Please, Daddy (Don't Get Drunk This Christmas) This song appears on three albums, and was first released on the farewell andromeda album, and has also been released on the rocky mountain christmas and country classics albums. Please daddy, don't get drunk this christmas I don't wanna see my mumma cry Please daddy, don't get drunk this christmas I don't wanna see my mumma cry Just last year when i was only seven And now i'm almost eight as you can see You came home at a quarter past eleven Fell down underneath our christmas tree Please daddy, don't get drunk this christmas I don't wanna see my mumma cry Please daddy, don't get drunk this christmas I don't wanna see my mumma cry Mumma smiled and looked outside the window She told me son, you better go upstairs Then you laughed and hollered merry christmas I turned around and saw my mumma's tears Please daddy, don't get drunk this christmas I don't wanna see my mumma cry Please daddy, don't get drunk this christmas I don't wanna see my mumma cry No, i don't wanna see my mumma cry Words and music by bill danoff and taffy nivert