Too Far Gone Forgive me love, I am not thinking clearly. How you turn it up, When you look at me that way. There’s a fire in bloom. Smoke it fills the room up. I hold you to blame, If this whole house burns up. Oh now we’re just too far gone Oh now we’re just too far gone And I’ve lost all control, As you’ve taken ahold, Now we’re too far gone. Oh all the shadows, Cast from you Lost in the light you're beaming now, Pure, lit like the sun. And I’m only human, but you drive me wild. How you’ve got me feeling Higher than the ceiling. Oh now we’re just too far gone Oh now we’re just too far gone And I’ve lost all control, As you’ve taken ahold, Now we’re too far gone Now we’re too far gone Now we’re too far gone And I’ve lost all control, As you’ve taken ahold, Now we’re too far gone