Black Realm\'s Majesty BLACK REALMS' MAJESTY! Arkan's friends were now convinced, They knew the real truth, Just her sacrifice would have been real hope for the Zaephyr's salvation The old Vaikaris so spoke these were his own words from Her sad arrival, He was sure that she was hiding something She is the portal of cosmic evil, All demons live in her alien breath She keeps the seed of the far oblivion and for all this She's condemned to death BLACK REALMS' MAJESTY LIGHT MY SAD DESTINY, MY DEATH MAY FREE HIS WORLD, CHAOS WILL NOT USE ME ANYMORE Arkan stopped her bitter words with a kiss so warm When she asked him to let her die there in the embrace of that frost She could not accept the truth She was the cause of all, And knew evil now was using her as passage for its coming The eclipse is the sun of its newborn kingdom, The demons, the soldiers of this dark war It wants to conquer the holy planet, It wants to rape the spirit of love BLACK REALMS' MAJESTY LIGHT MY SAD DESTINY, MY DEATH MAY FREE HIS WORLD, CHAOS WILL NOT USE ME ANYMORE I will die in his name To close the portal to free my pain BLACK REALMS' MAJESTY LIGHT MY SAD DESTINY, MY DEATH MAY FREE HIS WORLD, CHAOS WILL NOT USE ME ANYMORE ANYMORE…