Crazy Babies CRAZY!! BABIES!! Crazy babies never say die Born to live on a permanent high Flying high above the world below Better come down soon, Or everyone will know just why Nobodys gonna change them, change them They've gone over the top Nobodys gonna tame them, tame them They're never gonna stop Walk that walk Talk that talk Walk that walk Talk that talk CRAZY!! BABIES!! When they were born They were born to be wild Some say I'm another devil's child Crazy babies in a world of their own I am a crazy babe Youd better leave me alone tonight Nobodys gonna change me, change me I'm gonna do this til I die Nobodys gonna tame me, tame me So you better not try Walk that walk Talk that talk Walk that walk Talk that talk CRAZY!! BABIES!! No use talking about if they'll last Where they're going or about they're past Theyre just a result of our society So frustrated Just like you and me, that's right Nobodys gonna change them, change them They've gone over the top Nobodys gonna tame them, tame them They're never gonna stop Walk that walk Talk that talk Walk that walk Talk that talk