Children Go Where I Send Thee Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee one by one One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee two by two Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee three by three Three for the Hebrew children... Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee four by four Four for the stood at the door... Three for the Hebrew children... Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee five by five Five for the gospel preachers... Four for the stood at the door... Three for the Hebrew children... Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee six by six Six for the six that never got fixed... Five for the gospel preachers... Four for the stood at the door... Three for the Hebrew children... Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee seven by seven Seven for the seven that never got to heaven... Six for the six that never got fixed... Five for the gospel preachers... Four for the stood at the door... Three for the Hebrew children... Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee eight by eight Eight for the eight that stood at the gate... Seven for the seven that never got to heaven... Six for the six that never got fixed... Five for the gospel preachers... Four for the stood at the door... Three for the Hebrew children... Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee nine by nine Nine for the nine all dressed so fine... Eight for the eight that stood at the gate... Seven for the seven that never got to heaven... Six for the six that never got fixed... Five for the gospel preachers... Four for the stood at the door... Three for the Hebrew children... Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Children, go where I send thee, How shall I send thee? I'm gonna send thee ten by ten Ten for the ten commandments... Nine for the nine all dressed so fine... Eight for the eight that stood at the gate... Seven for the seven that never got to heaven... Six for the six that never got fixed... Five for the gospel preachers... Four for the stood at the door... Three for the Hebrew children... Two for Paul and - Silas One for the little bitty - baby Born, born, born in Bethlehem. Yes he was born, yes he was born... Born, born, born in Bethlehem.