Soon As I Get Paid Ring-a-ling with the telephone Is the man of the house home Your master card is overdue We need a payment from you Right now Right away I ain't got nothing to send you today But I'm gonna give you all your money Soon as I get paid The joint was jumping It was Saturday night Her hair was long And her dress was tight I looked at her She looked at me And the champagne started flowing Till a quarter to three Look Mr. Bartender I'm gonna make it okay I?ll give you all your money Soon as I get paid Monday morning Money's gone It's a doggone shame Don't worry I?ll get you straight We'll be fine You'll get yours When I get mine Got a letter From the IRS Saying your tax return Is a terrible mess We want our money We don't like to wait Please come in and see us On such and such a date Right now Right away Don't get crazy Don't try no mess Or we'll take all your money Soon as you get paid Soon as you get paid