Dead Roses (4harry that is crazy) cigarette rolling to remind me of my grandpa name (一根又一根的点燃直到想起他的名字) I think people at the bottom are living in da pain (底层的人们都生活在痛苦之中) I answer every call, I wonder ifI'll ever hear his voice again (每一个电话我都会接因为有时候可能你再也听不到他的声音第二次了) R. I. P My Grand I can buy all designer shit i cant take back time (我可以买到所有的奢侈品但我买不回时间) I feel so lonely round the street dirty in my mind (邪恶的想法滋生在孤冷的街巷里) Pray4 My Homie got the Racks Ican't imagine them dying (祈祷我的兄弟能找到属于他自己的钱我根本无法接受他们死亡) It's like an Internet friend he never gets online (就像你在网上交的朋友他可能一瞬间就消失了) I dont wanna see a star falling (我不想再看到一颗流星坠落) If u miss him just call him (如果你现在想他就直接打过去) Yeahhh~ Uh Uh Uh~ Uh Uh see a angel falling (目睹着希望破灭) why dont you go back home? (他们问他怎么不回家) shawty you can calling my phone (当你需要释放可以找我宣泄情绪) you pretty Like Dead Rose (就像一朵死玫瑰一样绽放) 等雨过会有彩虹 Im RockStar In Da Trenches, (我是战壕里的明星) I Dont Know Who Are You (我不关心你是哪位) My Voice Like Sword Quench (我的声音就像把淬火的剑) Bless My mind nah fool (庆幸我没走上歪路子) My words are like seeds (我唱的歌词就像一颗颗种子) 让花盛开在 Stu 我是真的街头明星 就算不穿B22 Open My ID4 不用想我直接录 Remember My旧 Airforce 陪我走的那些路 你说你现在火 过两年也记不住 They want to change the blood (是个人都说要给圈子换血) 我直接动手术 Before My Did it life can beat me let me feeling this pain (在我做到之前生活压垮我让我无法喘息) My grandpa told me that Some truth shit him cant say it again (小时候他教我的道理已经再也说不出了) Tylenol **** my brain (泰诺让我产幻) they just wanna be my friend (他们为了利益向我示好) I Chosen did it again (哪怕我再来一次) I know I Born to the Win (我也知道我生来就是赢的) WhenI'm走起 all on own me (把欠我的都补起) Put down OG (把老 b换下来) with da homie (和我的兄弟) drop da project (再发张项目) I been ballin (享受荣华富贵) 比起可以 我要彻底 当我舍弃 她的 earring 每个序幕 每个 Morning 每个设计 每次落笔 换块 rolex that deverve it (这是我该得的) 每次折翼 there be Hurt Me (都留下伤痕) 写进歌里 才记得 可歌可泣 可悲可喜 全都放进 北冰河 cigarette rolling to remind me of my grandpa name (一根又一根的点燃直到想起他的名字) I think people at the bottom are living in da pain (底层的人们都生活在痛苦之中) I answer every call, I wonder ifI'll ever hear his voice again (每一个电话我都会接因为有时候可能你再也听不到他的声音第二次了) R. I. P My Grand I can buy all designer shit i cant take back time (我可以买到所有的奢侈品但我买不回时间) I feel so lonely round the street dirty in my mind (邪恶的想法滋生在孤冷的街巷里) Pray4 My Homie got the Racks Ican't imagine them dying (祈祷我的兄弟能找到属于他自己的钱我根本无法接受他们死亡) It's like an Internet friend he never gets online (就像你在网上交的朋友他可能一瞬间就消失了) I dont wanna see a star falling (我不想再看到一颗流星坠落) If u miss him just call him (如果你现在想他就直接打过去) Yeahhh~ Uh Uh Uh~ Uh Uh see a angel falling (目睹着希望破灭) why dont you go back home? (他们问他怎么不回家) shawty you can calling my phone (当你需要释放可以找我宣泄情绪) you pretty Like Dead Rose (就像一朵死玫瑰一样绽放) 等雨过会有彩虹