 2
Dog 2
Crocodile 2
Crocodile 4
Crocodile 3
Chickens Hatching
Chickens 3
Horse Snorts
Cat 3
Canary Song
Bird 2
Bird Chirps 3
Swarm of Bees
Bear Attaching
Old Telephone Ring
Horse Eating
Horse Breathing
Small Plane Flying By
Knocking On Door
Live Ocean Recording #4
Chimes Tolling
Laser Modulations
Coast Guard Alarm
Truck Stops
Baby Laugh
Gorilla Snort
Wind Chimes
Lawn Mower
Bongo Drums
Refrigerator Ice Dispenser
Airport Noise
Bird Chirping
Mosquito Buzzing
Street Construction
Steam Shovel
Western Style Gun Fight
Alarm Clock Going Off
Aqua Lung
B-52 Take Off
Dropping Boots
Dogs Fighting
Opening Kitchen Drawer
Door & Scream
Radio Static
Household Portable Fan (Turning On, Off)
Opening Silverware Drawer
Turning On Bathroom Sink Water
Garage Door Opening
Microwave Sequence (Open, Buttons, Close)
Opening & Closing Sliding Glass Door
Garage Door Closing
Sink Draining
Cat Meows
Small Clock Ticking
Ice Crusher Dispensing Ice
Capuchin Monkey
Multiple Small Pistol Shots
Air Rescue Siren
Mountain Waterfall
Air Rescue Siren 2
Car Horn
Special Siren (Short)
Boat Siren
Euro Siren
Horse Eating Hay
Fire Truck
Quick Siren
Fireplace Going
Whiny Siren
Sound the Alarm
Auto Crash
Bike Won't Start
Bus Air Horn
Winding Down Siren
BMW Drive-by
Tires Peeling Out
BMW Drive-by (Fast)
Bus Applying Airbrakes
Electric Horn
Sports Cars
Bus Approach, Stop and Idle
Motorcycle Skidding to a Hault
Fire Engine Passing
Bus Approaches and Leaves
Slamming a Door 2
Bus Door Opening and Closing
Electric Drill
Bus Leaving (No. 1)
Door With Lots of Knocking
Bus Leaving (No. 2)
Bus Pulling Away
Arcade Game
Angry Mob
Cable Car - San Francisco, Passing Fast
Cable Car - San Francisco, Passing Slow
Bugle Call to Arms
Popping Champagne Cork
Car Attempt to Start, Weak Battery
Airplane Taxiing
Open and Closing Screen Door
Cash Register Sounds
Car Cornering, Tires Squeal
Indian War Whoops
Car Door, Open and Close (Take 1)
Car Door, Open and Close (Take 2)
Car Door, Open and Close (Take 3)
Car Door, Open and Close (Take 4)
Car Driving By
Car Driving Off Quickly
Car Horn (Take 1)
Car Horn (Take 2)
Car Horn (Take 3)
Car Horn (Take 9)
Car Skidding
Car Start
Car Start, Rev and Shut Off (Short)
Car Start, Rev and Shut Off (Long)
Car Stuck in Mud (Take 2)
Car Trying to Start
Diesel Truck Door Closing
Dirtbike Race (Take 1)
German Jeep Driving By (Take 3)
German Jeep Driving, Stopping, Pulling Away
German Jeep Pulling Away
German Jeep Staring and Driving Away
Jeep, Driving By (Take 3)
Jeep, Grinding Gears, Pulling In, Shutting Off
Jeep, Idle and Die
Jeep, Pulling In
Jeep, Pulling In and Stopping
Jeep, Starting
Jeep start and pull-out #3
Start, Rev Motor, and Die
Truck Door Closes
Van Idling
Working On a Diesel Truck
Volvo Skidding (Take 1)
Truck, Hydraulics Starting
Truck Idle
Truck Air Brakes
Opening the Door, Starting, and Closing Two Doors While Idling
Jeep, Stopping (Take 2)
Jeep, Pulling In and Turning Off (Take 2)
Jeep, Pulling In and Turning Off (Take 1)
Jeep, Driving By (Take 2)
German Jeep Pulling In, Stopping, Pulling Away (Take 2)
German Jeep Driving By (Take 1)
Dirtbike, Approach and Rev Motor
Cement Vibrator
Car Stuck in Mud (Take 1)
Car Start and Idle
Car Horn (Take 8)
Car Horn (Take 7)
Car Horn (Take 6)
Car Horn (From Inside)
Car Door, Warning Buzzer
Car Crash
Rifle Shots
Fire Enging Approach/Stop
Rapid Door Knocking
Power Saw
Slamming a Door 1
Pogo Stick
Thunder Sounds
Door Opening
Fire Truck (with Horn)
Salvation Army Bell (Christmas)
Alert Siren
Poppin Some Champagne
Breaking an Egg
Heavy Breathing & Heartbeat
Old Fashioned Toilet Flush
Anti-Aircraft Fire
Plane Crash
Arrow Flying By (Archery)
Cows in Barn
Car Crash
Kitchen Drawer Closed
Tropical Jungle Birds
Old Clothes Dryer
Rifle Shots
Sink Draining
Jaguar Snarl
More Machine Gun
Slamming a Door
Horse Screaming
Door Latching Closed
Doorbell Chimes
Rainfall & Distant Thunder
Horse Drawn Wagon
Frying, Sizzling
Napalm Bomb Burst
Car Exploding
Pack of Dogs
Coffee Brewer
Dog Drinking Water
Infantry Attacks With Tanks and Helicopter
Tray of Dishes Crashing
Dogs Barking
Baby Pig
Pigs Feeding
Zipper Going Down
Lion Growling
Old Electric Shaver
Old Electric Pencil Sharpener
Jungle Animals
Gorilla Growl
Dive Warning Air Horn
Old Slot Machine
Old Electric Mixer
Barnyard Animals
War Battles
Jet Bombers
Mortar Cannon
M48 Tank in Motion
Infantry Attacks With Tank
Dynamite Explosions
Mortar Explosions X3
Horse Snorting
Machine Guns, Grenades, Bombs
Horse Passing By
Machine Gun
Chicken Coop
Chicken Cackling
Starting and Stopping a Grinder
Amusement Park Race Cars
Cougar Roar
Dynamite Explosion
Explosion Falling Debris & Tinkle
Ice Crunching
Land Slide
Light Beam Rebounding
Sh-3 Seaking Helicopter Hovering
Sneeze 2
Jet Crashes On Runway
Sports Car Crashes Into Tree
Copter Fly-By
Riviere AC Current
Space Vehicle Launch
Body Falls, Scream, Thud
Jeep Start
Polynesian Fertility Chant
Horse Eating Grain
Mixed Crowd, Noisy, Laughing
Bee Buzzing
Doberman Pincher Barking
Gunfire and Explosion
Hammer Striking Metal
Firetruck With Siren
Church Bell
Civil War Battle
The Jungle
Jet Bombers
Jeep Idle and Die
Single Engine Plane Crash
Launching Boat in Storm
Man & Woman Moaning
Roller Coaster
Hinged Stall Door Opening 1
Photon Shots
Horses Galloping
Ocean Waves Lapping
Delta Force F-14 Jet Idle and Catapult Take Off
Air Craft Carrier Jet Arresting Cable Machinery
Some Fox Hounds
Strike Force Battleship Engine Room F.X.
Trumpet Fanfare - Mounted Troop
Opening & Closing Stall Door
Creaking Door Open
Jet Pilot and Control Tower Chatter and Jet Landing
Radar Room Chatter During Deployment Mission
727 Crash With Fire Alarms
Airplane Dog Fight With Crash
Fireplace Roaring
English Auction, Bids, Crowd Reaction
Machine Gun Fire
The Jungle 2
Captain's Bridge Buzzer Alarm Hollywood Sound Effects
Bang, Bell & Fall
Police Siren American
Deep Submarine Sonar Pings
African Drums
Man Pushing Wheelbarrow, Whistling
Air Raid Siren
Dirtbike Race
Police Siren European
Anti Aircraft Cannon Single Shot 2
Small Machine Shop_Garage
Animal Growls
Anti Aircraft 4 Cannons Firing Single Shots2
Industrial Montage_Boat, Planes, Train, Machinery
Fiat Hard Brake
Electric Timer and Explosion
Helicopter Insertion of Navy Seals Sfx
Dunebuggy Driving Away
Hand Grenade Thrown, Rolls to Stop & Explodes
Door Latch
Birds - Children Playing
Multiple Car Crash
Lathe Machine Heavy Cut
Farm Animals
Volcano Eruption
Battlefield Explosions and Atomic Winter Wind
Slowing Pour Water in Bucket
Glass & Metal Crash
Syrian Town Under Fire EFX
Galloping Horseback, Birds and Water Background
Dog Fight
Piano Crash, Falls Downstairs
Bombardment on a Large Scale
Mountain Lion Growl
Scream in Echo
Destructive Bomb Explosion
Spring Storm - Wind, Heavy Rain
Plate Glass Window Pane Broken
Mortar Fire into a City Office Block
Creepy Thing
Guns, Explosions & Screaming Crowds
Deep Rumbling Atomic Blast
Battle - Swords, Axes, Horses, Men Yelling
Indian Attack - Gunfire, Horses, Wagons
Flame Thrower Continuous Medium Bursts Sound FX
Crazy Doings
Launching a Grenade
Babies and Mothers
Constant Grenade Launches and Hits
Trip - Traffic, Busy Crowd, Chirdren's Playground, Pedestrians
Close Call Cannon Burst
Machine Gun Burst
Drag Race - Cars Starting, Crowd Background
Car Approaches - Wins, Crowd Reaction
Machine Gun Single Round Fire
Urban Background - Traffic, Clock Striking, Construction Sounds
Machine Gun Slow Fire
M-60 Machine Gun Two Short Bursts Sfx
Thompson Sub Machine Gun Short Burst EFX
Thompson Sub Machine Gun Long Burst
Hk53 Machine Gun Single Shot
Hk53 Machine Gun Short Burst
Hk53 Machine Gun Long Burst
Small Military Mortar Launch
Cruise Missile Passing Overhead
High Speed Rocket Fly By
Submarine Sonar Monitor Screen
Underwater Recording of Torpedo Launch from a Submarine
Submarine Hatch Open with Underwater Pressure Release
Deadly Sword Strike
Sherman Tank Pass By
Sherman Tank Taking Aim with Onboard Mounted Howitzer
F-15 Fighter Jet Pass Overhead
Twin Huey Helicopter Hovering
Helicopter Start and Throttle Up
Helicopter Take Off
Helicopter Low Overhead Pass by Sound Effect
Helicopter Interior in Flight
An Act of Valor: Storming the Beach Full Military Battle
Vietnam Fire Fight with Helicopter Air Support
Huey Helicopter Lift off and Depart EFX
Huey Helicopter Idling
F-16 Fighter Jet Pass Overhead
Sherman Tank Manoever
Torpedo Fire Hollywood Sound Effects
World War II Submarine Dive with Heavy Creaking and Metallic Hits
M-16 a Automatic Rifle 3 Round Burst
M-16 a Automatic Rifle Single Shot
Mac 10 Machine Gun Low Burst 2
Quick Machine Gun Rattle Burst
Mac 10 Machine Gun Low Burst 1
M-16 Machine Gun Burst
Giggling and Laughing - Small Group
Howitzer Cannon Burst and Sound Decay
Laughter and Clapping, Small Group
Cat Purring and Meowing
Building and Running, Weird Machine
Flame Thrower Long Burst and Decay
Atom Bomb
Glass Break
Finger Cymbals
Recess - School Bell, Children Playing
The Jungle 3
Searching for Something, Paper Rattle, Cans, Boxes Falling
F-14 Tomcat Fly-By
Shower Curtain Closed
Birds, Water, Indian Drums
Crunches & Cracks
Old Casino Sounds
Battle With Rifle Ricochets
Bloodhounds Baying
Outdoor Market, Crowd Background, Carts
Busy Bar, Music, Crowd Sings Along
Pinball Machine
Rain - Wind - Earthquake
Laser 1
Taps - Wind - Train Approaches
Signing off for the Comedy Trio
Two Helicopters Collide
Bomb Dropping
Pro Baseball Practice
Guillotine & Small Boat Explodes and Sinks
Steam Locomotive Crash
Baby Sneezing & Laughing
Rain Beating on Window
Tiger Growling
Footsteps on Gravel
Space Satellite
Blast of Wind
Horse Whiny
Cement Mixer Turning
Ghostly Sounds
Old Fire Truck
Chimes Tolling
Creaking Door Closes
Laser Sounds
Hitting Golf Balls
Demonic Laughter
Large Gun Shot
Ghostly Music
Small Cougar Roar
A Happy Baby (Laughing)
Dirtbikes Racing
Goat Eating from a Bottle
Knocking On Door
Air Conditioner Unit
Small Plane Flying By
Thunder Rumble
Tropical Birds in Forest
Electric Saw (Old Style)
Baby Pig
Chicken Cackling
Ticking Clock Sound
Church Bell
Coo Coo Clock
M-14 Rifle (Gun Sounds)
War Sounds (Army Navy Marines)
Water Drip
Lion (Wild Animal)
Navajo Drums & Chanting
Police Whistle
Raking Leaves
Old Fire Truck
Electric Typewriter
Raising Mini Blinds
Alarm Clock Going Off
Duck Jumps Into Pond
Monkeys Chattering
Alligators, Hissing
Brushing Teeth
Baby Duck
M16 Rifle Fire
Lawn Mower Sounds
Ebb & Flow on a Sandy Beach
Stormy Sea
Thunder Storm
River Flow
Wolf Howling
Pigs (3)
Bird Songs
Another Cat
Dog Barking
Sheep & Goats
Chickens 2
Horses Trotting On
Cow 2
Panther Roaring
Horse Crossing Wood
Dog Bark
Elephant Trumpeting
Horse 2
Horse Whinny
Unlocking Door
Jungle Animal Sounds
Lion 2
Glass Smashes
Monkey 2
Woman Screaming
Laughs (5)
Sheep 2
Laughs (7)
Sh-3 Helicopter Flying By
Diesel Truck Horn
Chinese Gong
Swamp Noises
Cash Register Sounds
Lazer Beam
Giggling and Laughing
Constant Flight - Helicopter
Cartoon Top Sound FX - Zip
Slip Bang
Drum Roll
Chopping Tree
Dice Throwing
Pinball Machine
Water Lapping
Slot Machine and Payout
Cards Shuffle and Play
Pneumatic Drill
Outboard Motor - Start Up
Helicopter Start Up
Filing Cabinet
Walking Down Hall
Sword Fight
Laughs (8)
Laughs (6)
Laughs (4)
Demonic Laughter
Household (2)
Prop Engine Passby
Locking Door
Knock on Door Then Open
Door Buzzer Then Open
Creaking Door Closes
Creaking Door Opens
Ghostly Sounds
Tiger Growling
Bird Chirps
Pigs (2)
Ebb & Flow on a Rocky Beach
Waves Crashing on Rocks